A Tribute For Carolyn Male-Want to participate?

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A Tribute For Carolyn Male-Want to participate?


Post: # 12662Unread post HL2601
Mon Mar 02, 2020 4:39 pm

I posted this on another forum but wanted to make sure anyone who wants to participate can.
Here is the post-
So, many here want to honor Carolyn and her contribution. How about this for a tribute? In her book she highlighted 100 top favorites and several that almost made the cut, I can't think of a better tribute than if the tomato community grew out the varieties she listed and then did a mass distribution. Maybe individuals could be in charge of growing 1 or more varieties from the list. They could save seed in pkgs of 5 seeds so more packets could be distributed. It could be run sort of like an MMMM. I could keep the running list of which varieties are being grown. UPDATE-By popular demand- this also includes any varieties Carolyn offered or that she spoke about highly.

People would have a deadline to send in labeled baggies by Nov 1, 2020. A redistribution to participants and others could occur in January 2021. We could then assure some of the more obscure varieties don't disappear. Her spirit would live on throughout the world as many grow in Carolyn's honor. Experienced gardeners and site newbies welcome. Any interest? If so,please post which variety(ies) you are going to grow below in this thread.
Please let me know if I have missed any.

I got my book out, and here is her list: Varieties in red are being grown. LIST LAST UPDATED 4/13
100 Heirloom Tomatoes for the American Garden
by Carolyn J. Male

1. Aker’s West Virginia
2. Amish Paste
3. Amish Salad
4. Andrew Rahart’s Jumbo Red
5. Anna Russian
6. Aunt Ginny’s Purple
7. Aunt Ruby’s German Green

8. Basinga
9. Big Rainbow
10. Black From Tula
11. Box Car Willie
12. Brandywine OTV
13. Brandywine Pink ( Sudduth Strain)
14. Brandywine Red
15. Brandywine Yellow ( Platfoot Strain)

16. Break O’ Day
17. Brianna
18. Bulgarian #7
19. Bulgarian Triumph
20. Cherokee Chocolate
21. Cherokee Purple
22. Chris Ukrainian
23. Crnkovic Yugoslavian
24. Cuostralee
25. Debbie
26. Dr. Carolyn
27. Dr. Lyle
28. Dr. Neal
29. Dr. Wyche’s Yellow
30. Druzba
31. Earl of Edgecombe
32. Eva Purple Ball
33. Germaid Red
34. German Head
35. German Red Strawberry
36. Gogosha
37. Gold Ball, Livingston’s
38. Golden queen (USDA Strain)
39. Green ( Dorothy’s Green)
40. Green Gage
41. Green Grape
42. Green Zebra
43. Grosse Cotelee
44. Heidi

45. Herman’s Yellow
46. Hugh’s
47. Hungarian Oval
48. Jaune Flammee
49. Jaune Negib
50. Jefferson Giant

51. Kellogg’s Breakfast
52. Kiev
53. Large Pink Bulgarian
54. Lida Ukrainian
55. Lillian’s Yellow Heirloom
56. Manyel
57. Marizol Gold
58. Martino’s Roma
59. Mary Ann
60. Matchless ( Austin Strain)originally misidentified- 'Quarter Century' (an old, historic dwarf variety from Burpee).
61. Matina
62. Mortgage Lifter(Estler's)
63. Mule Team
64. Nectarine
65. Nicky CRAIN
66. Noir de Crimee
67. Olena Ukrainian
68. Omar’s Lebanese
69. Opalka
70. Orange Strawberry

71. Pale Perfect Purple
72. Peach Blow Sutton
73. Pink Ice
74. Pink Ping Pong
75. Pink Sweet
76. Plum Lemon
77. Polish C
78. Rasp Large Red
79. Redfield Beauty
80. Red Pear
81. Red Penna
82. Regina’s Yellow
83. Reif Red Heart
84. Riesentraube
85. Russian #117 orange and yellow
86. Sandul Moldovan
87. Santa Clara Canner
88. Soldacki
89. Sophie’s Choice
90. Stupice

91. Sutton
92. Tangella
93. Tiffen Menonite
94. Ukrainian Heart ( o’Neill Strain)
95. Ukrainian Heart ( TNMUJ Strain)

96. White Queen
97. Wins All
98. Wuhib

99. Yellow Pear
100. Zogola
ADDED VARIETIES-from her offerings
2.Moravskyi Div
3.Orange Minsk
4.Pervaya Lyubov
5.Toedebusch Pink

6. HeShPole-
7. Dikovinka
8. That Russian Tomato
9. Schokoladnaja Sosulka
10. Galina

11. Grandma Oliver's Chocolate
11. Irish Pink
12. Yellow Bosnian
13. Lo Fischer Yellow
14. Pink Flamingo

15. Zolotoy Zapas
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Re: A Tribute For Carolyn Male-Want to participate?


Post: # 12664Unread post SpookyShoe
Mon Mar 02, 2020 4:59 pm

I'm growing Eva Purple Ball and Black from Tula as we speak. And I almost forgot...Cherokee Purple.
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Re: A Tribute For Carolyn Male-Want to participate?


Post: # 12667Unread post HL2601
Mon Mar 02, 2020 5:21 pm

Well That's a great start if you would be willing to save seeds?

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Re: A Tribute For Carolyn Male-Want to participate?


Post: # 12669Unread post Shule
Mon Mar 02, 2020 5:29 pm

You might add some other tomatoes she talked about outside her book to the list. She seemed to like Moravsky Div and Orange Minsk, for example.
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Re: A Tribute For Carolyn Male-Want to participate?


Post: # 12671Unread post clara
Mon Mar 02, 2020 5:34 pm

I'd suggest that we also grow varieties she shared in her annual seed offers, not only those of her book. I'm growing 6 or 7 varieties I got from her, among them Durmitor, Pervaya Lyubov, Toedebusch Pink to name a few. I'll save as much seeds as I can to give them to a new MMMM here (or elsewhere).

Sorry to add to my post: Due to my own Covid 19 infection, I had a rather bad tomato year. No Durmitor, no Pervaya Lyubov, no Toedebusch Pink seeds from me, sigh...
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Re: A Tribute For Carolyn Male-Want to participate?


Post: # 12673Unread post MissS
Mon Mar 02, 2020 5:38 pm

That is a wonderful tribute to Carolyn and a great way to keep all of these beloved varieties going. I think that she would be rather pleased.
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Re: A Tribute For Carolyn Male-Want to participate?


Post: # 12677Unread post HL2601
Mon Mar 02, 2020 6:01 pm

I agree anybody should send any tomato from Carolyn's seed offers or those personally received from her as well. The more the merrier. I also don't want to step on any MMMM feet. This isn't to take place of that tradition because it is so loved! This is just an additional way to honor Carolyn.

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Re: A Tribute For Carolyn Male-Want to participate?


Post: # 12705Unread post EdieJ
Mon Mar 02, 2020 10:58 pm

I believe the "Mortgage Lifter" should read "Mortgage Lifter - Estler's." She posted more than once on one of the old sites that she found the Estler's to be better than any of the several others by the same name. I am growing them this year specifically for seed since seeds of this are hard to come by. Hopefully the stars will align and we will have a decent year. If we do I should have seeds to share for next year. A couple other people have also graciously offered to grow some out for me.
One of my other favorites from her list is Big Rainbow.
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Re: A Tribute For Carolyn Male-Want to participate?


Post: # 12710Unread post pmcgrady
Tue Mar 03, 2020 1:13 am

Ive grown 11 on Carolyn's list...10 really good ones...and one that sucked!
1) Big Rainbow (tasty!)
2) Box Car Willie (big, plump, a keeper)
3) Cuostralee ( they took all year to get a couple BIG tomatoes)
4) Jaune Flamme (one of my favorites for taste, I plant every year)
5) Kellog's Breakfast (Good KBX)
6) MuleTeam (another good tomato from Ben)
7) Opalka (big paste, but seems to have BER here)
8) Red Penna (perfect tomatoes, another pick for Ben)
9) Riesentrube (one of my favorite cherries)
10) Russian #117 ( grew 1 plant last year, few tomatoes, but good)

and #11... Yellow Pear (yuktooie)
A spitter and a splitter all in one tomato!

I have most of these seeds (except Big Rainbow)
Some of these my be starting to get 4-5 years old...
If anyone wants to give a try, let me know!

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Re: A Tribute For Carolyn Male-Want to participate?


Post: # 12715Unread post svalli
Tue Mar 03, 2020 4:37 am

This year I have sown so far only Jaune Flammee from that list. I would love to contribute the seeds for this distribution.

I did participate twice in Carolyn's seed offers few years ago and now I may have to check what I got from her and try germinate those seeds too. I had already my 15 varieties sown, but added two others on Sunday and now I have to figure out how to squeeze in a bit more.

"I only want to live in peace, plant potatoes and dream."
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Re: A Tribute For Carolyn Male-Want to participate?


Post: # 12737Unread post nagi999
Tue Mar 03, 2020 11:14 am

I would like to participate....I will try to grow Omar's Lebanese, Russian 117 or German Red Strawberry thanks!

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Re: A Tribute For Carolyn Male-Want to participate?


Post: # 12785Unread post habitat-gardener
Tue Mar 03, 2020 7:56 pm

I've already started Crnkovic Yugoslavian, Eva Purple Ball, and Opalka this year. If my seeds germinate and the plants do well in this climate (and if I can find enough room in my garden for all 40-some varieties I started!), and if I get any tomatoes, I can save seeds. I've also started Medovaya Kaplya, which I originally got from one of Carolyn's seed offers. Not to mention the varieties I got from Farmer Shawn's recent seed offer!

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Re: A Tribute For Carolyn Male-Want to participate?


Post: # 12827Unread post eyolf
Wed Mar 04, 2020 9:32 am

I just learned of Dr Carolyn's passing.

A word about me: in the era from about 1990-2005 I went way too deep in the tomato obsession, eventually learning to cross varieties and select for certain qualities. I was always searching for a tasty tomato that would offer fruit before the end of August in my MN garden. I never really succeeded in getting a huge beefsteak by August 10, but did enjoy a few determinates...playing around with the short internode gene (which seems to be associated with blossom retention during cold night temps)

Then a trade with a Georgia Truck gardener who noticed a potato-leaf cross with that trait in 1998. At first dissapointing; only one of 40 plants grown the first year were satisfactory. Then 13 of 36, By 2008 it was stable and I began sharing seeds of HeShPoLe (Heart-shaped Potato Leaf)

In 2012, I entered local politics and abandoned the quest.

Im now retired, and decided to try to resuscitate the old garden projects. I wont have 2.5 acres of test plots, but perhaps enough tomatoes to eat. I found seeds dated as far back as 2003, and conducted germination tests; so far nothing too promising, but I do have one HeShPoLe each from 2008 and 2010 that have shed the seed coat. I recall that old seeds will sometimes send out a root, but then lack the energy to stand up and display cotyledons.

Rattling around in the closet, looking for saved seeds, I ran across Dr Carolyn's book, and while I cant access the emails we shared (that ISP went belly up a few years ago), I did have a couple of notes that went along with seed trades. I left it up to Carolyn to disseminate the HeShPoLe, sending her about 500 seeds in 2010, because by that time mobility issues made gardening hard. It was a way to allow her to keep in touch and stay involved.

Now I see she's gone...but the tomato is out on the web. Thank you, Dr Carolyn.
Hopefully, the two I got to wake up will give me fresh seed for next year.

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Re: A Tribute For Carolyn Male-Want to participate?


Post: # 12831Unread post AZGardener
Wed Mar 04, 2020 9:49 am

I've got a few from her list growing this year. If they are healthy and produce for me I'll be happy to
donate seeds. :-)

Box Car Willie
Brandywine OTV
Dr. Carolyn
Dr. Wyche's Yellow
Lillian's Yellow Heirloom
Mule Team
Russian Yellow 117
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Re: A Tribute For Carolyn Male-Want to participate?


Post: # 12843Unread post Sue_CT
Wed Mar 04, 2020 11:46 am

Honestly, my garden every year is a tribute to Carolyn. This year I will be growing the Estler ML seeds, the last of the ones she gave me, next to seeds I saved from grow outs of her seeds, next to seeds from EdieJ. It will be Mortgage Lifter Palooza and I am sure Carolyn would have been interested in seeing the results when they are all compared to each other, and I will be saving seeds again. Any room I have left will go to varieties Carolyn recommended to me, including Box Car Willie. I always try to include at least one heart in her honor. :)

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Re: A Tribute For Carolyn Male-Want to participate?


Post: # 12879Unread post Gardadore
Wed Mar 04, 2020 4:48 pm

Love this idea. I have 34 varieties from the list and 2 from the trades.

Amish Paste
Anna Russian
Aunt Ginny’s Purple
Aunt Ruby’s German Green
Big Rainbow
Black From Tula
Box Car Willie
Brandywine Pink ( Sudduth Strain)
Brandywine Red
Brandywine Yellow ( Platfoot Strain)
Cherokee Chocolate
Cherokee Purple
Crnkovic Yugoslavian
Dr. Carolyn
Dr. Wyche’s Yellow
Earl of Edgecombe
German Red Strawberry
Jaune Flammee
Kellogg’s Breakfast
Lillian’s Yellow Heirloom
Orange Strawberry
Plum Lemon
Red Penna
Reif Red Heart
Russian #117 (is red)
Sandul Moldovan
Sophie’s Choice
Yellow Pear

Orange Minsk
Toedebusch Pink

Since I only have Jaunne Flamme and KBX (potato leaf variety of Kelloggs) on my 2020 grow list I would be willing to share seeds from the other varieties I have to be grown out and distributed. I am out of the country at the moment so must check how many seeds I have of each variety. Let me know if you would like to grow out a variety not mentioned above to grow out! Will let you know after March 15 what I can send you! Just asking for SASE to send them.
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Re: A Tribute For Carolyn Male-Want to participate?


Post: # 12885Unread post HL2601
Wed Mar 04, 2020 6:16 pm

Thanks to everyone so far who has volunteered to grow and to those who have offered seed to others so they could grow Carolyn's varieties. Carolyn is smiling somewhere...

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Re: A Tribute For Carolyn Male-Want to participate?


Post: # 13194Unread post Rajun Gardener
Sun Mar 08, 2020 9:46 am

I'll grow a couple varieties too. Do you have a list of who's growing what so we know what needs to be grown?
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Re: A Tribute For Carolyn Male-Want to participate?


Post: # 13230Unread post FarmerShawn
Sun Mar 08, 2020 4:20 pm

I was also going to post this on the other forum in the thread of the same name, but I cannot for the life of me find it. Anybody know if it has been removed for some reason?
Anyway, I said I'd post what seeds I have that I may be able to grow out to contribute to this effort, so here's my lists:

Ones from Carolyn’s book that I have seeds for. Older ones have most-recent-year’s seed dates indicated. All others are at most three years old.
2. Amish Paste
5. Anna Russian
6. Aunt Ginny’s Purple
7. Aunt Ruby’s German Green
10. Black From Tula 2014
13. Brandywine Pink ( Sudduth Strain)
14. Brandywine Red Landis Valley
15. Brandywine Yellow (Platfoot Strain) 2012
17. Brianna
21. Cherokee Purple
23. Crnkovic Yugoslavian
24. Cuostralee 2014
26. Dr. Carolyn 2012
27. Dr. Lyle 2012
29. Dr. Wyche’s Yellow 2012
30. Druzba
32. Eva Purple Ball
35. German Red Strawberry 2012
42. Green Zebra
44. Heidi
48. Jaune Flammee
51. Kellogg’s Breakfast
55. Lillian’s Yellow Heirloom
58. Martino’s Roma
61. Matina
66. Noir de Crimee 2014
67. Olena Ukrainian
69. Opalka
70. Orange Strawberry
74. Pink Ping Pong
80. Red Pear
83. Reif Red Heart
84. Riesentraube 2012
85. Russian #117 (orange heart)
88. Soldacki
89. Sophie’s Choice
90. Stupice
97. Wins All
99. Yellow Pear 20??

Ones I think were from Carolyn’s offers that I’ve grown in recent years:
Arad’s Pink Heart
Bammer’s Luck
Black Keys
Black Roma
Bolgarskoe Chudo
Chornaya Lakomka
Colgar Papuo
Croatia Joanna YMCA
Elgin Pink
Eva St.Wendell
Gigante Castilla
Grandma Oliver’s Chocolate
Grasa de Calina
Honey and Sugar
Joyce Dokter
La Grosse a Lulu
La Nanesse
Medovaya Kaplya
Michaela’s Pink
Michaela’s Pink Oxheart
Milka’s Red Bulgarian
Mocross Elgin
Novosadski Jabuchar
Oranges Pflaumchen
Pylayushcchee Serdtse
Roosa Hild
Rosa de Lomio
Rosovyi Tsar
Rosovyi Krupnye
Rumeni Bosanski
Sakharnyi Gigante
Schokoladnaja Sosulka
Sgt. Pepper’s
Sheryl’s Portuguese Red Heart
Siberskyi Skorospelyi
That Russian Tomato
Tolstuska (Fatty Woman)
Tsar Kolokol
Vince P1
Volovie Ukho
Volovsko Scre
Zolotaya Kanareka

Ones I think were from Carolyn’s offers that I’ve last grown in the years indicated:
Babushkin Posteluj 2015
Belyi Naliv 2014
Cuore di Bue 2013
Giallo de Summer 2017
Giant Purelesa 2015
Gonen Red 2014
Hay’s Heart 2015
Hoy 2013
Kazachka 2014
Large Sliced 2015
Moravski Div 2013
Neves Azorian Red 2012
Orlov Yellow 2012
Oxheart Giantissimo 2015
Russo Sicilian Togetta 2012
Tadesse 2013
Tappy’s Finest 2012
Tigrovy 2012
Umberto 2014
Zapotec 2012
Zolotoj Byk 2015
De Marge 2016
Hay’s 2016
Lithuanian 2017
Irlandski Liker 2018
Mocross Carneal 2018
My Family 2017
Pappy Kerns 2017
Son 2018
Father 2017

I'd need a sincere expression of interest before I attempt to revive any of my older seeds. I promised my wife I'd cut back this year, and if I tried to revive all of these, well, that would NOT be cutting back! Anything without a date is one I have been growing every year, and while a few might be cut this year, the seeds I have are at most three years old, so still pretty good.

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Re: A Tribute For Carolyn Male-Want to participate?


Post: # 13240Unread post Rajun Gardener
Sun Mar 08, 2020 5:49 pm

You can send me a few of the oldest seeds and I'll get them going to pass out fresh seeds for next year. I'll send them back to you or the MMMM swap.
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