pepperhead212's 2025 garden

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pepperhead212's 2025 garden


Post: # 146747Unread post pepperhead212
Sat Mar 08, 2025 4:46 pm

I figured I'd start my new thread for this year's outside garden, since I started my first seeds for out there today!

I started my first seeds for the outside - just one tray, with the small pots, 72/tray, and they usually go out 3-4 weeks after they come up, with some faster than others. Here's the list of the early crops, almost all brassicas, the ones with * next to them being held a little longer, before starting.

A Bok Choy - koquie
B Bok Choy - pachay, from Burpee
C Wu Choy - dark horse
D Napa - red merlot, from Pinetree
E Senposai
F* Komatsuna - green boy
G Misome
H Escarole - sugarloaf
I* Mizuna - landrace large leaf
J* Lettuce - red leaf type, saved seeds
K Cabbage - Earliana
L* Swiss Chard - various types
M* Russian Red Kale
N* Yu Choy
O* Choy Sum
P Mustard Greens - wasabina
Q Cauliflower - amazing

R Blauer Speck Purple
S Kolibri Purple
T Tainjin Green
U Grand Duke
V Giant White

And one more I just got today in the mail, from a friend, that I'll have to plant in that tray! Never grew this, or even heard of it before, but it is supposed to be a type of kale, that has a garlic flavor.

W Texsel Greens - from Territorial Seeds

I'll be sharing a bunch of these with some friends, as even half of what this might put out would be more than I can use! I've gotten her hooked on some of those greens, as those CACA varieties (cut and come again) produce so much, at least until it gets too hot (and some produce into August here).

I filled the pots with that mix I made up about a week ago, and wet it with some H2O2 solution - about 2 oz of the 3% in a quart of water. This was how I "sterilized" the pots, though for the larger, later pots, I'll cook the mix at about 200°, cool, put the micorrhyzae in it, and wet it with the Bt israelensis, to prevent the fungus gnats. After this H2O2 gets neutralized after several hours with these, I'll plant the seeds, then wet them again, this time with the Bt solution. This always works with these.

Spring has sprung!
ImageThe first filled seedling pots, for the greens and other cold plants for 2025. by pepperhead212, on Flickr
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Re: pepperhead212's 2025 garden


Post: # 146750Unread post MissS
Sat Mar 08, 2025 6:38 pm

What zone are you growing in? I just can't wait to be starting some seeds.
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Re: pepperhead212's 2025 garden


Post: # 146757Unread post pepperhead212
Sat Mar 08, 2025 8:51 pm

I'm in 6B-7A. The "last frost date" is considered 4-15, but I don't pay any attention to that, as it's just an average, not absolute last, so tomatoes can go out the first week into May, maybe. All these earlier ones I planted I can put out shortly after April 1st (usually, depending on overnight lows), and I usually harden the first two trays off, to make room for all the later seedlings - tomatoes, eggplants, and peppers, plus a few other things. A lot more trays of those others coming!
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Re: pepperhead212's 2025 garden


Post: # 146775Unread post JayneR13
Sun Mar 09, 2025 9:30 am

I can't plant frost sensitive stuff in the northern part of Zone 5 until Memorial Day, if I want to play it safe. My last frost date is allegedly May 10 but like you, I don't pay much attention to that. Soil temperatures and nighttime lows tell the tale! I'll never forget being all ready to plant some potatoes in mid-April one year. Blizzard Evelyn changed my plans! Ugh. And put planting off for a good month before things warmed up again.
Come gather 'round people / Wherever you roam / And admit that the waters

Around you have grown / And accept it that soon / You'll be drenched to the bone

If your time to you is worth savin'/ And you better start swimmin' / Or you'll sink like a stone

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Re: pepperhead212's 2025 garden


Post: # 146868Unread post pepperhead212
Mon Mar 10, 2025 8:43 pm

Today I planted some scallion seeds - those ones I got from Asiangarden2table. The king long, iron long, and all seasons, the last one the one they I grew last year, most of the season, and they seemed to have dropped from the catalog. I'm still hoping for those late seeds I planted in the bed to come up, but I haven't seen any. I just packed 3 of those containers, saved from the 8 oz mushrooms, with the seedling mix, about 1/2" from the top, then spread out the seeds, about 1/4" apart, then spread about 3/8" of mix on top, then moistened it with a solution with that Bt israelensis. Those went up to to the seedling/laundry room, and soon, when those or the greens start sprouting, the lights will go on, until into May!
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Re: pepperhead212's 2025 garden


Post: # 147047Unread post Wildcat82
Thu Mar 13, 2025 10:07 pm

pepperhead212 wrote: Mon Mar 10, 2025 8:43 pm Today I planted some scallion seeds - those ones I got from Asiangarden2table. The king long, iron long, and all seasons, the last one the one they I grew last year, most of the season, and they seemed to have dropped from the catalog. I'm still hoping for those late seeds I planted in the bed to come up, but I haven't seen any. I just packed 3 of those containers, saved from the 8 oz mushrooms, with the seedling mix, about 1/2" from the top, then spread out the seeds, about 1/4" apart, then spread about 3/8" of mix on top, then moistened it with a solution with that Bt israelensis. Those went up to to the seedling/laundry room, and soon, when those or the greens start sprouting, the lights will go on, until into May!
I've never tried growing scallions from seed. I always just cheat by going to the grocery store, buying some scallions, then just stick them in the ground so I can harvest the green tops all year.

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Re: pepperhead212's 2025 garden


Post: # 147239Unread post pepperhead212
Sun Mar 16, 2025 10:04 pm

All of those cold weather crop seeds have had at least one sprout, most had 3 or 4 pots with sprouts. Only ones not sprouted are the scallions, but I only looked this morning - maybe some sprouted since. Only 2 weeks until peppers get started! :)
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Re: pepperhead212's 2025 garden


Post: # 147536Unread post pepperhead212
Fri Mar 21, 2025 4:34 pm

Saw my first peppermint plants yesterday! Spearmint will be about a week behind, and by May, the entire bed will be covered. Today, the only thing I did outside was harvested some garlic chives, which were the first things to come up again this season.
ImageI was putting down the triple row of drip line in my mint bed, and saw the first peppermint plants popping up! by pepperhead212, on Flickr

ImageFirst garlic chives of the season, 3-21 by pepperhead212, on Flickr
Woodbury, NJ zone 7a/7b

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