Grancy Graybeard Blooming In November!

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Grancy Graybeard Blooming In November!


Post: # 138516Unread post GoDawgs
Fri Nov 08, 2024 4:09 pm

Well, this is a first. This old Grancy Graybeard tree (Chionanthus virginicus) has been here about 20 years and this year is the first time it has ever bloomed in November. Late March/early April is it's bloom time. Not a lot of blooms as the poor tree has been in decline over the past three years and will be taken out soon. This is the one where I mentioned earlier in the year that I was going to cut the trunk and let the shoots coming from the base form a new "bush". The thing needs to go dormant first!
24.11.08 Grancy blooming in warm November.JPG

24.11.08 Grancy fringe blooms.JPG
We had our first light frost in October in the middle of a ten day stretch of lows in the 40's. Since then we've had some pretty warm days. Today it was 80. I guess it's pretty confused, maybe thinking it's been through winter and spring is coming. Or maybe it knows the end is near and it's giving it's last hurrah.
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Re: Grancy Graybeard Blooming In November!


Post: # 138518Unread post MissS
Fri Nov 08, 2024 4:32 pm

Sometimes things need to be threatened so that they will start to perform.
~ Patti ~
AKA ~ Hooper

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