What full-sized Allium cepa onions have the best-tasting greens?

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What full-sized Allium cepa onions have the best-tasting greens?


Post: # 130537Unread post Shule
Fri Aug 02, 2024 7:54 pm

What Allium cepa onions with full-sized bulbs (not bunching onions) have the best-tasting greens? Do you know of any that have been bred for the flavor of their greens? There's a lot of diversity in green onion flavor, so this is why I ask. Yes, I realize that you don't normally eat the greens if you're going for bulbs (just assume you planted enough for both purposes and you didn't want to plant two kinds of onions).

I don't know that I've had a regular onion with greens as tasty as some of the bunching onions I've tried.
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Re: What full-sized Allium cepa onions have the best-tasting greens?


Post: # 130569Unread post Tormahto
Sat Aug 03, 2024 6:10 am

The answer varies with the taste preferences of the taster. Some people like mild, others like pungently wild.

I've never found a regular onion with great raw flavor, but they were OK when cooked.

My favorite is Egyptian walking onions, after they've done walking. The autumn shoots, after the bulbil stalks are cut down (now just happening here), are more tender than the spring greens. They produce from August up to a killing frost. A few days before that expected or possible frost, I cut all of the remaining shoots down, wash them, cut them into very small sections, and put them in the freezer, to be used in cooking, until the next spring shoots. Back when I had several hundred plants, I would fill 2 gallon freezer zip bags.

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