favorite garlic vendors

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favorite garlic vendors


Post: # 129557Unread post rxkeith
Wed Jul 24, 2024 9:11 pm

in the past, i have bought garlic from filaree farm over 20 years ago, and still in business,
and maybe the garlic store about 14 years ago. i haven't paid attention to who else is out
there, because i didn't need to. after a not so good year, i am thinking about getting some
new blood so to speak. who do you like for quality, and price? hard neck garlic for the north.


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Re: favorite garlic vendors


Post: # 129581Unread post pepperhead212
Wed Jul 24, 2024 11:24 pm

A favorite of mine, when I was trying several hardnecks at a time is Keene Garlic. Fairly good prices and shipping, though it's been a few years since I ordered from there.
https://keeneorganics.com/product-categ ... ck-garlic/

The one I usually order from(while planting smaller numbers of a couple of others I've been growing for years) is Peaceful Valley, which has a good price for a pound, and decent shipping cost. Usually I get 2 lbs - one Music or Metechi (my two best for storage), and one of something else. This time it was Bogotyr, which I tried since it was listed as "spicy". It was strange in that many of its bulbs had only 2 cloves, though some were fairly large. It had 72 cloves in the pound - sort of small, for hardnecks, but now most are much larger, and time will tell if it stores well, and how the flavor compares to others. Georgian Fire is one I got there several years ago, and it is a favorite for size and flavor, but doesn't store as well as the others, so I just grow 40 or so from the previous year now (same with the Estonian Red), and more of the ones with longer storage.
https://www.groworganic.com/collections ... eed-garlic
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Re: favorite garlic vendors


Post: # 129592Unread post CrazyAboutOrchids
Thu Jul 25, 2024 6:28 am

I now provide my own garlic for planting most of the time. When I started, I tried many and used Peaceful Valley for a while cuz they were best of what I had tried. Then I found Mad River Garlic...... best garlic I've ordered. What I received and what I grew from their bulbs was unlike anything I had grown. I've ordered from them a few times as I tried to figure out how much I needed to grow to supply my own. Then a few years ago, I decided to add on to what I was growing; add in another variety. When I initially switched to Mad River Garlic, I grew only Music. So I chatted with them and they suggested Rosewood so I added that in with my planting. This year I once again ordered from them, more Rosewood and Music. Last year I gave bulbs to a young man interested in trying garlic; he's thrilled and wants to expand so I am giving him more bulbs from my harvest.

I have also ordered from Keene in the past and was happy, just happier with Mad River. I did order Ivan from Keene to plant this fall and see how that variety grows.

I tried to plant garlic bought from our local garlic festival, but the bulbs were disappointing to be honest. My goal with garlic is to plant enough to last me through to the next harvest while supplying my own fall planting. If I have extras, I make garlic powder. I found the bulbs last far longer hung in my basement than in my garage where I used to store. Makes sense because the basement is fairly cool year round; no wild temp swings. The garage would get warm in the spring and the garlic would start to sprout. Some is sprouting now in the basement, but my harvest is already pulled and curing so all is good there.
- Sandy zone 6A

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Re: favorite garlic vendors


Post: # 129737Unread post JayneR13
Fri Jul 26, 2024 10:54 am

I had to replace my stock last year too, and found good prices on MIGardener.com The hardnecks I tried were Northern white and Metechi, both of which did well for me. I also tried softnecks for the first time, Silverwhite and Nootka rose. Since those had more cloves, naturally I got more heads. If I remember vaguely, price was $3.99/head. I've saved some of each for fall planting :D
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Re: favorite garlic vendors


Post: # 135077Unread post OmarLittle
Fri Sep 13, 2024 8:29 am

CrazyAboutOrchids wrote: Thu Jul 25, 2024 6:28 am I now provide my own garlic for planting most of the time. When I started, I tried many and used Peaceful Valley for a while cuz they were best of what I had tried. Then I found Mad River Garlic...... best garlic I've ordered. What I received and what I grew from their bulbs was unlike anything I had grown. I've ordered from them a few times as I tried to figure out how much I needed to grow to supply my own. Then a few years ago, I decided to add on to what I was growing; add in another variety. When I initially switched to Mad River Garlic, I grew only Music. So I chatted with them and they suggested Rosewood so I added that in with my planting. This year I once again ordered from them, more Rosewood and Music. Last year I gave bulbs to a young man interested in trying garlic; he's thrilled and wants to expand so I am giving him more bulbs from my harvest.

I have also ordered from Keene in the past and was happy, just happier with Mad River. I did order Ivan from Keene to plant this fall and see how that variety grows.

I tried to plant garlic bought from our local garlic festival, but the bulbs were disappointing to be honest. My goal with garlic is to plant enough to last me through to the next harvest while supplying my own fall planting. If I have extras, I make garlic powder. I found the bulbs last far longer hung in my basement than in my garage where I used to store. Makes sense because the basement is fairly cool year round; no wild temp swings. The garage would get warm in the spring and the garlic would start to sprout. Some is sprouting now in the basement, but my harvest is already pulled and curing so all is good there.
Thanks for the suggestion. This fall will be my first time growing garlic and I was wondering who a good vendor was. I ended up ordering 1/2 pound of Persian Star from Mad River.

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Re: favorite garlic vendors


Post: # 135113Unread post rxkeith
Fri Sep 13, 2024 9:39 pm

i ordered from mad river, 4 varieties 1/2 lb each. picked up 3 big bulbs of persian star from a local grower.
ordered were rosewood, armenian, italian purple stripe, and spanish roja. i should be all set with the new
additions plus the best of this years crop. thanks for the suggestions.


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Re: favorite garlic vendors


Post: # 135124Unread post CrazyAboutOrchids
Sat Sep 14, 2024 7:37 am

@rxkeith @OmarLittle

Hope you enjoy! I had ordered from other vendors; Peaceful Valley Farm was one, in the past but really pleased with Mad River and I hope that passes on to your orders! When I wanted to add on to my successful music, I emailed (off season of course) and got the recommendation to try Rosewood... it has not disappointed. Happy garlic growing!!!!
- Sandy zone 6A

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Re: favorite garlic vendors


Post: # 135158Unread post Gardadore
Sat Sep 14, 2024 2:05 pm

Usually got mine at a local Garlic Festival and then saved the best from my crop. We are also lucky to have a local grower who provided me with most of last year’s. Needed to buy some more to add to mine. Same grower had one of his best years ever do I got some really nice big ones!
See that the Maine Potato Lady has garlic as well. A friend has gotten good garlic from Fedco.

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