what weed is this??

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what weed is this??


Post: # 123270Unread post JRinPA
Mon May 13, 2024 6:12 pm

This stuff running and climbing all over the shady end of my house. It has an orange root. I need to get rid of it, preferably without killing nearby arbor vitae or the azalea that is under siege. It is running out under the lawn, too.
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Re: what weed is this??


Post: # 123278Unread post MissS
Mon May 13, 2024 8:39 pm

Is this a vine? If so, it looks an awful like Oriental Bittersweet which is invasive.
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Re: what weed is this??


Post: # 123280Unread post JRinPA
Mon May 13, 2024 10:53 pm

Hey thanks a lot. My neighbor had no idea what it was.

Bittersweet sounded VERY familiar. Probably the last time my mom had been over there to weed by herself was three or four years back. Since then I had asked her what was what over there, had her show me once, and I'm sure now that she said the stuff climbing the Azalea was Bittersweet. And I had to ask, did you plant that? :lol: And just about got smacked.

Okay so that has been there a long time but had been kept in check until 3 years back. Now, it is out under the lawn and such.

I had found orange roots like that two years back in a raised bed in the back yard, and nobody seemed to know what it was. So I did not connect those roots with bittersweet. I found the orange roots at the azalea last year by pulling up that vine, and wondering how it had spread from the backyard raised bed to there. But I guess it has been there for years, and was not connected by runners.

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Re: what weed is this??


Post: # 123282Unread post JRinPA
Mon May 13, 2024 11:04 pm

So the treatment would be cut them all down to ground level now, let them regrow for 8 weeks, then spot spray leaves with roundup. I think I should pull up as many roots as I can, too. There is a little bit of poison ivy as well.

Foliar July 1 to onset of fall color Rodeo (glyphosate)
Garlon 3A
Vastlan (triclopyr) 3 quarts/acre
2 quarts/acre
1.5 quarts/acre Apply this treatment to isolated low-growing vines or regrowth following cutting once enough foliage is present to ensure sufficient herbicide translocation to roots. Waiting at least 8 weeks after initial cutting is typically sufficient. Rapidly growing shoots should be treated before they start twining around desirable trees and shrubs. A surfactant (e.g., CWC 90) needs to be added. If using a different glyphosate product, be sure to check the product label to see if a surfactant is needed; some come premixed.
There is nothing good that I know of over there anymore other than the azalea, the garlic patch infested with ALM, and the corner arbor vitae that is overgrowing its corner. I was actually thinking about moving some good wooly mint over there, and digging in some half pipe to stop mint runner from getting to the lawn.

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Re: what weed is this??


Post: # 125477Unread post JRinPA
Tue Jun 11, 2024 6:00 pm

Seek app called that Oriental Bittersweet as well. I guess that is right. Seek seems somewhat reliable, although it calling the eastern arb an oriental or chinese arborvitae, which it most definitely is not...it is either eastern or American. It calls butternut American pumpkin, which sounds correct.

According to seek from middle of backyard along the house to the top I have:
Common Mugwort
Wild Radish (champion radish gone to seed)
American Pumpkin (butternut 1 mo old)
Devil's Beggarticks (gotta pull them next)
Wild Parsnip (dug from row in March and planted for ladybug production)
Fennel (bronze fennel)
Apple Mint (wooly mint)
Sensitive Fern (apparently a first frost die off)
Horseweed (horsetails? seem to remember that term from way back)
Mock Strawberry
Oriental Bittersweet
White Mulberry (yep mulberry)
Swamp Rose Mallow
Hairy Crabweed (sounds lovely)
and Chinese Arborvitae (100% wrong)
plus a bunch of weeds it can't figure out, of course.

Got the shady side all cut down today and got the poison ivy out. That started behind the azalea. The azalea is tiny from being robbed of light for a few years. It only gets afternoon anyway. I guess I will leave that in and transplant wooly mint up there. Seek calls the wooly mint "applemint". I have noted before that, of all the mints you can buy, applemint most resembles our wooly mint, but this local stuff taste so much better in tea then store bought applemint plants. It doesn't look quite the same, either, darker leaves and more hair than applemint.

I guess I will wait a month for these cut bittersweet to regrow, then roundup them. I should start the down below the azalea, where the garlic has to come out. Not sure what to put in the uphill half around the azalea. I just want to keep the bittersweet and poison ivy in check. It must have gotten out of control after I dug the backyard Asparagus beds. I moved a lot of that good local dirt and replaced it with compost. I took the dirt and built up next to the house to divert rain away from the foundation. I think it worked because there is less basement flooding since then. But it also gave that nasty bittersweet lots of new dirt to expand through.

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