Why Are The Cukes Not Producing?

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Why Are The Cukes Not Producing?


Post: # 100231Unread post GoDawgs
Fri Jun 23, 2023 6:20 pm

This is strange. The cuke plants are healthy. There are a ton of flowers and a lot of bumbles visiting them. We've been having good rain. Temperatures have been in the low to mid 80's so they're not burning up. They've been fertilized. No sign of nematode damage. But they're only making a few here and there on seven vines. I can't figure out why. It's a 52 dtm cuke and we're at 63 days.

Could it be lack of sun? It's been pretty rainy and gloomy for the past week or two. Could a string of sunny days get them rolling?

I've not had cukes do this before so any suggestions or insights would be appreciated!

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Re: Why Are The Cukes Not Producing?


Post: # 100244Unread post Cole_Robbie
Fri Jun 23, 2023 9:35 pm

Rain inhibits the flight of pollinators.

http://pollinators.blogspot.com/2013/07 ... s.html?m=1

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Re: Why Are The Cukes Not Producing?


Post: # 100250Unread post Whwoz
Sat Jun 24, 2023 12:22 am

Are there male and female flowers @GoDawgs

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Re: Why Are The Cukes Not Producing?


Post: # 100283Unread post GoDawgs
Sat Jun 24, 2023 11:27 am

Oh yeah, both sexes of flowers. This is an old open pollinated one called National Pickling. It's always produced a LOT for me. That's why I'm rather surprised.

You know, the one thing I just thought of that might make a difference is the pH in that bed. I've lost my tester and have no idea what the pH is.

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Re: Why Are The Cukes Not Producing?


Post: # 100285Unread post JRinPA
Sat Jun 24, 2023 11:52 am

Cucumbers are still a mystery to me, so I'm no help. In the past I tried national pickling, marketmore? and great eight? from normal store packs. I had enough to can pickles one time. They'd look great and not produce, and then the bugs wilt them. I was gonna do one of the special ones this year, partho whatever, but the website was fluky and I'm just as glad.

I've never seen pics of a "good" cucumber production so when you get them going, please post up. For me it was mostly the vines look good and start these little spiny starts, they'd get to 2-4" and then just stop and never fill out, and the vines start to yellow all over the place. From the yellow striped beetles that virus wilt it, I've always thought.

I helped dig a new plot at the comm garden in May, and they are doing about 12 ft of cucumbers. I sure hope it works out. At least one other guy is doing cucumbers as well, but last year his died off like mine do. Neither are trellised yet.

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Re: Why Are The Cukes Not Producing?


Post: # 100294Unread post GoDawgs
Sat Jun 24, 2023 2:09 pm

I've decided to plant another row of these cukes in one of the beds that the beans just vacated. If the beans did that well maybe the cukes will too.

'Homemade Pickles' did really well for several years but then it decided it didn't want to play anymore. Over the years I've been through a lot of cuke varieties. I decided to go back through my garden records (back to '86) and found the following cuke varieties tried. The list starts with most recent and goes back in time.

National Pickling
Beit Alpha
AR Little Leaf
Double Yield
County Fair
Long Green Improved
Marketmore Select
Southern Delight
Super Bush
Straight Eight
Marketmore 86
Suyo Long
Early Russian
Burpee Pickler
Carolina Pickler
Marketer ('87)
Miss Pickler ('87)
Wisconsin SMR-18 ('87)

From the Wayback Machine - I found a list of seeds I ordered in 1992. Some of the prices:

Asparagus roots from Hastings (long out of business) - Mary Washington, 25 crowns for $9.95
Honey and Cream corn from Burpee - $1.75/pkt
Early Riser pole bean from Parks - $1.45/pkt
Better Boy tomato from Hastings - $1.35/pkt
Park's Whopper from Park - $1.45/pkt
Viva Italia tomato from Parks - $1.15/pkt
Butterstick squash from Burpee - $1.35/pkt
Jerusalem artichokes from Burpee - $4.50/pound

From 1989:
Hot Pepper Mix from Gurney's - $.85/pkt
Floramerica tomato from Fields - $1.19/pkt
Sweetie tomato from Fields - $.95/pkt
Baby Hubbard squash from Fields - $.98/pkt.

How things have changed! And after reading a lot of those notes I also realized how much I've learned since then. :)

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Re: Why Are The Cukes Not Producing?


Post: # 100301Unread post friedgreen51
Sat Jun 24, 2023 4:45 pm

Have you tried Wisconsin SMR-58 or Pick A Bushel Hybrid?
They have always done well for me.

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Re: Why Are The Cukes Not Producing?


Post: # 100313Unread post Paulf
Sat Jun 24, 2023 7:15 pm

The past three years we have gone from not much production to an overabundance by growing Green Light and Diva.

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Re: Why Are The Cukes Not Producing?


Post: # 100318Unread post PlainJane
Sat Jun 24, 2023 8:21 pm

Lol, you have really cycled through the cucumber varieties @GoDawgs.
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Re: Why Are The Cukes Not Producing?


Post: # 100332Unread post Seven Bends
Sun Jun 25, 2023 12:00 am

I don't know the answer to why your cucumber plants aren't setting fruit, but it's not the first time I've heard of this happening. One year, one of my aunts had a large trellis of beautiful, healthy cucumber plants that never set a single fruit all summer. No one could figure out why. Hopefully your issue will just be weather-related and will fix itself soon.

My mom has good success with "Picklebush" -- heavy production from short, compact vines. They do especially well for her when grown away from the rest of the vegetables (less problem with wilt from cucumber beetles, and with spider mites), so she grows some in a hanging basket on her porch, and some in the middle of a flower bed.

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Re: Why Are The Cukes Not Producing?


Post: # 100338Unread post GoDawgs
Sun Jun 25, 2023 7:06 am

friedgreen51 wrote: Sat Jun 24, 2023 4:45 pm Have you tried Wisconsin SMR-58 or Pick A Bushel Hybrid?
They have always done well for me.
Yes to the WI SMR-58 but it was a long time ago. Never tried the Pick A Bushel.

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Re: Why Are The Cukes Not Producing?


Post: # 100401Unread post JRinPA
Sun Jun 25, 2023 8:17 pm

Straight Eight, that's sounds right, not great eight. And County Fair sounds right.
Boy I have not had much luck with cucumbers, at least 4 kinds. And there is a guy on the other side of town that grows them right next to his house. Some sort of burpless? It's not like they can't grow here, just not for me and my lack of attention/motivation/priority. And I saw the first cucumber beetles today on my grey zuchini.
Green LIght and Diva. Noted for future reference.

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Re: Why Are The Cukes Not Producing?


Post: # 100414Unread post pepperhead212
Sun Jun 25, 2023 11:26 pm

I've had to grow County Fair for a long time, because it has been the only one resistant to bacterial wilt, which runs rampant around here. Little Leaf is a more recent variety that is supposed to be resistant, but it just didn't produce well for me. Wisconsin 58 does well - it might be because of the hairy stems and leaves, keeping bugs off, but I'm not sure. I have some new ones this season, but only time will tell.
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Re: Why Are The Cukes Not Producing?


Post: # 130706Unread post Gardadore
Sun Aug 04, 2024 2:10 pm

Facing same problem of cukes not producing. From my seedlings one Beit Alpha and one Telegraph Improved survived. Beit Aloha has tons of flowers but no cukes. Strange if it is supposed to be self pollinating.
The Telegraph is huge and taking over, again with lots of flowers but few cukes. The two I have harvested so far were bitter and I have read that lack of rain or inconsistent watering can cause that. I peeled them and cut off the stem end which is supposed to help. I generally have trouble with cukes except for last year when they did well. I had Socrates too but it died. Something eats my seedlings every year despite caging.
Any suggestions on how to get them to pollinate would be appreciated. Also any other hints on how to deal with bitterness? We finally had a good rain yesterday, first in weeks. Maybe that will help.

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Re: Why Are The Cukes Not Producing?


Post: # 130738Unread post GoDawgs
Sun Aug 04, 2024 8:17 pm

Well, between a pot of Bushy, and trellised Glorie de Paris (5'), National Pickling (12') Suyo Long (6'), and Tokiwa (5') I've managed to get some here and there, enough for salads and refrigerator pickles.

Tokiwa has only produced two cucumbers all summer. Really pretty and firm but just two. Disappointing.

Glorie de Paris hasn't made much either, maybe one every two weeks but better than Tokiwa.

Bushy (in a big pot) has 5' vines and put out like Glorie did. It's gone now.

National Pickling has made just several every 7-10 days, even with 12' worth of plants on the trellis!

Suyo Long is a firstie for me and has been the best by far. It shares the trellis with the National Pickler and has produced maybe 3 to 4 per week.

I really need to get a pH meter as I don't trust those paper strip types very much. I still have a few other varieties that came in this year's MMMM that will be tried next spring and I think a few of this year's will get a second chance.

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Re: Why Are The Cukes Not Producing?


Post: # 130758Unread post Ken4230
Mon Aug 05, 2024 1:13 am

My cucumbers are not producing either. On the way to church this morning, I spotted the two young scoundrels/bucks who destroyed my garden last week. They were busy destroying a neighbors garden. My cucumbers, China Jade and Suyo Long still has a few small cukes on the plants, not one single leaf though.

Sweet Potatoes have recovered nicely but the strawberries are dying, Squash and zucchini are not going to recover. If I find more devastation in the morning, I will probably just kill them both, even though temps are supposed to be in Mid 90's for the next couple of days. One positive in all this negativity is that I have several Heat Tolerant tomatoes blooming and producing baby tomatoes.

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Re: Why Are The Cukes Not Producing?


Post: # 130815Unread post AKgardener
Mon Aug 05, 2024 12:13 pm

Don’t feel bad I didn’t think I was gonna get anything either I just saw a few but not near as much as I thought I would get.. I’m grateful I have 3

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Re: Why Are The Cukes Not Producing?


Post: # 130820Unread post Yak54
Mon Aug 05, 2024 1:20 pm

So far it's been a good year for my 2 Sweet Success plants. Biggest one has been 16" long

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Re: Why Are The Cukes Not Producing?


Post: # 136258Unread post slugworth
Tue Oct 01, 2024 9:09 am

Lousy year for cukes.
Must have been too humid every day.
there were plenty of blossoms and bees.
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Re: Why Are The Cukes Not Producing?


Post: # 136260Unread post pondgardener
Tue Oct 01, 2024 9:25 am

My little munchers are doing great, as long as they get supplemental water. Green Dragon didn't do as well, not climbing as well up a trellis and production was light.
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