Cha Cha Changes=== to images

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Rajun Gardener
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Cha Cha Changes=== to images


Post: # 84152Unread post Rajun Gardener
Wed Nov 30, 2022 8:30 pm

I made a change to images displayed on the forum, hopefully it works as planned. Some members have slower internet than others due to location and that makes loading huge images slower to load. Don't misunderstand, I love the photos posted as does everyone else but this will make scrolling posts with many photos easier and quicker. I changed the image to a thumbnail vs the complete image, it shouldn't change the quality and now you have the option to view it as the size posted but you can also click the image to enlarge it. The only drawback is you'll have to click the page back function to get back to TJ.

If anyone has input on this change Please post and let us know. We're just trying to make the forum easy to use for everyone.

Here's an example of the change. This image is the thumbnail, click to enlarge, if you click again it makes even bigger then click the back button to get back to the forum.
Here's a full size image.
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Re: Cha Cha Changes=== to images


Post: # 84154Unread post Sue_CT
Wed Nov 30, 2022 9:05 pm

I have a gig of fiberoptic so I haven't had a problem, but I remember the days when I didn't. I don't see any problem with the change if it makes it better for those with slower internet. I used to give up and not wait for a post to load that was taking too long and just didn't read it. Lets make it usuable for everyone.

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Re: Cha Cha Changes=== to images


Post: # 84157Unread post WoodSprite
Wed Nov 30, 2022 10:39 pm

I don't have slow internet but still think this change is a great idea. Thanks!
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Re: Cha Cha Changes=== to images


Post: # 84158Unread post Whwoz
Thu Dec 01, 2022 12:53 am

No real difference in appearance here, I mainly use my phone and internet very variable. I find that the larger images normally take too long to load, so don't stop in image heavy threads for very long.

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Re: Cha Cha Changes=== to images


Post: # 84166Unread post GoDawgs
Thu Dec 01, 2022 6:06 am

That's a handy change, Rajun! Thank you. :)

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Re: Cha Cha Changes=== to images


Post: # 84169Unread post PlainJane
Thu Dec 01, 2022 6:39 am

Nice adjustment that should benefit everyone.
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Re: Cha Cha Changes=== to images


Post: # 84171Unread post worth1
Thu Dec 01, 2022 6:48 am

25 miles southeast of Waterloo Texas.

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Re: Cha Cha Changes=== to images


Post: # 84175Unread post bower
Thu Dec 01, 2022 7:43 am

I just tried that second click to enlarge, that works really well! :)

Photos are a huge part of this site. Not only important for what we share, but we also have some really talented photographers who contribute... I love that so much. I would like to see what they think of the changes and if it hampers their enjoyment of the site, we might have to reconsider.
Thinking about threads like "Chill" @MissS and the Random and Miscellaneous threads started by @SpookyShoe which are just amazing. But difficult for some of us to access and enjoy. Still I would rather struggle with my slow connection than lose those beautiful threads or the talented folks who contribute to them.
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Re: Cha Cha Changes=== to images


Post: # 84182Unread post AZGardener
Thu Dec 01, 2022 10:37 am

I don't have slow internet, but I do like the option of looking at the larger version of the image or a thumbnail. Thank you, looks great!
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Re: Cha Cha Changes=== to images


Post: # 84517Unread post JRinPA
Wed Dec 07, 2022 7:53 pm

That is amazing that the pic above is 4.6 MB. It is not even that big of a pic. Most screens can't display enough quality to justify that. Unless you are printing a blowup, it is not needed.

Personally, when I upload photos I run them through an old version of photoshop first. I dump the incoming photos in a directory, then run a batch action that resizes to 800x600 and then saves as a mid quality .jpg in another directory. Typically when I upload the reduced photo it is 150-300 kB.

Another option is to crop the center of the image out of the original to keep the quality.

I realize most people don't know how or don't bother. For me it is not a problem and I don't feel bad about putting 10 pics to describe something when it is only a couple MB for all ten.

We still have DSL and at 12 mbps (1.5 MB/s) I don't visit many of the picture threads. This change will probably help a lot in that regard.

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