best tasting red potato?

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best tasting red potato?


Post: # 68145Unread post jbclem
Tue Apr 19, 2022 7:56 pm

I like red potatoes, but the bagged organic ones I've been getting from Whole Foods have been fairly tasteless. In the past, I've bought red potatoes that tasted really good, but I never knew what variety they were. Is there a large difference in taste between varieties?


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Re: best tasting red potato?


Post: # 68162Unread post bower
Wed Apr 20, 2022 7:02 am

I think there can be a big difference in taste. I haven't been a big grower of potatoes in recent years, so I can't really specify varieties that are better tasting. I always buy reds because they're my favorite, but they're never labeled with variety name. Usually they're waxy and sweet, but occasionally I've had a drier and less sweet type turn up. And I once had a really outstanding red with dark yellow flesh, which I tried to grow for more but it didn't come.

I picked up some seed potatoes recently for two reds: Norland and Pontiac Red. I've grown both of these before and found them good eatin.
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Re: best tasting red potato?


Post: # 68167Unread post karstopography
Wed Apr 20, 2022 8:34 am

I like red potatoes. I’ve only grown Pontiac and LaSoda. Couldn’t really tell them apart on flavor or anything else.
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Re: best tasting red potato?


Post: # 68168Unread post worth1
Wed Apr 20, 2022 9:02 am

I used to like Pontiac potatoes but GM doesn't make them anymore. :cry:
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Re: best tasting red potato?


Post: # 68178Unread post FarmerShawn
Wed Apr 20, 2022 4:44 pm

Red Norland is a good waxy, early potato. Adirondack Red is a real red potato, not just red skin, and it is wonderful! Red Gold is a very nice red skin with gold streaks and yellow flesh, a great general purpose spud. I think all can be found from Maine Potato Lady.

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Re: best tasting red potato?


Post: # 68183Unread post bower
Wed Apr 20, 2022 8:36 pm

I did grow Red Gold a couple of years ago, and another one called All Red, and one called Candy Cane - they were all very tasty.
French Fingerling is another red skinned potato which I haven't tried, said to be very good.
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