Ptilotus exaltatus – Mulla Mulla

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Ptilotus exaltatus – Mulla Mulla


Post: # 61654Unread post svalli
Fri Jan 28, 2022 12:02 pm

I found about this interesting plant in @Whwoz 's grow log and ordered seeds from a Swedish seed vendor. ... arant-joey

Since the seed packet said that germination takes 10-15 days, I sowed the seeds right away after receiving them last week. I put the 7 seeds in the packet onto the same plug tray with petunias and strawberries, which are slow germinating. I did not bury the seeds and put the tray on a heating mat. To my surprise the Mulla Mulla seeds had roots emerging from the seeds in just two days and at day three cotyledons were growing. All of the 7 seed in the packet germinated same time, so I had to move those from the plug tray, since the other plants had not yet germinated and I had to keep the cover on the tray. I may have started those a bit too early, since the seed packet said to sow from February to April, but I was thinking that germination may take much longer, so I was eager to start them as soon as I got the seeds.

Here are now my Mulla Mulla babies.
Ptilotus exaltatus seedlings.jpg

These will stay still over two months indoors under lights and maybe mid April I will start heating the small greenhouse inside the big one and then I can move the plants in there to get some sun.

I read that this plant is actually a short lived perennial, but since those will not overwinter here I grow them as summer annuals and posted this in the Annuals section.

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Re: Ptilotus exaltatus – Mulla Mulla


Post: # 64805Unread post svalli
Sun Mar 06, 2022 5:52 am

My Mulla Mulla plants have been growing steadily and now I noticed that most of them have already buds on them. I think that this is way too early for plants, which are just 6 weeks old.
The instruction on the seed packet said that the plants should be pinched back to promote bushier growth. I will definitely do as instructed.

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Re: Ptilotus exaltatus – Mulla Mulla


Post: # 64806Unread post Whwoz
Sun Mar 06, 2022 6:12 am

Sari, try pinching the buds out on only 3 or 4 and leave the others to do their thing naturally. Where they come from, it is very much feast or famine for water and hence the plants have evolved to flower quickly from seed and should continue to grow for a while after that. Your conditions would be like a storm coming through the area in which they naturally occur with the occasional follow up rain keeping the ground moist for several months. A lot of plants in that environment need to be able to flower, set and mature seed rapidly (less than 3 months) in case the rainfall that triggered them to germinate is a one off and the ground dries out quickly.

Beautiful looking seedlings, you certainly are doing well by them.

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Re: Ptilotus exaltatus – Mulla Mulla


Post: # 68858Unread post svalli
Sun May 01, 2022 11:51 pm

Mulla Mullas are now flowering indoors in the 2" pots. I potted the prettiest one yesterday to a little bigger pot, so that I can give it to my mom at Mother's Day. I love these long lasting flowers and it seems that these can be grown also as houseplants. I have a plan to move these outside, when the weather warms up, but before that I can enjoy looking at these flowers indoors.

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Re: Ptilotus exaltatus – Mulla Mulla


Post: # 68861Unread post Whwoz
Mon May 02, 2022 3:23 am

Beautiful @svalli , well done on the flowering.

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Re: Ptilotus exaltatus – Mulla Mulla


Post: # 101167Unread post Whwoz
Thu Jul 06, 2023 6:39 am

How long were you able to keep these plants alive for @svalli ?

Done some more digging around on the internet today looking for something else and came across 6 old PTILOTUS study group, part of the Australian Plant Society, newsletters from 1998 to 2001. It would appear that the rapid germination you had is not unusual, which makes sense from an environmental perspective.

The real problem with growing these is obtaining seed or cutting material. Some species can grow rather tall, upto 2 meters/6.5 feet tall

We did see one or two on our recent trip to Whyalla, South Australia, but they were just starting to flower so unable to collect seed.

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Re: Ptilotus exaltatus – Mulla Mulla


Post: # 101222Unread post svalli
Fri Jul 07, 2023 12:46 am

Whwoz wrote: Thu Jul 06, 2023 6:39 am How long were you able to keep these plants alive for @svalli ?
I had those growing and flowering till the first hard frost. I tried searching seeds from the faded flowers, but could not find any. Flowers on those plants lasted really long time.

This year I did not grow any from seed, but I had a plan to get one from a nursery. I saw those in the spring at the nursery department of a store I go frequently, but when I was going to get one, they had sold out, even the price was quite high. Next year I have to buy one as soon as I see them or order the seeds and grow them myself.

(For some reason that small picture is sideways even it opens in correct orientation when clicking it.)
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Re: Ptilotus exaltatus – Mulla Mulla


Post: # 101225Unread post Whwoz
Fri Jul 07, 2023 3:57 am

Can understand why they sold out quickly. Beautiful plant. Thinking of getting some seed sent across from WA, should be some extras if you want/are interested @svalli

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Re: Ptilotus exaltatus – Mulla Mulla


Post: # 101290Unread post Peebee2
Sat Jul 08, 2023 2:13 am

Hey @Whwoz @svalli do you think the plant in the background of my photo is a mulla mulla variety? I found this almost 10 years ago in a 99 Cents Only Store of all places, back when they sometimes had really nice plants. I haven't found it anywhere since. The pic isn't that great, but it sure looked a lot like the plant in your post. As it aged, the color faded to a softer pink. It was sure pretty.
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Re: Ptilotus exaltatus – Mulla Mulla


Post: # 101293Unread post Whwoz
Sat Jul 08, 2023 3:45 am

@peebee, it certainly could be, but I can't say for sure. Mulla Mulla's are in the family Amaranthaceae, which includes plants like Celosia or Cock's Comb some of which are very similar florally and would be much more readily available. Try looking up Celosia spicata. Afraid I cannot be more helpful

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Re: Ptilotus exaltatus – Mulla Mulla


Post: # 101335Unread post Peebee2
Sat Jul 08, 2023 11:48 am

@Whwoz I recognized the name celosia immediately, that's what it was I'm sure. Thanks for the info 🙂

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Re: Ptilotus exaltatus – Mulla Mulla


Post: # 101342Unread post MissS
Sat Jul 08, 2023 12:37 pm

I used to grow Celosia argentea var. spicata many years ago when I grew flowers for drying. It is dainty, a prolific bloomer and dries beautifully and almost identical to the above pictured plant. The foliage seems a bit different but the blooms are very similar. ... _seeds.asp
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Re: Ptilotus exaltatus – Mulla Mulla


Post: # 101464Unread post svalli
Mon Jul 10, 2023 5:22 am

Whwoz wrote: Fri Jul 07, 2023 3:57 am Can understand why they sold out quickly. Beautiful plant. Thinking of getting some seed sent across from WA, should be some extras if you want/are interested @svalli
Interested would be understatement, I would be excited to grow some. 😍

Only kinds sold here as seeds or plants are cultivar named Joey.
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