Everything Chicken.

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Everything Chicken.


Post: # 34750Unread post worth1
Sat Nov 28, 2020 7:36 am

Something I have always known about the chicken industry.
Please watch while it's free.
25 miles southeast of Waterloo Texas.

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Re: Everything Chicken.


Post: # 47353Unread post stone
Mon May 24, 2021 8:28 am

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Store bought chicken is nasty...

I once did some reforestation on a chicken farm, we stumbled across open pits full of carcasses... the property owner talked to us about his typical day running broiler houses... enough to make you swear off anything offered by Big Ag!

I have my own birds... occasionally one finds it's way into the stew pot... When they are pets, I guarantee that you're going to eat them a lot less often than when you're getting them wrapped in plastic! People shouldn't eat so much animal flesh anyway... we didn't evolve eating the American diet... isn't good for us.

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