Two Good Late Summer Native Perennials

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Two Good Late Summer Native Perennials


Post: # 28845Unread post friedgreen51
Sat Aug 22, 2020 9:47 am

These are two good late summer blooming perennials for your flower garden. They are both natives and start blooming in August until the frost takes them out.

Native Pink Turtle Head
Turtle Head.jpg
Native Cut Leaf Coneflower
Native Cut Leaf Coneflower.jpg
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Re: Two Good Late Summer Native Perennials


Post: # 28846Unread post Growing Coastal
Sat Aug 22, 2020 10:14 am

Interesting to see a coneflower like that. Similar to what we see in nurseries but not the same at all. One of the joys of Tomato Junction is seeing what grows in other parts of the world.

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Re: Two Good Late Summer Native Perennials


Post: # 28854Unread post MissS
Sat Aug 22, 2020 12:34 pm

Those are very nice fall bloomers. I have had the pink Chelone. The deer pruned it last year. It's just coming into full bud now. This year I have the white Chelone as well. The white one is the host for the for the Baltimore Checker-spotted butterfly. I have never seen one of these butterflies and I'm hoping to attract them here.
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Re: Two Good Late Summer Native Perennials


Post: # 28857Unread post friedgreen51
Sat Aug 22, 2020 12:41 pm

Growing Coastal wrote: Sat Aug 22, 2020 10:14 am Interesting to see a coneflower like that. Similar to what we see in nurseries but not the same at all. One of the joys of Tomato Junction is seeing what grows in other parts of the world.
Yes, it is so interesting to see what other people are growing. The cut leaf coneflower is also called green head coneflower. It is a nice pollinator plant and attracts many kinds of bees and butterflies.,

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Re: Two Good Late Summer Native Perennials


Post: # 28861Unread post bower
Sat Aug 22, 2020 2:15 pm

We have a white turtlehead here, I've seen it growing down by the river. Very pretty, and your pink is even nicer. :)
I have two mints that I brought home from that area - one is a delicious peppermint that grows at the head of the pond, the other is a round-leaved spearmint flavor that grows in big patches in the river. Don't know if they are native or if settlers settled them there. They are a little tricky to keep going in the garden as they do love water a bit more than other things.
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