Shortcut for scrolling?

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Shortcut for scrolling?


Post: # 19301Unread post brownrexx
Wed May 06, 2020 3:27 pm

I just had to get a new computer mouse because the scrolling wheel wore out and was not working right.

Is there something to click to take me to the top of a page and not have to scroll? I am trying to use the scrolling wheel less on the new mouse. The old one only lasted 4 months.

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Re: Shortcut for scrolling?


Post: # 19304Unread post Growing Coastal
Wed May 06, 2020 3:43 pm

Sounds like your previous mouse was defective. Mine scrolls all the time no issues. Plus I have dropped my mouse on the hard floor so many times I don't know why it hasn't died yet. Not the 1st to be so abused!
Do you have bookmarks in the bar at the top of your page? I keep a shortcut there to the 'new posts' page and when I am done with a thread I click on that to get to new posts I might want to read. Less scrolling that way.
I wish I could find a shortcut like that on my tablet.

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Re: Shortcut for scrolling?


Post: # 19312Unread post brownrexx
Wed May 06, 2020 4:49 pm

I agree that it should not have worn out and H-P actually replaced it under warranty. I got a new computer in December.

Many forums have something like an arrow at the side where one can just click that and be taken to the top or bottom of the page.

I do use the New Posts shortcut at the top of the page but I have to scroll to the top of the page to get to it.

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Re: Shortcut for scrolling?


Post: # 19316Unread post Shule
Wed May 06, 2020 4:58 pm

Yes. The home button should work. (You may or may not have to click on the screen first.) Or, if you're typing, do Ctrl+home (without Ctrl it'll take you to the beginning of the line). End and Ctrl+End should take you to the end of the line, or document similarly.

I'm not sure if Windows changed to be like this, too (I use Xubuntu), but in my applications I can just click at the beginning of the scrollbar, below the arrow, to get right to the beginning). It used to just scroll up a page at a time doing that, but now it goes directly to wherever on the scrollbar I click. Dragging the scrollbar is also a lot faster than it once was (you don't have to click on the scroller thing itself to drag it anymore).
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Re: Shortcut for scrolling?


Post: # 19317Unread post Shule
Wed May 06, 2020 5:00 pm

If you're talking about on TomatoJunction specifically, you can also click on the upward pointing arrow at the bottom of any post.
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Re: Shortcut for scrolling?


Post: # 19322Unread post brownrexx
Wed May 06, 2020 5:14 pm

Perfect! Thank you [mention]Shule[/mention] I never noticed that little arrow but it is exactly what I wanted. Thank you.

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Re: Shortcut for scrolling?


Post: # 19348Unread post worth1
Thu May 07, 2020 5:18 am

Up and down arrows on the right lower side of your keyboard.
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Re: Shortcut for scrolling?


Post: # 19427Unread post Cole_Robbie
Fri May 08, 2020 3:26 pm

Yes, arrows, also pg up and pg down, home, and end. Some browsers are set so that the space bar is page down.

I miss a real keyboard. I have been stuck on a phone for a couple years now.

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Re: Shortcut for scrolling?


Post: # 19458Unread post ahntjudy
Sat May 09, 2020 12:21 am

Cole_Robbie wrote: Fri May 08, 2020 3:26 pm Yes, arrows, also pg up and pg down, home, and end. Some browsers are set so that the space bar is page down.
worth1 wrote: Thu May 07, 2020 5:18 am Up and down arrows on the right lower side of your keyboard.
I did not know that...Old dog, new tricks...Luv learning new stuff...Thanks!... 8-)
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Re: Shortcut for scrolling?


Post: # 19505Unread post brownrexx
Sat May 09, 2020 2:39 pm

Yes, those keyboard things like arrows and page up and page down work but I was looking for a one stop button that will take me back to the top of the page and that little arrow does exactly that. I love it and I don't have to take my hand off of the mouse.

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