A Tribute For Carolyn Male-Want to participate?

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Re: A Tribute For Carolyn Male-Want to participate?


Post: # 16634Unread post verboten82
Thu Apr 09, 2020 10:04 am

Right now I'm growing Aunt Ruby's German Green,Cherokee Purple, and Eva Purple Ball.

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Re: A Tribute For Carolyn Male-Want to participate?


Post: # 16793Unread post hybrid
Fri Apr 10, 2020 6:01 pm

The last I saw was that there were 16 varieties left. We looked thru the seeds of Carolyn's and could find twelve of those. Farmer Shawn has agreed to try and see what he can do with those. It might be a while as he just received 6" of new snow. The one's we did not find are.Dorothy's Green/Jefferson Giant/Nectarine/and Peach Blow Sutton. I am just in awe at what has been accomplished. Thanks to all dave

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Re: A Tribute For Carolyn Male-Want to participate?


Post: # 16982Unread post HL2601
Sat Apr 11, 2020 9:51 pm

GREAT NEWS! WE ONLY NEED 3 MORE VARIETIES! Does anyone have seeds? Can anyone grow these?
Happy Easter to all.

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Re: A Tribute For Carolyn Male-Want to participate?


Post: # 17076Unread post bower
Sun Apr 12, 2020 3:54 pm

Happy Easter Heide!
I was reluctant to try any unknowns this year, on account of the marginal tomato weather we've been having in recent years, so I decided on a variety I got from Carolyn in 2013 called Zolotoy Zapas. Only one came up, and it was a 'helmet head' I couldn't shuck. I thought the effort was doomed, although I duly transplanted it (and it is still living without yet shrugging off the seed). But this morning I discovered that THREE of them are up in the discard tray, and have shucked their seed perfectly, so no problems going forward. I'm confident I will get some seed for the tribute, so please add Zolotoy Zapas to the list.
In the year that I grew it (2013) more than one person singled it out as the best tasting of all the varieties that year. I commented to Carolyn that it had 'a hint of cantaloupe' in the flavor. She scoffed at that :) , as you know, she would never agree to compare a tomato to any other fruit, LOL. :) Every tomato I ever got from her was really special in one way or another, and especially there was some unique flavor that made her list. She just had an incredible eye and taste for outstanding toms. This is another one worth tasting, so I am growing it in her memory.
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Re: A Tribute For Carolyn Male-Want to participate?


Post: # 17181Unread post HL2601
Mon Apr 13, 2020 10:39 am

Bower that's terrific and I will add. How fun on Easter resurrection you found discarded but now newly burst seedlings. Ted just posted a thread about being patient with old seeds too. Carolyn would surely be smiling.

Every time I find a helmet head I think of her telling me to just use my spit. Funny how some things stick with you.

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Re: A Tribute For Carolyn Male-Want to participate?


Post: # 17193Unread post bower
Mon Apr 13, 2020 12:20 pm

Yes I remembered that, and I even tried spit on it this time! :lol: But it stayed hard as a rock. I have killed so many trying to 'help' with a tight seed. :oops: Usually they're extras and don't really matter, but this year I decided to let them figure it out on their own. Anyway, well pleased to see those seeds that germinated a bit later also softened up that old seed coat. 8-) They are under the lights now with their (slightly) older sibs.
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Re: A Tribute For Carolyn Male-Want to participate?


Post: # 17219Unread post ContainerTed
Mon Apr 13, 2020 3:47 pm

I didn't read back thru all the thread here, but would like to say that she really liked Lincoln Adams and Krasnodar Titans. She had sent seeds to me that were labeled Lincoln Adams and I was so proud to post pictures. She took one look and then ask me where I had gotten Lincoln Adams because the fruits I showed were definitely NOT Lincoln Adams. After some back and forth, we figured out she had actually sent me Krasnodar Titans. I corrected all my database points and the REAL Lincoln Adams showed up at my mailbox in short order. Actually, both tomatoes are first class winners.
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Re: A Tribute For Carolyn Male-Want to participate?


Post: # 18364Unread post FarmerShawn
Sat Apr 25, 2020 4:35 pm

I received the seeds from Carolyn's brother today - the twelve he found that were unclaimed on the book list. They're OOOLD. 1993 is the oldest dated, but more than half have no date. So. They are all planted and soaking, doused with a bit of ferts to help wake them up, as Carolyn often repeated she did. So wish them (and me...) luck! They are comfy on the heat mat, set to 76. All I can do now is wait, and keep checking!

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Re: A Tribute For Carolyn Male-Want to participate?


Post: # 18399Unread post Gardadore
Sat Apr 25, 2020 11:51 pm

An update on my stubborn Cherokee Chocolate attempts. After weeks one of the seeds in the towel finally produced a tail. I was shocked after checking the towel daily. It was close to disintegrating after so long!! Transferred to a cup of potting mix, emerged and is doing well! Shortly after that one of the seeds planted
originally in a yogurt cup appeared but was very weak. It too is doing well having been transferred to a Solo cup. I had come very close to throwing out the paper towel efforts so it goes to show you never know.
I have a couple of varieties besides the Cherokee Chocolate that emerged after three or four weeks so patience is the game!

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Re: A Tribute For Carolyn Male-Want to participate?


Post: # 18454Unread post Nico
Sun Apr 26, 2020 12:12 pm

I have kellogg´s breakfast and crnkovic yogoslavian seeds, this year I repeat Kb because I loved it last year, I am also growing for the first time Dr. Carolyn and Dr.Carolyn pink.I see that Dr. Carolyne pink is not on the list.
By the way, I don't know if I'll be the only one, but I have Dr Carolyn RL and PL.
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Re: A Tribute For Carolyn Male-Want to participate?


Post: # 18669Unread post HL2601
Tue Apr 28, 2020 9:22 pm

Great news from everyone! Carolyn's will is obviously strong. Good luck especially to Farmer Shawn with the oldest seeds... And a big thanks to Hybrid and his wife for making the seeds available to the project.

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Re: A Tribute For Carolyn Male-Want to participate?


Post: # 20106Unread post FarmerShawn
Sat May 16, 2020 3:51 pm

I'm very sorry to report that I have not seen any signs of life from any of the seeds Carolyn's brother sent me, 12 of the missing varieties. I planted them all, in hopes of getting, well, something! I'm not giving up quite yet, as I know old seeds can take their time, but I thought by now I'd have a glimmer of hope. But not yet.:-( :cry:

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Re: A Tribute For Carolyn Male-Want to participate?


Post: # 20107Unread post MissS
Sat May 16, 2020 4:15 pm

Germination or not, this was a very kind and generous gesture from Hybrid to save Carolyn's seeds and to give them to you to share with all. Hopefully something will happen but if not Carolyn can have a good chuckle at our expense. Thank you so much FarmerShawn for your time and effort with these seeds we do appreciate all that you are doing.
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Re: A Tribute For Carolyn Male-Want to participate?


Post: # 20531Unread post HL2601
Fri May 22, 2020 9:55 pm

Good luck everyone with your growing season and encouraging all The Carolyn favorites. We will get what we get at the end of the season so no pressure if things don't work the way we all mean them too. This is a really great worldwide effort and that's what counts! If people could start thinking about ways we would like to see the seeds distributed that would be great too.

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Re: A Tribute For Carolyn Male-Want to participate?


Post: # 27845Unread post HL2601
Mon Aug 10, 2020 9:37 am

Just checking in with everyone who is participating in Carolyn's Tribute. Hopefully everyone is having a good season! Remember to save seeds and make sure they are dried well before you seal and send them. if you need to-stock up on the seed bags, maybe get them sooner rather than later. With the pandemic, it's a crazy time.

Here is a little more info

*The deadline for sending seeds is Nov 1 2020.
Seeds will be distributed sometime in January 2021.

*Please send seeds in small plastic bags and label each with the variety, date and CAROLYN MALE TRIBUTE. Add a short description and your name and too, if you like. Here is a link to bags I have used before and like for those new to swaps. https://smile.amazon.com/gp/product/...?ie=UTF8&psc=1

*Pack at least 5 seeds in each bag.

*Please include a list of 20 varieties you would most desire to receive in order of preference. Make sure your name, your screen name here and your address are on that list. I will do my best to get you what you ask for and possibly more too, depending on participation.

* For postage- if you want 15 or fewer varieties, please include a legal sized envelope with 2 stamps. If you want more than that please include 3-4 stamps. For international friends, I will take care of postage.

* Please send your seeds, your list of requests with your name and your screen name and your self addressed stamped envelope/bubble mailer to:
Heide Dolan
5_2_0_8 S. G-e-n-e-v-a St.
E_n_g_l_e_w_o_o_d, CO 8-0-1--11

*You don't have to grow and send seeds to participate. You do have to be a member of this board with at least 2 posts to request seeds. The goal is to get as many of Carolyn's favorite seeds out to the public as possible. If you would like to receive seeds, please send in your top 20 list and a stamped, self addressed envelope or small bubble mailer.

NOTE: I am open for suggestions if people want to change the number of seeds people can request. New growers may want more varieties; established growers may only be interested in more obscure ones. I started with the list of 20 but that can be flexible depending on how much is sent in. I will know more as they come in. Hopefully everyone will come away happy.

Everyone’s input is welcome if you feel I have forgotten anything. This is a group tribute!

Cheers Carolyn!
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Re: A Tribute For Carolyn Male-Want to participate?


Post: # 27903Unread post Shule
Mon Aug 10, 2020 6:12 pm

FarmerShawn wrote: Sat May 16, 2020 3:51 pm I'm very sorry to report that I have not seen any signs of life from any of the seeds Carolyn's brother sent me, 12 of the missing varieties. I planted them all, in hopes of getting, well, something! I'm not giving up quite yet, as I know old seeds can take their time, but I thought by now I'd have a glimmer of hope. But not yet.:-( :cry:
I had some seeds that wouldn't germinate one year. I kept them for a few years and then put them in the freezer for a few days before I planted them again, and I got excellent germination! I think it was the freezing that did it.

Anyway, the moral of the story is, if the seeds don't grow on the first attempt, it doesn't necessarily mean they're dead. Some people use chemicals to help start old seeds (like nitrates or something else).

Some tomatoes really do take a super long time to sprout, too. For me, Sweet Orange Cherry and Ron's Carbon Copy were like that the first year or two I grew them.

I know you grow a lot of tomatoes, so you might know more than me on all this stuff!
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Re: A Tribute For Carolyn Male-Want to participate?


Post: # 27986Unread post EdieJ
Tue Aug 11, 2020 9:03 pm

Still do not have any EML's anywhere close to ripening. I swear I've never seen tomatoes grow at such a snail's pace. 😒 At this point I hope we get at least one before frost!
[mention]HL2601[/mention] thank you for the link to the seed bags. I am going to check it out now.
ETA: the link came up as "could not be found."
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Re: A Tribute For Carolyn Male-Want to participate?


Post: # 27990Unread post MissS
Tue Aug 11, 2020 11:00 pm

EdieJ wrote: Tue Aug 11, 2020 9:03 pm Still do not have any EML's anywhere close to ripening. I swear I've never seen tomatoes grow at such a snail's pace. 😒 At this point I hope we get at least one before frost!
@HL2601 thank you for the link to the seed bags. I am going to check it out now.
ETA: the link came up as "could not be found."

You can also find these bags at Walmart in the craft section or they also sell them online. Most of us prefer working with the 2" x 3" bags.
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Re: A Tribute For Carolyn Male-Want to participate?


Post: # 28010Unread post root_grow
Wed Aug 12, 2020 11:30 am

I wanted to share some Earl of Edgecombe seeds for this tribute, alongside a couple others. I have 2 plants that are supposed to be Earl of Edgecombe, but one is putting out very heart shaped fruit. The other is finally putting on some round fruits, but has been so weak from the very start that I hesitate to keep seeds from this plant at all. I'm very sorry I won't be able to share this variety with everyone :(

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Re: A Tribute For Carolyn Male-Want to participate?


Post: # 28014Unread post wykvlvr
Wed Aug 12, 2020 1:21 pm

I know you have folks who have Stupice and Green Zebra growing which are my only two from her list. Good thing too as while I have some Stupice that are showing color, my Green Zebra has just now produced a single flower :( BUT if it turns out you need some from Stupice just let me know. As always they are my reliable workhorse pumping out ripe tomatoes while other plants sit and shiver and sulk in our weather.

Grin I remember Carolyn adamantly telling me that since we were in the same zone I should be able to grow anything she could... I had been bemoaning the fact that many of the varieties talked about so highly in GW needed a longer growing season then we had. (this was on GW long before Tomatoville)
It was her and other GardenWeb members that encouraged me to try growing my own plants from seeds, them who encouraged me try Stupice, Green Zebra, Matina and others. If I still had records of those days it wouldn't surprise me to discover those first Stupice seeds came from her... Alas those records and that line of Stupice is long gone. The ones I am growing this year are from seed bought from PineTree.
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