My pup, Sam

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Re: My pup, Sam


Post: # 49353Unread post Dawn
Sat Jun 26, 2021 12:16 am

My goofy weirdo. There was a parade, she wasn't sure why we were there, but she likes people and so we were just hanging out, and then there were horses. She's not a timid or fearful dog in any way, but, apparently, she's scared of horses. She pulled me all the way home. I think we got home before the parade was over 😂. She was pretty freaked out for a while after that.

Her immediate reaction
Ears back, all the way home, gotta listen to make sure they're not following us
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Re: My pup, Sam


Post: # 49360Unread post Ginger2778
Sat Jun 26, 2021 6:30 am

Awww poor sweet baby. Our dog does this occasionally too. Your heart goes out to them, and it's no fun walking them when they pull.
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Re: My pup, Sam


Post: # 49378Unread post Labradors
Sat Jun 26, 2021 8:30 am

Poor Sam. It's no fun to get spooked!

Reminds me of the time we were walking our two black labs at Barefoot Landing in Myrtle Beach. There was a tiger exhibit and they were moving the tigers and had fencing up to keep people away. We didn't see any tigers, but Sheba caught a whiff of them and dragged us all the way back to the car! Smart pooch!

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Re: My pup, Sam


Post: # 49404Unread post Dawn
Sat Jun 26, 2021 2:37 pm

Ginger2778 wrote: Sat Jun 26, 2021 6:30 am Awww poor sweet baby. Our dog does this occasionally too. Your heart goes out to them, and it's no fun walking them when they pull.
This is one of those stretchy leashes, it makes a huge difference when they pull. Sam isn't usually a puller, she's actually the best on-leash dog I've had, but I let her that day, and took pictures the whole way, because it was funny. Sorry Sam.
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Re: My pup, Sam


Post: # 49405Unread post Dawn
Sat Jun 26, 2021 2:38 pm

Labradors wrote: Sat Jun 26, 2021 8:30 am Poor Sam. It's no fun to get spooked!

Reminds me of the time we were walking our two black labs at Barefoot Landing in Myrtle Beach. There was a tiger exhibit and they were moving the tigers and had fencing up to keep people away. We didn't see any tigers, but Sheba caught a whiff of them and dragged us all the way back to the car! Smart pooch!
"Nope, big cat, gotta go!"
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Re: My pup, Sam


Post: # 49406Unread post Dawn
Sat Jun 26, 2021 2:43 pm

The little one was ok
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Re: My pup, Sam


Post: # 49407Unread post worth1
Sat Jun 26, 2021 3:19 pm

I could let a few of my cats loose outside the vets office and they would head to whatever vehicle they came in.
One big tom i could take to the vets office and he would sit next to me.
Even with dogs in there.
They never bothered him he was so big and he wouldn't run if they did.
Seen him meet dogs halfway in the yard and send them off the property
All depended on how I acted too.

31 inches from nose to tail and not an ounce of fat.
Raised him from a wee little kitten and took him everywhere with me.
His name was Cruiser.a big ole grey Tabby cat with a orange belly with dark spots.
25 miles southeast of Waterloo Texas.

You can't argue with a closed mind.
You might as well be arguing with a cat.

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Re: My pup, Sam


Post: # 49414Unread post Dawn
Sat Jun 26, 2021 4:53 pm

I had a big cat kinda like him. I went to the shelter and found him in the "altered cat room", he was a huge guy, and older, they said 4, but I think he was older than that. I carried him past the puppy run, he just looked at them, and to the front desk. He wouldn't fit in the cat carrier box the shelter sent cats home in, so he sat on my sister's lap. I got him home, which was a very small studio apartment with 2 dogs. Walked in, plopped him on the bed, my dogs (nice, cat friendly dogs at the time), came and sniffed him all over and he just laid there. Then they were all friends.
Zone 6b/7a
Central Washington State (it's a desert here)

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