Posting your own videos

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Posting your own videos


Post: # 97541Unread post Sue_CT
Sun May 14, 2023 11:12 am

Can anyone tell me how to post videos taken on an iphone? I never used to have a problem but now with a newer laptop, a newer iphone, etc., I don't know which programs this forum will accept. I have tried Media Player, posting from laptop and it won't work. I use Flickr to host photos but they don't do videos. It seems that anything I try uploading from windows laptop won't play on the site. I try things like Instagram, Pinterest, and facebook and posting a link to a facebook post is about all I have been able to figure out. I don't really want to create a facebook post for them. Thanks, any help would be appreciated!

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Re: Posting your own videos


Post: # 97552Unread post pondgardener
Sun May 14, 2023 12:46 pm

@Sue_CT Have you tried opening an account at YouTube and downloading it there? You can make it private, so if you post the link here, others can view it, without it showing up on their general viewing site.
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Re: Posting your own videos


Post: # 97553Unread post Sue_CT
Sun May 14, 2023 1:27 pm

I do have a Youtube account, I didn't think of that. But I thought it would have to be public for everyone to see it. Not that it matters for what I post. I will try that, thanks.

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Re: Posting your own videos


Post: # 97603Unread post Sue_CT
Mon May 15, 2023 10:48 am

It worked great once I figured out why I couldn't see them on my laptop. I have had a youtube account for a long time but apparently when I went from cable to streaming and signed up for YouTube TV it created a new account for me and now I have two. I was in my YouTube TV account on my phone and my old account on my laptop. :roll: Thanks for the reminder to use my Youtube account, it worked great and I was able to replace the previously posted videos with the Youtube ones.

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