organic fertilizer

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organic fertilizer


Post: # 89313Unread post Nico
Sat Feb 18, 2023 5:02 am

This year I am going to try a homemade organic fertilizer, based on cane syrup or molasses, worm humus plus water, it is an organic fertilizer a thousand times more powerful than any fertilizer. It promotes life in the soil, improves the immune system of plants, good flowering and fruit production, it is a fertilizer especially indicated to reproduce beneficial microorganisms present in worm humus, it should be used once or twice a season.
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Re: organic fertilizer


Post: # 89358Unread post Kingbird
Sat Feb 18, 2023 12:26 pm

I make compost tea to feed the microherd similar to what you describe.

1 cup worm castings
3 tbsp Blackstrap Molasses
5 teaspoons kelp meal
4 gallons of good water

I put the worm castings and kelp meal in an old sock or brewing hops bag in a 5 gallon bucket, add molasses directly to the water. Aerate (brew) well for 24-48 hrs. Dilute as needed and use as feed or foliar.

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Re: organic fertilizer


Post: # 89362Unread post bower
Sat Feb 18, 2023 1:03 pm

There's a good bit of potassium and a lot of micronutrients and minerals in blackstrap molasses.
I used to add some to the liquid fish ferts for a more balanced fert for my peppers grown in small pots indoors. It takes away the fish smell as a bonus.
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Re: organic fertilizer


Post: # 89368Unread post svalli
Sat Feb 18, 2023 1:46 pm

When using molasses make sure that it is organic. Herbicide klopyralid is commonly used on sugar beet fields in Europe and it has caused a lot of problems, when molasses or vinasse has been used as ingredient in fertilizer.

Sugar cane syrup may be safer, but a lot of the molasses in Europe has been made from sugar beets.
"I only want to live in peace, plant potatoes and dream."
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