Photo code, not photos showing

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Re: Photo code, not photos showing


Post: # 84106Unread post GoDawgs
Wed Nov 30, 2022 7:12 am

I have an old Canon camera that has served me well for years. I originally set it to take photos on the "Small" setting so I didn't ever have to resize and the photos wouldn't take up so much memory. Now the LED screen is kaput. Every once in a while I accidentally push a button but have no idea what I just did so settings may have changed. Then I really dislike the Windows photo program that came with the computer I bought last year. It downloads photos off my camera in the 2-3MB range so I resize them and save to both my external hard drive and Imgur. I got an external hard drive to save my pics after losing a bunch when my old Apple died and took a bunch of photos with it. And I don't trust clouds.

Currently the photos I post are in the 400-600 width and 400-600 height range. That also works well when e-mailing pics from my desktop. I've never taken nor sent pics from the cell phone I rarely use.

I use Imgur because this isn't the only site I post pics on and Imgur works well on all of them.

Thumbnails here are most likely not necessary as it would entail another step (opening and closing) in viewing. Just my opinion. I can deal with the way things are now unless others need a change of some sort. I was just wondering about the reasons behind what was going on. Didn't mean to open up a can of worms! :lol:

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Re: Photo code, not photos showing


Post: # 84139Unread post zeuspaul
Wed Nov 30, 2022 3:29 pm

Perhaps implement it on a trial basis (30 days?) and then get some feedback after we have experienced it. I made a post in another thread viewtopic.php?t=4013 post #8. To my surprise it posted with a thumbnail. I thought the thumbnail was large enough for many to see. Then the option to see it larger at user's choice. There must have been a window of time when @Rajun Gardener was messing around with the forum settings.

The image I posted was 1200 x 675 and the thumbnail was 400 x 225. If thumbnails were implemented I would have posted a larger image perhaps 1600 or 1800 wide better suited to a lot of screens.

It would be faster to scroll through threads with a lot of images and then select the ones you want to see larger. It would also benefit those of us with slower connections. I see advantages to both ways. It is difficult to come down on one side or the other without experiencing both ways.

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Re: Photo code, not photos showing


Post: # 84144Unread post Rajun Gardener
Wed Nov 30, 2022 4:40 pm

@zeuspaul I turned it on yesterday afternoon and off this morning. I did see that a few people posted pics and haven't mentioned anything unless I missed it. And you're correct, it will make scrolling faster and it will also take less space on the server especially years down the road when there's many more photos added to the site.
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Re: Photo code, not photos showing


Post: # 84146Unread post MissS
Wed Nov 30, 2022 6:56 pm

@Rajun Gardener I like this better than what we are using. Sometimes our photos are so big that they are overwhelming and in the long-term it makes sense for us to use less space. I can see zeuspaul's image just fine and can always enlarge it if I want to see more details.
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Re: Photo code, not photos showing


Post: # 84147Unread post zeuspaul
Wed Nov 30, 2022 7:02 pm

How does it save space on the server? The original image has to be stored somewhere wouldn't that be on the server? Wouldn't both the thumbnail and the original both be saved on the server? Or is just the processing power required to serve up a thread?

Yes I like scrolling faster.

Also some threads are off limits at least for me due to the large content of large images. It wouldn't be so noticeable if people posted reasonably sized images but many post images north of 1 MB. I understand it is too much to ask posters to post reasonably sized images. Some of us just don't have the computer skills necessary to reduce the file size of their images and posting images should be easy.

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Re: Photo code, not photos showing


Post: # 84148Unread post Rajun Gardener
Wed Nov 30, 2022 7:18 pm

@MissS It's fine with me!! One of the things I like about this software is the clarity of images and the ability to post any size photo.

Should we inform the forum on this or ask for input? It's easy to do, one click and it's done.

@zeuspaul Your right, the image is stored on the server and that won't change but the call up of the full image will be less stress/load. Having a full size image loaded in every post has more load compared to just the thumbnail. That's why I made the thumbnail bigger so most people on different platforms can view the image without having to click to make it bigger.

Can I get some feedback from mobile users? My phone displays a full size image and I can blow up the image without clicking to make it bigger.
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Re: Photo code, not photos showing


Post: # 84149Unread post MissS
Wed Nov 30, 2022 7:36 pm

Rajun Gardener wrote: Wed Nov 30, 2022 7:18 pm @MissS It's fine with me!! One of the things I like about this software is the clarity of images and the ability to post any size photo.

Should we inform the forum on this or ask for input? It's easy to do, one click and it's done.

@zeuspaul Your right, the image is stored on the server and that won't change but the call up of the full image will be less stress/load. Having a full size image loaded in every post has more load compared to just the thumbnail. That's why I made the thumbnail bigger so most people on different platforms can view the image without having to click to make it bigger.

Can I get some feedback from mobile users? My phone displays a full size image and I can blow up the image without clicking to make it bigger.
I don't really think that most people would notice the change because they are not small thumbprints, in fact the comments that I have always seen is that the photos were always so big. It will help those with slower internet and will save us space. So I would just inform them and if anyone has a problem with it then we can make adjustments. I see this as a good move and doubt anyone would complain.
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Re: Photo code, not photos showing


Post: # 84150Unread post Rajun Gardener
Wed Nov 30, 2022 7:51 pm

Welcome to Thumbnails!!!
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