Winter basil in indoor hydro

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Re: Winter basil in indoor hydro


Post: # 82765Unread post greenthumbomaha
Thu Nov 10, 2022 9:24 pm

pepperhead212 wrote: Thu Nov 10, 2022 11:05 am @greenthumbomaha I grow 6 basils in one Jr EB, and got enough basil to supply me the entire season, though I planted some in a herb bed, just in case. I planted 2 serrata, 2 Siam Queen, 1 gecofure, and 1 mammolo, all of which are sort of smaller varieties, which is why I grow those in the Jr EB, as well as inside, in the hydro. Unfortunately, Gecofure was discontinued, and, of course, was the best producer! But I'm trying to save some seeds after all the others were pulled (to prevent crossing)...I'll see if it works. Mammolo was the last to bolt, but not as productive - I'll see if they do better in the hydro.

Other things that I've grown in the Jr that did well - Dukat dill, curly parsley (flat leaf got rootbound, with just 3, and also got too large in hydro), and some greens. Leaf lettuce, some small bok choy, and mizuna, which gets fairly large, so that was planted one in the middle on the end, with 4 leaf lettuce. All these were slow bolting, and lasted well into the summer. I also grew a French lavender from seed, which I'll move inside to the back porch in the one with the parsley - I'll see how they survive there, where it's about 10° warmer than outside.

Other things I've grown in the Jr Eb, that got too many roots, besides the flatleaf parsley - chives, Syrian Oregano, Red Epazote, and Rau Ram, the one that got the most solid packed.
I'm retaking an online Excel course and this time I'm determined to compile a seed inventory in the off season. Let no seed go stale. Diversify is my theme going forward next year, so great info here!!

LOTS of information to unpack, pepperhead, but I wanted to say I used to live not far from you and it is one of my favorite family oriented areas. I lived in a new subdivision where everyone had relocated from other areas, and we became each other's nearby family when we needed a ride, pick up kids, etc. There were watering restrictions, and everyone would be out socializing while we dragged the hoses around. I wonder if it is still like that, or if you only see people going in and out of their garage. Also, it is MUCH warmer there !

Good to know on the flatleaf parsley. I have 5 "Bloom" pots that overwinter in an unheated garage for use until it bolts in spring. Guess I will keep that system based on your experience. I have one pot of curly parsley purchased on $1 sale, and I never really use it but its in the garage now just in case. You are right, it is a small plant.

Does one Dukat plant provide enough leaves to use in salads or make a dill bread? Dill has finally established in a big way inground (Mammouth), so likely not needing any more in season fresh dill. I grow lavender (Vera) from library seed just for bragging to myself. I have (3 plants) in one of those cardboard fiber pots that just came inside. It never really flowers for me though it gets a mostly sunny spot on the plant stand. Nice to brush your hand and enjoy the scent though.

Think I will try the small bok choy! I've grown lettuces in EB but prefer to devote a 4 X 4 raised bed for this. Just a better use of real estate for the volume produced. I grow 4 rows of different varieties, under a shade cloth as the heat builds. It was too hot to start a fresh batch for fall. Not a big cilantro or mustard fan, but maybe I can research and find a hidden gem in the other herbs.
Thank you for a thorough response and please post any new plants you will grow next year!

- Lisa

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Re: Winter basil in indoor hydro


Post: # 82770Unread post pepperhead212
Thu Nov 10, 2022 10:24 pm

Another one I forgot about, that also got way too many roots in the hydro, and I'm sure it would in the Jr EB, was leaf celery, or cutting celery. Like the flatleaf parsley, the roots grew so huge they broke the basket it was growing in. And a very fast growing variety of Dill - Tetra - I had to pull, before the roots got too large. However, they did well in the Jr EB, like the Dukat, and slow bolting, so it was more for leaves.

Fortunately, the water isn't a problem here yet, and almost all of mine is drip irrigation, setup on timers. So no one ever sees me dragging the hoses around, especially in that heat! The EBs I have drip lines in the fill tubes, and set them for just enough time to when the water leaks out, then reduce the time by 5 minutes.
Woodbury, NJ zone 7a/7b

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