Frying Peppers

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Re: Frying Peppers


Post: # 78316Unread post Yak54
Sat Sep 10, 2022 1:12 pm

A couple that are very sweet when eaten raw almost taste like candy are Tolli's sweet Italian and Chervena Chushka. When roasted on the grill they are superb and I've found them to be very prolific giving more than 30 peppers per plant in my grow bags.


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Re: Frying Peppers


Post: # 78446Unread post Danny
Mon Sep 12, 2022 2:41 pm

We have made fried sweet peppers and scrambled eggs, very good. Just a dab of oil or butter, slice/dice or whole peppers cooked slow until softened, then add eggs. Makes a good breakfast sammy component, too.
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Re: Frying Peppers


Post: # 78510Unread post JRinPA
Wed Sep 14, 2022 3:51 am

I impulse bought some seed and grew shishito this year...I haven't tried any yet. By the time transplanting came around 100 days later, I thought they were hot peppers? LOL. I planted them in the hot pepper row. The only ones I picked, I put directly in the garlic/hot pepper spray along with jalapeno, habanero, and thai dragon. I didn't taste any or check for heat.

Now I wonder how hot they are...

I tried to expand my pepper growing this year, and also ordered Jimmy Nardelo. I tried them in the center of carrot pots. The carrots outgrew them so far and away by August that I pulled the pepper plants and only later realized those 5 peppers were the Jimmy Nardelo. I only had 5 of to start... I'll try them again next year, I guess.

@Danny, one of my favorite eggs is a progression of olive oil, diced onions, pressed garlic, chopped sweet peppers, chopped hot peppers, and finally diced (or dried in offseason) tomatoes. When done, put that in a bowl, fry a bunch of eggs like an omelet, flip the whole thing then added vegetable mix, fold it over to finish, then slice it and load into flour tortillas. I guess some might call it a breakfast burrito. But the nice thing is I can fry up a big batch of the vegetables and then put it in a plastic dish in the fridge to be parceled out for individual servings for the next few days. Well, that is the plan, but it never lasts that long.

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Re: Frying Peppers


Post: # 78536Unread post JRinPA
Wed Sep 14, 2022 11:10 am

I checked the shishito and ate one raw. Nice flavor, some heat, certainly not just a sweet pepper. About the same heat or a bit more than a hottish anaheim. Very thin flesh though. This was ripe red. Few seeds, but they are formed and hard.

This was baker creek seed.

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Re: Frying Peppers


Post: # 78592Unread post rdback
Thu Sep 15, 2022 9:44 am

Hard to beat a Shishito. Yum!

Pepper - Shishito IMG_20220909_190302118 copy.jpg
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Re: Frying Peppers


Post: # 78766Unread post Danny
Sat Sep 17, 2022 8:10 pm

Yes, just ordered more shishito pepper seed for next year, yummy mild to no heat and so good as a quick charred snack. I've like to fry up a bunch of sweet frying peppers and put them on sandwiches, sometimes by themselves, just bread and olive oil peppers. That picture above makes me hungry !!!
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Re: Frying Peppers


Post: # 78849Unread post DriftlessRoots
Sun Sep 18, 2022 12:32 pm

First year I’ve ever actually fried frying peppers. I’ve grown Chervena Chushka in the past but only ate them raw or pickled them. This year a friend gave me a shishito plant. So easy to fry up a batch and we like them. Will definitely grow again.
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