Suggestion about the Garden Peas forum

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Suggestion about the Garden Peas forum


Post: # 71252Unread post Shule
Tue Jun 07, 2022 8:14 pm

There are three main types of peas (not counting cowpeas and similar):
- Snap peas
- Snow peas
- Garden peas

Snap peas are what most people seem to like to grow. I like to grow snow peas (currently).

I notice there's a 'Garden Peas' forum, but there's no forum for snow peas, and no forum for snap peas.

My suggestion is to do one of the following things to address the situation:

1. Merge 'Garden Peas' and 'Cowpeas/Southern Peas' together, and rename the resulting forum 'Peas'. The number of threads in both forums looks sparse enough to justify that course of action.
2. Rename 'Garden Peas' to 'Snap/Snow/Garden Peas'
3. Rename 'Garden Peas' to 'Peas (Snap/Snow/Garden)'
4. Keep the current forums, but also add two new ones: 'Snap Peas' and 'Snow Peas' (and move the posts about each to the right forums.

Then I could post about snow peas without having to post under 'Other Legumes', and I wouldn't be tempted to rebeliously post off-topic snow pea content under 'Garden Peas'.
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Re: Suggestion about the Garden Peas forum


Post: # 71321Unread post JRinPA
Wed Jun 08, 2022 11:10 pm

I thought snap and snow and english peas would all go in "garden".

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Re: Suggestion about the Garden Peas forum


Post: # 71325Unread post Shule
Thu Jun 09, 2022 12:40 am

I don't mean to stir the pot with this suggestion. Just throwing it out there. If people don't like it, that's great, as long as I know where I'm allowed to post about snow peas.

Garden peas are peas that are only grown for the seeds.

Snow peas are only grown for the pods.

Snap peas are like a mix between the snow peas and garden peas.
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Re: Suggestion about the Garden Peas forum


Post: # 71327Unread post Cole_Robbie
Thu Jun 09, 2022 1:00 am

Visualize World Peas

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Re: Suggestion about the Garden Peas forum


Post: # 71329Unread post Shule
Thu Jun 09, 2022 2:56 am

Thanks. World Peas would be perfect.
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Re: Suggestion about the Garden Peas forum


Post: # 71330Unread post Shule
Thu Jun 09, 2022 3:00 am

JRinPA wrote: Wed Jun 08, 2022 11:10 pm I thought snap and snow and english peas would all go in "garden".
You're probably right. It fits another definition of garden peas (I tend to be an idealistic sort). I should probably just post about snow peas there.
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Re: Suggestion about the Garden Peas forum


Post: # 71344Unread post GoDawgs
Thu Jun 09, 2022 7:11 am

When I read this thread my initial reaction was two threads, one for garden peas and one for cowpeas (synonyms southern peas, field peas). Green vs brown. :D

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Re: Suggestion about the Garden Peas forum


Post: # 71535Unread post bower
Sun Jun 12, 2022 6:36 am

I think there's agreement that we can take 'garden peas' as a general umbrella for snow, snap, and shelly peas. There are already posts in there about snow peas and any other true peas (Pisum sativum!) that we grow in our gardens.
If we had a huge number of posts on one type of pea or another it might be worth separating, but until then do please post about your snow peas there! :)
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