Sunshine Mix for Raised Beds suitable for Containers?

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Sunshine Mix for Raised Beds suitable for Containers?


Post: # 70494Unread post MissTee
Thu May 26, 2022 2:14 pm

Wondering if anyone has used the Sunshine Mix for Raised Beds (2cu ft bale) for container growing? I am using 5 gallon plastic pails and 7 gallon grow bags.

Pro Mix Herb and Veg is sold out and I’m too lazy to make my own custom blend this year.
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Re: Sunshine Mix for Raised Beds suitable for Containers?


Post: # 70513Unread post pepperhead212
Thu May 26, 2022 7:57 pm

I used a one of the compressed Sunshine mixes years ago for SIPs - number 4 sticks in my mind, in a black plastic bag. It worked just as well as Promix, though as with Promix, I added a little more perlite, plus some worm castings. I'm sure the raised bed mix would work well in other containers, as well, though it probably doesn't have as much perlite, though I have not seen it.
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Re: Sunshine Mix for Raised Beds suitable for Containers?


Post: # 70525Unread post mama_lor
Fri May 27, 2022 5:33 am

It should work, yes.

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Re: Sunshine Mix for Raised Beds suitable for Containers?


Post: # 70529Unread post Toomanymatoes
Fri May 27, 2022 7:14 am

I am not sure which mix you are referring to specifically, but the ones I saw online all had perlite in them. To me, that indicates it should be good for containers. Not that you necessarily need perlite, but I prefer to have it or something similar in my container mix. However, the Sunshine Raised Bed mixes I saw online were comprised of only perlite and peat moss. Much like the Sunshine Mix #4 that I am using. I am adding compost, garden soil and granular fert to it since it is devoid of organic matter.

I really like the SunGro Sunshine Mix #4.

edit: added some images showing the difference between Mix#4 and Raised bed Mix. Not a lot of perlite in the raised bed mix, but I would still add some organic matter.
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Re: Sunshine Mix for Raised Beds suitable for Containers?


Post: # 70537Unread post MissTee
Fri May 27, 2022 9:38 am

It’s the Raised Bed Mix I’m referring to. Looks pretty similar to the #4 Mix though in terms of composition.

The store’s website says:
“ Ready to use for vegetables, herbs and flowers in raised beds or large containers. Contains organic fertilizer to get plants off to a great start”.

I guess my concern is that it says “large containers” which I imagine is those large cattle troughs. I’m using smaller pots. I have been used to either making my own blend with the PRoMix BX. But last year switched to ProMix Herb & Veg to spare some effort.

If anyone has used this Raised Bed Mix with small containers would like to hear your review.
Too many tomatoes, not enough time.

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