City Pickers & other self watering pots

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City Pickers & other self watering pots


Post: # 28673Unread post peebee
Thu Aug 20, 2020 3:02 pm

Just curious as I don't often see posts about self watering containers except the Earth box and I'm wondering if anyone here has tried any commercially sold ones like the City Pickers for example? Please don't reply about the DIY ones, I am only wanting feedback about the types you can purchase. I love my EBs and am pretty sure we don't hear much about other brands because of one reason or another. Thanks.
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Re: City Pickers & other self watering pots


Post: # 28683Unread post pepperhead212
Thu Aug 20, 2020 6:20 pm

A friend of mine, after seeing how well things did in my SIPs, got one of those City Pickers (the kind Home Depot sells, I think), and after looking at it, I suggested that he use it for peppers, instead of tomatoes, as it was broader, and shallower, and filling it like they described (2" under the top) was less soil mix than a standard EB, and it only held 2 gal of water - the amount my early ones hold, which, with 2 large tomato plants, would need 2 waterings a day, once they grew to their larger size, and it got hot, and even then, some were dry, after 12 hours. And I told him that it was probably better to plant 6 peppers, not 8, like they said could be done, and that worked out well, as peppers don't need as much water. He filled the container almost to the top, with the soil mix, and the broader surface probably made it better than the EB for peppers, and probably would have been better for other plants that you plant more of, but not those real thirsty plants.
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Re: City Pickers & other self watering pots


Post: # 28685Unread post peebee
Thu Aug 20, 2020 6:29 pm

Thanks for the comments [mention]pepperhead212[/mention] I was thinking if I ever get one I would use it for strawberries. Currently 2 of my EBs have strawberries but it seems such a waste as they really don't require such a deep container. I sometimes see them for sale on sites lime Craigslist. I've never seen one in person so I wondered if the material was sturdy.
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Re: City Pickers & other self watering pots


Post: # 28687Unread post Barb_FL
Thu Aug 20, 2020 6:42 pm

I don't think they hold up nearly as well as EB at least where the sun is really intense. For strawberries or veggies not needing as deep of a container, you could just not fill it as much.
Also, consider the EB Juniors. I have 7 Juniors; they are great for lettuce, but I will also plant lettuce in a regular size EB and just not fill it so much; actually I use leftover tomato mix for growing lettuce or broccoli in EBs.

I'm pretty sure Marsha had a City Picker or two. Unless the price changed, I didn't think the price was that much less.

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Re: City Pickers & other self watering pots


Post: # 28699Unread post peebee
Thu Aug 20, 2020 8:56 pm

[mention]Barb_FL[/mention] I am also looking at the EB juniors. But not for lettuce. Those grow like weeds here in cooler weather so I just broadcast them in my beds that are dormant and end up with way too much. I've also grown some in my unused EBs but as pots, just watering from the top and using no cover. Also just scattering the seeds in it.
I love how strawberries and basil grow in SIPs so I'm looking at my options. Several companies have their versions so I'm just browsing around right now.
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Re: City Pickers & other self watering pots


Post: # 28716Unread post Ginger2778
Thu Aug 20, 2020 11:13 pm

I never owned a City Picker. I thought they were much too flimsy, didn't buy them. I do have a few growboxes. The plastic becomes brittle after 2 or 3 years, and chunks of the water reservoir area are easily whacked away by the weed whacker. Plus, I hate that it's in 2 separate pieces that snap together, so it can leak from a seam all the way around. The Earthboxes are solid, and the plastic has never become brittle on a single one. And the grow area is smaller on growboxes. They only cost about $6 less than an Earthbox, just get the earthbox!
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Re: City Pickers & other self watering pots


Post: # 28717Unread post pepperhead212
Thu Aug 20, 2020 11:18 pm

I have 4 EB Jrs, which I have around my deck, like windowsill boxes. I put basil, dill, curly parsley (flatleaf gets rootbound in it), and some other herbs, as well as leaf lettuce, in cooler times. Works great, and I have a drip watering system re-filling them.

I can't tell you how long those city pickers will last, compared to EBs - my friend moved, and left it with someone that I don't know. Some of my homemade ones have lasted for many years, while a couple have started cracking after about 4 years. I just got some tubs on sale, that seem like the longer lasting ones, as I have two that will be tossed after this season - the 5th year.
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Re: City Pickers & other self watering pots


Post: # 28767Unread post peebee
Fri Aug 21, 2020 11:22 am

Looks like I'll just wait for the next sale to get some juniors then. I just wish they would have more surface space as in square shaped rather than rectangular. But I can live with that.
Thanks for all the replies.
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Re: City Pickers & other self watering pots


Post: # 28776Unread post Ginger2778
Fri Aug 21, 2020 1:36 pm

peebee wrote: Fri Aug 21, 2020 11:22 am Looks like I'll just wait for the next sale to get some juniors then. I just wish they would have more surface space as in square shaped rather than rectangular. But I can live with that.
Thanks for all the replies.
They always have an excellent black Friday promotion where it's free shipping with over $69 purchases. Then that next week its free shipping with $99 or more purchase.
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Re: City Pickers & other self watering pots


Post: # 65577Unread post Danny
Thu Mar 17, 2022 2:41 pm

+Got a few of the city picker boxes for the apartment and a couple of my older plant pots. I think they will be okay for 1 tomato plant , maybe with some lettuce with it? Got to get an adapter connection for the kitchen sink so I can hook unhook a garden hose as hand watering the pots with a can is a hassle.
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