Where did I go wrong?

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Where did I go wrong?


Post: # 53629Unread post Spike
Thu Sep 09, 2021 2:25 pm

I planted several different types of carrots. I grow carrots in tubs because of our clay mud aka garden dirt. Every year I get beautiful carrots. The only thing I did different this year, was in a separate tub, I grew rainbow carrots from a tape. Not a single one of my carrots were worth a hoot. Beautiful tops but the carrots themselves were stubby useless things. What happened? :(
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Re: Where did I go wrong?


Post: # 53630Unread post Amateurinawe
Thu Sep 09, 2021 2:30 pm

I think you bought the same ones as me @Spike ....
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Re: Where did I go wrong?


Post: # 53633Unread post Spike
Thu Sep 09, 2021 3:02 pm

So heart breaking! I simply love carrots and nothing.
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Re: Where did I go wrong?


Post: # 53635Unread post bower
Thu Sep 09, 2021 5:25 pm

I love em too, and planted a lot of carrots last year. But entire beds of carrot seedlings were mowed down by this beast called Black Arion. :evil: I did not repeat this year, but they took the cilantro instead. :roll: They're especially fond of anything in the carrotty family, as long as it's a wee seedling (or better yet, a LAWN of seedlings).
Spike, maybe you just need to leave your rainbow carrots a bit longer. Carrots do get nice tops before they bulk up the roots. I have pulled more than a few too early, and disappointing size.
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Re: Where did I go wrong?


Post: # 53653Unread post mama_lor
Fri Sep 10, 2021 2:17 am

The variety makes a big difference with carrots, just like with radishes, it's very important to match your conditions. For me the ones with less leaves work best (Like Nantes, Maestro). The ones that grow many leaves first are usually a tragedy.

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Re: Where did I go wrong?


Post: # 53659Unread post brownrexx
Fri Sep 10, 2021 8:30 am

@Spike when did you plant your carrot seeds? Carrots have a DTM of about 75 days so possibly you are pulling them too early?

Overcrowding will also lead to underdeveloped carrots.

Or how about nutrition? If your carrots were in pots and we have had LOTS of rain, possibly they ran out of nutrients. I have never grown in containers but I think that fertilizer is needed in them.

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Re: Where did I go wrong?


Post: # 54405Unread post Spike
Wed Sep 22, 2021 1:47 pm

Well not all is lost after all! I had forgotten to check on these other two tubs and YEA!

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Re: Where did I go wrong?


Post: # 54411Unread post worth1
Wed Sep 22, 2021 4:06 pm

Carrots can grow well in some pretty crappy soil as long as there aren't any rocks to get in the way.
Very forgiving.
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Re: Where did I go wrong?


Post: # 54431Unread post Paquebot
Wed Sep 22, 2021 7:50 pm

Rainbow Hybrid carrots should easily reach a foot long in tubs or deep containers. I've had them 12" long and another 2 or 3 inches turn at the pot's bottom. To get that requires a lot more nutrients than if planted in rows. In rows, the roots can go sideways to feed. Crowded in containers, they have less than in inch to find food. Mine grow in pots 15" deep. Medium is 100% old horse manure. By now, some would be 5 or 6 years old. Each year the used medium is mixed 50/50 with year-old manure. That's where virtually all the nutrients come from as the old medium is nearly totally spent. This system allows me to grow Candysnax, Sugarsnax, and Raunbow, all of which will reach 12" only in similar conditions.


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Re: Where did I go wrong?


Post: # 54692Unread post NMRuss
Sun Sep 26, 2021 7:27 pm

Same seed tape just different tub right?

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Re: Where did I go wrong?


Post: # 54707Unread post Paquebot
Mon Sep 27, 2021 10:29 am

Rainbow hybrid carrots are long and slim and various shades of color from yellow to deep orange. They can be expected to grow to a foot long if the medium is light enough.


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Re: Where did I go wrong?


Post: # 55074Unread post JRinPA
Mon Oct 04, 2021 10:13 am

Spike wrote: Thu Sep 09, 2021 2:25 pm I planted several different types of carrots. I grow carrots in tubs because of our clay mud aka garden dirt. Every year I get beautiful carrots. The only thing I did different this year, was in a separate tub, I grew rainbow carrots from a tape. Not a single one of my carrots were worth a hoot. Beautiful tops but the carrots themselves were stubby useless things. What happened? :(
Not a difference between the tubs or culture, but the old types grew fine and the new rainbow seed tape did not produce anything but tops?

I don't think the tape would have inhibited it. I think the different seed doesn't like the conditions, or was just subpar seed on fancy tape. My brother grew rainbow carrots a few years back, and got almost nothing as I recall, but he is not a carrot growing expert and neither am I.

You did have some of your typical carrots planted though, correct?

EDIT Now I see the pics, they didn't come up before. So two tubs of the old carrots hadn't been checked. I'm glad you transitioned slowly, not all rainbow tape this year. I don't know if it was seed tape or not my brother had tried. I use a dibble for red beets and it seems to work pretty well for spacing. I use 1 ply toilet paper to make seed tape for some seed - dig a furrow, unroll and cover. The TP holds moisture and helps them germinate. But I have never used real store bought seed tape.

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Re: Where did I go wrong?


Post: # 55077Unread post Spike
Mon Oct 04, 2021 12:52 pm

@JRinPA In all honesty I am not sure where the seed tape came from. Years ago I bought one and it went poorly for me. Was an experiment I won't try again. Fortunately my tubs produced beautiful carrots and I have plenty put by for this winter!
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Re: Where did I go wrong?


Post: # 55078Unread post Paquebot
Mon Oct 04, 2021 1:25 pm

Wife just asked for some carrots and I opted for the rainbow pot to fill the request. Pulled 8 carrots and all but one was almost a foot long. The exception was one that broke off at 8". In the pots, the carrots are shoulder-to-shoulder for all 5 varieties and maximum size. Give them the nutrientsw and they will grow, same as in the ground.


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Re: Where did I go wrong?


Post: # 55087Unread post Spike
Mon Oct 04, 2021 2:45 pm

What do you feed them @Paquebot
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Re: Where did I go wrong?


Post: # 55111Unread post Paquebot
Tue Oct 05, 2021 2:01 pm

Looks like some replies have gone missing. Not about to try to remember every detail and eyes tell me I'm right.

My carrots get 50% black horse manure and 50% brown. When planted as a single plant, the feeder roots may extend 2½ feet in all directions and the tap root may go down almost 7 feet. Therefore the medium must be very rich when they are growing shoulder-to-shoulder. The "black" manure is what remains in the pot after the season is over. The "brown" manure is from the pile and less than 6 months old.

Water is important early on. Pots are set in the ground several inches and tap roots eventually find the drain holes. First moth requires water almost daily. When foliage reaches close to a foot, water may be once a week. My pots get about a ½" daily during early growth applied by watering can.


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Re: Where did I go wrong?


Post: # 55121Unread post brownrexx
Tue Oct 05, 2021 4:53 pm

I also had a question that disappeared but I wondered @Paquebot if excess nitrogen makes carrots or salsify get lots of root hairs. I have always thought that it did. I also had lots of branching on my salsify this year? Any ideas on the cause?

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Re: Where did I go wrong?


Post: # 55140Unread post Paquebot
Tue Oct 05, 2021 11:34 pm

Excess nitrogen will cause forking or pa;mating. However that usually comes from fresh manure which contain urea. Hairy carrots come from irregular watering. Since I water potted vegetables almost daily almost daily during early development, no such problem.


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Re: Where did I go wrong?


Post: # 55154Unread post brownrexx
Wed Oct 06, 2021 10:10 am

Thanks @Paquebot

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