Worths Idiot Grill.

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Re: Worths Idiot Grill.


Post: # 45595Unread post worth1
Sun Apr 25, 2021 12:36 pm

Still working on it.
Lots of little tinkering like stuff to do.
I'll consider myself lucky if it works. :lol:
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Re: Worths Idiot Grill.


Post: # 45603Unread post worth1
Sun Apr 25, 2021 3:19 pm

Not the greatest idea but it works for now until I can find or make what I need.
Had in my hand today the copper tubing I was going to use and can't find it.
Plus I'm wore smooth out.
Load test in progress.
Next comes the pawl for the ratchet.
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Re: Worths Idiot Grill.


Post: # 45606Unread post worth1
Sun Apr 25, 2021 4:10 pm

Found the copper tubing on the table where I wouldn't lose it. :roll:
In the pictures you will see the tubing in action and the tools I used to work with it and the cable cutter.
Both I have had a long time.
The crimping tool for close to 30 years.
It is for electrical connectors.
That cable isn't going anywhere.
All the way up and all the way down.
I think it's steak O'clock. :D
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Re: Worths Idiot Grill.


Post: # 45611Unread post worth1
Sun Apr 25, 2021 6:25 pm

Needed to run it through a test cook to see if I need to scrap the whole project and start over.
What better way than a 40 ounce tomahawk with a good Texas bock.
But first the rest of the tools to put a tater and onion in the oven, a shower and start laundry.
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Re: Worths Idiot Grill.


Post: # 45700Unread post worth1
Tue Apr 27, 2021 4:34 pm

Stopped off and got some 1/8th X 1 inch steel flat to make a ring for the big wheel.
Took less than 5 minutes to make with the hand crank ring roller.
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Re: Worths Idiot Grill.


Post: # 45926Unread post worth1
Sat May 01, 2021 10:20 am

I have basically enough metal plate left to make a box cover for the left grill.
It would be 2 feet wide 2 feet deep and 1 foot tall.
Cut properly it would leave me with the metal I need for the two front doors.
Basically making another box.
I was concerned about the height of the box being only 12 inches until I measured the height from grill to top of the cooking area on the offset smoker and it was only 10 inches.
The weight of the box lid thing would be roughly 107.4 pounds.
Roughly half the weight of the whole sheet of steel I bought minus the two front doors.
That's a lot of weight to deal with.
Another option and still get the same thing would bring the weight down to 44 pounds.
That's manageable and still use the same amount of steel and get the same results.
Just typing this out made me come up with the option B idea.
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Re: Worths Idiot Grill.


Post: # 45934Unread post worth1
Sat May 01, 2021 12:17 pm

Welded the flat band around the metal disc.
Just one more step in many.
The metal saw blade is very rich in carbon.
Would have made nice knives.
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Re: Worths Idiot Grill.


Post: # 46919Unread post worth1
Sun May 16, 2021 6:02 pm

I've been seeing these things lately and decided to get 2 of them.to hold metal together while fitting up to weld.
They are powerful magnets.
I was really surprised at how cheap they were, 11.96 for 2 of them.
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Re: Worths Idiot Grill.


Post: # 48287Unread post worth1
Tue Jun 08, 2021 6:26 pm

Sorry no updates but long hours at work and rainy days have put a damper on much of anything at home.
Even working weekends.
It's about all I can do to get home make something to eat wind down and go the bed.
Back up again at 3:40 in the morning.
Got maybe 2 more weeks of this.
I wish my useless cat Smokey could cook and wash dishes.
Well she isn't useless she is my little buddy but y'all know what I mean.
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