Worth's guitar build from kit.

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Re: Worth's guitar build from kit.


Post: # 143687Post Tormato
Mon Jan 27, 2025 9:31 am

worth1 wrote: Mon Jan 27, 2025 8:23 am Just about any guitar neck has a truss rod in it.
Except for maybe some cheap flea market item ment to hang up as decoration.
Mine is double acting which means if you turn it on way it one way it bends the neck up.
The other way it bends them down.
Some even have carbon rods on both sides of the rod to help stiffen the neck.

@Tormato I've looked at a couple of forums and I find I can get more information from videos.
You just have to know which ones to look at.
One in particular is from England that's really good.
Seems like the English are more into this and fishing rods than people in the US.
I guess they just like to fiddle with stuff more than the common American.
These guys I look at are professional builders that make custom guitars.
Not all of them do exactly the same thing.
I know enough about wood working building fabrication and putting stuff together to spot a clown.
Their fiddling with stuff likely is ingrained because of their very long history of guilds.

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Re: Worth's guitar build from kit.


Post: # 144002Post worth1
Fri Jan 31, 2025 10:38 am

I ended up buying a quart of Bher water based Bombay mahogany poly wood stain.
The stain is in the mix as well.
Annnnd it turned out looking like something out of a Chinese flea market that a child did.
So I'm stripping it off and putting on what Varathane calls red mahogany oil based stain.
Doesn't look red but.
It went on a lot better and it only darkened the wood a wee bit to give it a warmer look other than the stark naked look of raw wood like the modern IKEA look we see all to often.
I just wiped it on and wiped it off.
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Re: Worth's guitar build from kit.


Post: # 144004Post worth1
Fri Jan 31, 2025 11:25 am

Here's the two before and after for comparison.
Bottom one stained.
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Re: Worth's guitar build from kit.


Post: # 144007Post worth1
Fri Jan 31, 2025 11:56 am

You couldn't tell from a picture so I didn't take one.
But I just hand wiped/rubbed it down with 100% pure tung oil.
The coating has to be really thin.
Maybe a teaspoon for the whole body.
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Re: Worth's guitar build from kit.


Post: # 144016Post Tormato
Fri Jan 31, 2025 12:59 pm

worth1 wrote: Fri Jan 31, 2025 10:38 am I ended up buying a quart of Bher water based Bombay mahogany poly wood stain.
The stain is in the mix as well.
Annnnd it turned out looking like something out of a Chinese flea market that a child did.
So I'm stripping it off and putting on what Varathane calls red mahogany oil based stain.
Doesn't look red but.
It went on a lot better and it only darkened the wood a wee bit to give it a warmer look other than the stark naked look of raw wood like the modern IKEA look we see all to often.
I just wiped it on and wiped it off.
Ha! You're on your way!

Chris Squire, the (no longer with us :( ) bass player for Yes, had a unique sounding Rickenbacker bass. He continually had it sanded down to change the color that he got bored with. People think that was the reason for its sound. He also plugged it into a combination of 2 pieces of electronics equipment (I don't remember what they were) that no one else would have thought to try. Finally his guitar restorer told him that he would no longer work on the finish. He said the body was getting too thin, and could fail.

Hopefully you've settled on the finish. If not, can you find a comparable piece of scrap wood to experiment on?

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Re: Worth's guitar build from kit.


Post: # 144020Post worth1
Fri Jan 31, 2025 1:36 pm

Tormato wrote: Fri Jan 31, 2025 12:59 pm
worth1 wrote: Fri Jan 31, 2025 10:38 am I ended up buying a quart of Bher water based Bombay mahogany poly wood stain.
The stain is in the mix as well.
Annnnd it turned out looking like something out of a Chinese flea market that a child did.
So I'm stripping it off and putting on what Varathane calls red mahogany oil based stain.
Doesn't look red but.
It went on a lot better and it only darkened the wood a wee bit to give it a warmer look other than the stark naked look of raw wood like the modern IKEA look we see all to often.
I just wiped it on and wiped it off.
Ha! You're on your way!

Chris Squire, the (no longer with us :( ) bass player for Yes, had a unique sounding Rickenbacker bass. He continually had it sanded down to change the color that he got bored with. People think that was the reason for its sound. He also plugged it into a combination of 2 pieces of electronics equipment (I don't remember what they were) that no one else would have thought to try. Finally his guitar restorer told him that he would no longer work on the finish. He said the body was getting too thin, and could fail.

Hopefully you've settled on the finish. If not, can you find a comparable piece of scrap wood to experiment on?
I'm settled with the finish.
The first foul up just needed 000 steel wool to remove so no wood was lost.
I will only need the one or two coats because the wood was already sealed.
As far as compatible I've only got real Honduran or Brazilian mahogany here at home.
It doesn't look anything like the Asian stuff.
The Chinaberry tree is related to mahogany.
The heartwood looks pretty nice.
And people in the know use the wood to make things even guitars.
I have a forest of them started in the back of the place.
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Re: Worth's guitar build from kit.


Post: # 144024Post Tormato
Fri Jan 31, 2025 2:22 pm

I'm not an expert at all on those products. But if the original wood was sealed, it doesn't sound like the stain would penetrate the wood. I don't even know if stain/poly products penetrate untreated wood. Is it working more like a tinted poly coating?

The only thing I know about the stain/poly products is that they have a much longer warranty as an outdoor deck finish, than clear finishes.

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Re: Worth's guitar build from kit.


Post: # 144027Post worth1
Fri Jan 31, 2025 2:45 pm

The stain poly does just that it is in the coating and it doesn't soak into the wood.
I didn't like the color because it reminded me of the cheap varnish they put on cheap Chinese SKS rifles that sold for 98.00 or less back some time ago.
Talk about junk.
Probably gasoline and tar mixed together.
Mine is a Russian new old stock military surplus.
World of difference.

The wood had pore sealer in it but the oil based stain went on really smooth with no streaks and darkened the wood just enough.

I like applying the tung oil with my hands because it's non toxic and the hand rubbed finish is very desirable to me.
It doesn't look ultra shiny and cheap.

Weatherby rifles were and are chastised by purests do to their shiny epoxy finish.
To them like me it makes them look cheap.
And it is, because it doesn't take the long period of oiling and rubbing several costs and weeks to get the beautiful finish and protection.
The same with rust blueing vs caustic salts bluing.
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Re: Worth's guitar build from kit.


Post: # 144032Post bower
Fri Jan 31, 2025 5:31 pm

We didn't have tung oil back in the day but my buddy told me it was the best finish.
I've done some furniture with linseed oil and it is tedious to say the least, wiping it off and doing it over. But this is the way to get your great finishes.
I need to do some refinishing on the floor here, which was a pre-stained oak. I picked up something that is stain plus finish, quite some time ago, but haven't tried it. I guess matching up is doubtful for covering a bad patch but I'm undecided whether I really care or not... It's really worn in the kitchen and you can't keep it clean any more without a scrub brush, which is not a way to live. So I might not care if the patch doesn't match! As long as I can wipe it down.
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Re: Worth's guitar build from kit.


Post: # 144035Post worth1
Fri Jan 31, 2025 6:05 pm

The first written documents on the use of tung oil dates back about 2,500 years ago.
I first started using it for gun stock finishing about 30 years ago.
Was also using several different blends of oils to finish fine walnut gun stocks.
Blends include Japan dryer turpentine paint thinner naptha and various other chemicals.
I had no Internet at that time it was all from reading books and a laymans chemistry background on select subjects.
Japan or China dryer works the best.
Just keep on mind using these formulas can and will spontaneously combust and burn the house down if left in and on a rag.
Tung oil.


Oil drying agents.

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Re: Worth's guitar build from kit.


Post: # 144036Post worth1
Fri Jan 31, 2025 6:15 pm

Not much to look at because of the glare but here it is.
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Re: Worth's guitar build from kit.


Post: # 144042Post rxkeith
Fri Jan 31, 2025 7:35 pm

about birds eye maple,

yea it used to be considered trash wood, but have you ever seen something made from
birds eye maple? it is a very nice, attractive grain of wood. it does command a premium
price now. some wood people think birds eye happens when trees grow very slowly for a
period of time. thats a theory at least. don't know what else has come up in recent years.


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Re: Worth's guitar build from kit.


Post: # 144046Post worth1
Fri Jan 31, 2025 7:52 pm

rxkeith wrote: Fri Jan 31, 2025 7:35 pm about birds eye maple,

yea it used to be considered trash wood, but have you ever seen something made from
birds eye maple? it is a very nice, attractive grain of wood. it does command a premium
price now. some wood people think birds eye happens when trees grow very slowly for a
period of time. thats a theory at least. don't know what else has come up in recent years.

Yes I've seen a ton of stuff made with it.
It's very beautiful.
When you order a thousand board feet of hard maple you see all kinds of stuff.
The reason cabinet shops didn't use it is it sticks out like a sore thumb with regular maple.
I've always heard and seen it was dormant future growth sprouts like if you cut a limb a bunch more little limbs sprout out.
I have the guitar dry fitted and have been working on the neck and fret board polishing it
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Re: Worth's guitar build from kit.


Post: # 144161Post worth1
Sun Feb 02, 2025 12:55 pm

It's put together and the cheap strings are strung.
Everything went together without any fuss or mishap.
Exactly the right amount of parts with nothing left over.
It makes noise too.
I don't feel like messing with the headstock shape.
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Re: Worth's guitar build from kit.


Post: # 144188Post worth1
Sun Feb 02, 2025 6:24 pm

I don't know if I got really lucky or there are a ton of people out there that don't have tool use skills.
I'm betting on the latter.
Because even people my age either can't, don't, or won't use tools properly.
They force stuff they don't line up stuff and they over tighten everything.
They use the wrong tools for the job and or use wore out tools.
They don't have any patience.

Well anyway everything lined up almost perfectly.
One thing is some people don't pay attention and get the neck on crooked.
Mine just fell in place with both E strings running parallel to the finger board with even spacing to the outside.
All the switches and knobs work as well.

I don't have the guitar fret level and neck checking tool but it's just a short and long straight edge one with notches cut out for the frets.
I can play every position on the fret board without any buzzing.
Again I guess I got lucky.
Things to do next.
Intonation on the strings.
This is done by way of moving the saddle up and down so there is equal distance on both ends of each string from the 12th fret up and 12th fret down.
It's done by sound.
After that the string height needs to be adjusted for the action.
Then the pickup coils need to be adjusted.
Lastly it needs good strings and tuned.

I have a good friend that is going to send me some surplus Seymour Duncan pickups to possibly replace the ones that came with it.
People replace the tuners for whatever reason the ones that came with it are just fine.
They complain about the backlash or some such rot.
They tune down and it won't stay there.
Years of working with machines common knowledge says adjust up not the other way because of backlash.
This way there is constant pressure on the load going to the machine tuner or adjustment on a lathe or milling machine.
If you spend the money on one of these kits and don't have the gumption to learn or the knowledge to do these things yourself you'll end up paying someone to do it for you.
I can't play a guitar I can only play at one.
But that doesn't mean you can't set one up and make fine adjustments if you understand the concept of the workings.
The cost of all this work done by a professional can get expensive.
They have to eat and pay bills too.

Side note stay away from junglezon genetic Chinese parts guitar kits.
I've seen too many reviews and videos about the quality and they aren't good.
Some don't even come with instructions.
Total weight is 6 pounds 13 ounces.
The average weight is 7 to 8 pounds with some coming in at 9.
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Re: Worth's guitar build from kit.


Post: # 144647Post worth1
Sun Feb 09, 2025 5:36 pm

I've been putting on more tung oil.
But it's a very dark roasted tung oil that's the color of molasses.
These are very thin coats.
I just wet my finger tip and rub it on until it's gone.
This is slowly making the wood darker.
But and interesting thing with this wood or oil is if you look at it from one direction it's lighter but from the other direction it's darker.
I'm also about ready to cut the head in a design that I like.
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Re: Worth's guitar build from kit.


Post: # 144649Post worth1
Sun Feb 09, 2025 5:51 pm

Possible and probable guitar head shape.
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Re: Worth's guitar build from kit.


Post: # 144695Post worth1
Mon Feb 10, 2025 10:25 am

I might have said this already but here it is again.
The reason they left the neck head square is so you can put your own shape on it.
As crazy as it may sound there are legal issues involved.
Guitar manufacturers have a copyright on certain shapes.
Some people out of China don't care they do it anyway.
Gibson will sue a company faster that you can drop a hat.
I don't know about Fender.
Harley Benton has their own shape and it's what I choose more or less.
Some people put various Fender styles on theirs.
That's perfectly legal.
You can even get Fender decals for them.
When you break the law is when you try to sell it as a Fender.
Then it becomes a counterfeit guitar.
I've seen people spend thousands of dollars on counterfeit guitars.
The world is full of them.
Your average guy will walk into a pawn shop or look on eBay and get burned big time.
Some of these guys are so good they even fool so called experts.
You've got to literally take the guitar apart to see if it's real or not and look at everything.
Rest assured most places aren't going to let you do that.
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Re: Worth's guitar build from kit.


Post: # 144696Post worth1
Mon Feb 10, 2025 10:34 am

Gibson fake snakepit guitar.

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Re: Worth's guitar build from kit.


Post: # 145126Post worth1
Sat Feb 15, 2025 3:43 pm

Gave the neighbors a concert with the guitar cranked up loud and finished it with the bass cranked up louder.
I really enjoyed it.
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