Section for Tomato Tastings / Workshops

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Re: Section for Tomato Tastings / Workshops


Post: # 12544Unread post PlainJane
Sun Mar 01, 2020 4:31 pm

Texgal wrote: Sat Feb 29, 2020 6:52 pm
PlainJane wrote: Sat Feb 29, 2020 6:58 am DH and I have held a sit-down tomato tasting the last 3 years; it’s the highlight of my gardening season.
I’m pretty sure others here have done the same. I’d love to hear about smaller events as well as the larger, sponsored ones.
PlainJane, I really love this and the pictures. What a fun thing to do with the family and friends! I'm going to talk to my sister about helping me try to set this up this year for us. Thanks for sharing the pics!
It’s really a blast. Of course, picking a date 3 weeks in advance so people can get it on their calendars is nerve wracking. I’m always in a panic that last week trying to nurse along ripening tomatoes so they peak together. I prep the sheets 2 weeks out but wait till the last minute to print them. I try to get people to taste without salt, then with. Some bring their favorite salts!
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Re: Section for Tomato Tastings / Workshops


Post: # 12634Unread post MsCowpea
Mon Mar 02, 2020 11:50 am

Botanical gardens usually offer classes and workshops.

University connected county extension facilities have them as well, but it depends if you have an active , knowledgeable agent who interacts frequently with the community.

Community gardens sometime have workshops. Some private individuals have them as well. ... asses.html
Colleges sometimes have adult education workshops. ( I took an 8 day workshop on Organic Farming at the Univ of Ca. Santa Cruz.)

Teaching/research farms like Rodale Organic Farm in Pa. have interesting events.

Harvest Fests like the one at Jefferson’s Monticello has had tomato tastings and workshops. (30 tomatoes to evaluate)

Anybody in Spokane? Here is a class on raised bed gardening on the 7th of March. ... extension/
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Re: Section for Tomato Tastings / Workshops


Post: # 12636Unread post worth1
Mon Mar 02, 2020 12:10 pm

Haven't looked but Lady Bird Johnson wildflower center in south Austin might have something going on.
I went there for an event and really liked it.
Used to be a member when Nancy was alive. ... VBBiYko7uq
25 miles southeast of Waterloo Texas.

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Re: Section for Tomato Tastings / Workshops


Post: # 13995Unread post hdrider
Mon Mar 16, 2020 12:56 am

I have been to few tastings, the only one that wasn't a larger commercial operation was in West Bend Wisconsin, hosted by Wi-sunflower on her farm many years ago. It was about a 2-hour ride for myself, sister and brother-in-law, well worth it in my opinion. That would be Carol known as sunflower here, Wi-sunflower on TV.

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Re: Section for Tomato Tastings / Workshops


Post: # 14017Unread post Nan6b
Mon Mar 16, 2020 9:50 am

Hopefully all the corona virus precautions will be over with by the time tomato tasting season rolls around. I've only attended one, in OH, hosted by CHOPTAG. I loved the experience & would go anywhere within a 5 hour drive.

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