MMMM requirements

This is a yearly group seed swap event hosted by Tormato.

Moderators: Tormahto, Tormato

Shawn Marie
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Re: MMMM requirements


Post: # 138103Unread post Shawn Marie
Fri Nov 01, 2024 5:58 pm

I want to join in for first time help where do i sign up Tx sh n

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Re: MMMM requirements


Post: # 138172Unread post SophieOLLIER
Sat Nov 02, 2024 5:13 pm

Tormato wrote: Thu Oct 03, 2024 12:06 pm
Charline wrote: Thu Oct 03, 2024 10:17 am I am sending in from France. How many forever stamps do I have to send?
How many envelopes (I'm assuming just small thin seeds like tomatoes and peppers will be requested), having 40-50 varieties in each, do you expect back? One GLOBAL Forever stamp is needed for each envelope.

If you can't locate them, don't worry about it. Other participants will cover for the few foreign participants. A few extra cents in donations is worth those varieties that we, in the USA, have little access to.

Thank you @Tormato
I am living in Europe and I don’t think there is a way to purchase us forever stamps….
I will join and send one first enveloppe as a test to see if it get trough as suggested somewhere 😀

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Re: MMMM requirements


Post: # 138998Unread post kathyhardiman
Sat Nov 16, 2024 1:54 pm

@Tormato My twin Charlie and I are here in Chicago waiting for the loofahs to ripen enough to harvest seeds so that we can include some for the swap - so we are behind with sending seeds! At this rate, we might not get them harvested and dried and sent till a month late. Is it better to save the seeds for next year's swap instead?

(Sheesh do loofahs take their sweet time LoL though to be fair they got transplant shock pretty bad. Thank goodness we unbelievably haven't had a frost here yet!)
Tormato wrote: Tue Sep 01, 2020 4:58 pm Requirements:


(remove the smilies, which are there in an attempt to thwart any phishing)

Gary :D Fitzgerald
22 :D Francis St.
Westfield :D , MA 01085


For posting your wish lists in that forum, about November 1st.
For me receiving your package, about November 20th.

BUBBLE MAILER (or equivalent):

A size #0 (about 6" X 9") bubble mailer should be adequate for most participants. It will hold about 150 - 200 seed packs of tomatoes and similar sized seeds, like peppers.


Inside the bubble mailer, include a written return address that the postal workers and I can read, not one where you can read your own "chicken scratch". This can be on your wish list or any other correspondence, such as special requests and contact info like your Tomato Junction username.


Cash or stamps only. This is the most forgotten item, by newbies exited in their first swap, and long-time participants concentrating on sending in lots of seeds. Current first class rates for packages over 3/4" are $3.80 for weights up to 4 ounces, and $4.60 for weights of 4 to 8 ounces. I will pack a test bubble mailer with about 150 tomato packs to see which of the above rates will likely be used.

In you sending bubble mailers to me with little contents, the rate might be only about $1.20 (under 3/4", and under 2 ounces). If you can find it, there's an online chart called the "United States Postal Service Retail Quick Tip Sheet". The upper left corner has the first-class info. The one thing I could never get info on from anyone at the post office was postage for packages beyond Zone 1 & 2. I couldn't even get a verification as to what Zone 1 & 2 were. But, with most packages going out around Christmas, I don't think the USPS cares, at that extremely busy time of year. Many packages never get stamps counter-stamped.


$1.00 per pack of requested hybrid seeds is the suggested donation to help cover the group buy. The seeds are cheaper than if you went and bought them yourself.

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Re: MMMM requirements


Post: # 139007Unread post Tormahto
Sat Nov 16, 2024 5:13 pm

It would be best to send everything else in now.
kathyhardiman wrote: Sat Nov 16, 2024 1:54 pm @Tormato My twin Charlie and I are here in Chicago waiting for the loofahs to ripen enough to harvest seeds so that we can include some for the swap - so we are behind with sending seeds! At this rate, we might not get them harvested and dried and sent till a month late. Is it better to save the seeds for next year's swap instead?

(Sheesh do loofahs take their sweet time LoL though to be fair they got transplant shock pretty bad. Thank goodness we unbelievably haven't had a frost here yet!)
Tormato wrote: Tue Sep 01, 2020 4:58 pm Requirements:


(remove the smilies, which are there in an attempt to thwart any phishing)

Gary :D Fitzgerald
22 :D Francis St.
Westfield :D , MA 01085


For posting your wish lists in that forum, about November 1st.
For me receiving your package, about November 20th.

BUBBLE MAILER (or equivalent):

A size #0 (about 6" X 9") bubble mailer should be adequate for most participants. It will hold about 150 - 200 seed packs of tomatoes and similar sized seeds, like peppers.


Inside the bubble mailer, include a written return address that the postal workers and I can read, not one where you can read your own "chicken scratch". This can be on your wish list or any other correspondence, such as special requests and contact info like your Tomato Junction username.


Cash or stamps only. This is the most forgotten item, by newbies exited in their first swap, and long-time participants concentrating on sending in lots of seeds. Current first class rates for packages over 3/4" are $3.80 for weights up to 4 ounces, and $4.60 for weights of 4 to 8 ounces. I will pack a test bubble mailer with about 150 tomato packs to see which of the above rates will likely be used.

In you sending bubble mailers to me with little contents, the rate might be only about $1.20 (under 3/4", and under 2 ounces). If you can find it, there's an online chart called the "United States Postal Service Retail Quick Tip Sheet". The upper left corner has the first-class info. The one thing I could never get info on from anyone at the post office was postage for packages beyond Zone 1 & 2. I couldn't even get a verification as to what Zone 1 & 2 were. But, with most packages going out around Christmas, I don't think the USPS cares, at that extremely busy time of year. Many packages never get stamps counter-stamped.


$1.00 per pack of requested hybrid seeds is the suggested donation to help cover the group buy. The seeds are cheaper than if you went and bought them yourself.

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