What do I Need to Know to Grow Watermelon?

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Re: What do I Need to Know to Grow Watermelon?


Post: # 13623Unread post ddsack
Thu Mar 12, 2020 4:13 pm

Lots of good info from Shule!

If I direct seeded, I doubt I would get a ripe melon in my zone. The ground is too cool, as well as the night temps until into June. Depending on how hot the summer is, my melons (like Halona F1 and Blacktail Mountain) ripen at the end of August into September. I start melon seeds about 3 weeks before I plan to plant out. They grow fast, and I will pot up an extra time if they look like they are starting to outgrow their cups. I only need four plants of each variety, so it's not much trouble.I do have a small greenhouse, but I put the seedlings outside in full sun on any day over 65-70F, and inside at night.

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Re: What do I Need to Know to Grow Watermelon?


Post: # 13655Unread post MrBig46
Fri Mar 13, 2020 1:10 am

This year I want to try to grow watermelons kept at a height on the spirals. Do you have any experience with this?

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