Granex Hybrid Burpees

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Granex Hybrid Burpees


Post: # 117772Unread post JRinPA
Mon Mar 04, 2024 4:19 pm

What should I expect from Burpees Granex Hybrid grown from seed in SE PA?
I was surprised to see a short day onion even stocked. This was at Tractor Supply. I bought it just for curiosity. I started some seed a few weeks back, under lights.

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June 12 growth comparison


Post: # 125744Unread post JRinPA
Fri Jun 14, 2024 10:54 am

Seeds from both Utah Sweet Spanish and Granex were treated the same way. Transplanted about the same time. Not much water in the dry spring. I just started watering with drip tape last week.

As of June 12th (2 days back) it appears the short day Granex started bulbing already and the Utah Sweet Spanish long day have not. Grocery store bought yellow onion sets were planted a bit later, not bulbing yet.

Granex (with broccoli)
Utah Sweet Spanish (with cabbage and solo row)
Grocery store Yellow onion sets (cucumber row)
I pulled a few granex that day, intending to cook, but hasn't happened. I will use these instead of buying onions for this summer.

Seems there is a place for them here, a short day onion started from seed in February, at the least as an early summer onion. We'll see how big they get.
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Re: Granex Hybrid Burpees


Post: # 128064Unread post JRinPA
Wed Jul 10, 2024 6:37 pm

Many of these Granex F1 started falling over last week. So I pulled all those fallen, last night. I had already been cherry picking the largest...I'd estimate 30 were already picked. And some stems are still up, so I didn't pull those, that might be another 15 good ones.

About half of them were big enough to sit on a 2x4 fence grind and not fall through. The rest are in the box.
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