are these stuttgarter (sets) ready to be harvested?

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are these stuttgarter (sets) ready to be harvested?


Post: # 103595Unread post JRinPA
Fri Aug 04, 2023 12:01 pm

New to onions still, not sure how to read them.
They are, for the most part, fallen over.
They had corn outside the drip tape.
Their tops were tall under the corn for quite a while before they starting getting knocked over.
Should these be pulled now? Or weeded, or okay to leave them be for a bit?
Heavy rain is forecast tonight. We'll see. It has been dry for a bit. This plot has gotten some drip tape water, and the onions are still on the feed.
There are more onions up under the squash trellis. Some onion roots hanging exposed in that groundhog hole ceiling.
Should they have been trimmed? (One new comm gardener did that to hers, trimmed leaves back to 5")
They didn't get their full airspace when sizing up due to the corn. And were probably a little too close of row spacing to start. But then again, I had just a double row with better spacing in the next row over, and they look way too sparse, they didn't size up as well as this row did under the corn.
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