generic strawberry plants

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generic strawberry plants


Post: # 100034Unread post slugworth
Wed Jun 21, 2023 6:17 pm

All the strawberry plants for sale locally this year were no variety no info if june bearing or everbearing.
Even the brand names like burpee
I would never buy plants without those details.
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Re: generic strawberry plants


Post: # 100037Unread post JRinPA
Wed Jun 21, 2023 6:25 pm

Yeah...I went and pre-ordered seascape for the very reason. A day neutral, I think Rockporter on tomatoville was the guinea pig that liked them. I picked the first one this morning. And it was good, I'll admit. It is my first strawberry season, but I figured I better plan ahead with supply chain as it is. I received a lot of bare roots that never came alive, but I ordered 50 for that reason. I might have 30 that came alive again. And the delivery timing was weird - they came in the same box as onion sets. In the mail for at least 6 days with no shipping notice....I lost about a third that I put out immediately as bare roots, and even more that went into pots or cups.

But at least they are supposed to be the variety I wanted.

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Re: generic strawberry plants


Post: # 100042Unread post Setec Astronomy
Wed Jun 21, 2023 6:48 pm

JRinPA wrote: Wed Jun 21, 2023 6:25 pm I received a lot of bare roots that never came alive, but I ordered 50 for that reason. I might have 30 that came alive again. And the delivery timing was weird - they came in the same box as onion sets. In the mail for at least 6 days with no shipping notice....I lost about a third that I put out immediately as bare roots, and even more that went into pots or cups.
I never have good luck with bare-root plants, I've been growing my own from seed the last few years. But they are difficult to grow and seed availability isn't very good, either. One that I've liked is Elan that I got from Johnny's.

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