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Post: # 11418Unread post Growing Coastal
Fri Feb 21, 2020 11:26 am

This is not a plant that has been easy for me to grow. At last I have found the right spot for them but it is small so I have mini orchids growing in it. I brought the first one walking home in winter under my parka, they were on sale. :roll: It survived and I got rid of the mealy bugs/wooly aphids? after about a year of trying. They were wily!
Their spot is on the kitchemn windowsill above the sink where I can watch them closely. They go out into the patio in summer.
I bought a rescue at a thrift shop for $4 and it eventually shot up a stem and has been blooming lately. :D


The 1st one. Adding some winter cheer.

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Re: ORCHIDS Anyone?


Post: # 11425Unread post zendog
Fri Feb 21, 2020 12:06 pm

What was your secret for getting rid of the fuzzy aphids. They've found my orchids as well, argh... A couple of my paphiopedilum are just finishing up and my phalaenopsis should be opening soon. I also have some dendrobiums and phragmipediums that should hopefully bloom later this winter or early spring. The flowers last so long which is great, but sometimes watching those flower spikes slowly emerge and grow you wish they'd get a move on. I think I didn't provide enough fertilizer for mine this year so they are behind.
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Re: ORCHIDS Anyone?


Post: # 11428Unread post Greenvillian
Fri Feb 21, 2020 12:22 pm

I have 10 phals and really enjoy them. My oldest and first I received in 2009. I recently switched mine to semi-hydroponics. So far so good, although my oldest is struggling. Love the pics!

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Re: ORCHIDS Anyone?


Post: # 11429Unread post brownrexx
Fri Feb 21, 2020 12:35 pm

Beautiful orchids. I just love them. I have tried to grow one or two without much luck. I don't have the proper conditions for them. Humidity is too low and I don't get enough light.

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Re: ORCHIDS Anyone?


Post: # 11457Unread post MsCowpea
Fri Feb 21, 2020 2:59 pm

Very, very pretty. Especially with the snow juxtaposed outside.
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Re: ORCHIDS Anyone?


Post: # 11478Unread post Shule
Fri Feb 21, 2020 5:40 pm

Orchids are pretty cool. Some are quite nice for long-lasting indoor flowers.

Would you believe that Vanilla is a genus of orchids? Their flowers don't last long, though, and they get tall.
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Re: ORCHIDS Anyone?


Post: # 11480Unread post Shule
Fri Feb 21, 2020 5:54 pm

brownrexx wrote: Fri Feb 21, 2020 12:35 pm Beautiful orchids. I just love them. I have tried to grow one or two without much luck. I don't have the proper conditions for them. Humidity is too low and I don't get enough light.
Orchids are a whole family of plants (a very large family), and different species can have different requirements. So, you could probably find hardier ones, especially if you find breeds from species native to your area.

Check out this link for Pennsylvania orchids. If you're on a mobile device, swipe where it says 'swipe to explore'. Then let it load. Select your county, and see the orchid species there. If you're on the desktop site, scroll down to where it says, "Number of orchid species per county" and let the map load. Then click on your county.

I'm not advocating digging up wild plants (which might even be illegal). Just looking for breeds of the same species that people ethically and legally breed and cultivate, should any exist.

Not sure if that will help, but it's fascinating, leastwise. I mean, maybe those species aren't cultivated. But, you might find cultivated breeds from the same genus, if not the same species.
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Re: ORCHIDS Anyone?


Post: # 11481Unread post Shule
Fri Feb 21, 2020 6:25 pm

After researching orchids a bit more, you'd probably want tropical orchids as houseplants (for the most part). Most houseplants seem to be tropical. We had an orchid that didn't mind dry air. I don't know what species it was.
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Re: ORCHIDS Anyone?


Post: # 11487Unread post Nan6b
Fri Feb 21, 2020 8:31 pm

Thanks for the reference, Shule. I once had a lady's tresses orchid in my yard.

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Re: ORCHIDS Anyone?


Post: # 11488Unread post Growing Coastal
Fri Feb 21, 2020 8:32 pm

I killed at least two orchids and gave up for years until I saw the mini Phalaenopsis which are small enough to fit a narrow ledge. It is a humid enough location and one where I won't forget. I changed one of the lightbulbs (reflected in the window) to a fluorescent grow light. While orchids want no direct sunlight I thought they need more than that north facing window has.
The flowers do last a long time. The purple one has been blooming for over a year. I like that they start blooming in winter here in contrast to what is happening outside.

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Re: ORCHIDS Anyone?


Post: # 11489Unread post Growing Coastal
Fri Feb 21, 2020 8:49 pm

zendog wrote: Fri Feb 21, 2020 12:06 pm What was your secret for getting rid of the fuzzy aphids. They've found my orchids as well, argh... A couple of my paphiopedilum are just finishing up and my phalaenopsis should be opening soon. I also have some dendrobiums and phragmipediums that should hopefully bloom later this winter or early spring. The flowers last so long which is great, but sometimes watching those flower spikes slowly emerge and grow you wish they'd get a move on. I think I didn't provide enough fertilizer for mine this year so they are behind.
That's a great blossom! And a nice collection of orchids.

The aphids finally disappeared when I took some DE mixed into a paste with a little water and painted into the cracks and crevices where leaves emerge and along the flower stem. For weeks they seemed gone but reappeared when I was spraying with DE but they disappeared for good soon after I started painting with an artist's type brush. I found them lodged in the clip on the plant too! Anywhere leaves lay one touching the other was a place they showed up as a white cotton bit that wipes off easily once seen.
I hope that they haven't spread too far on yours.

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Re: ORCHIDS Anyone?


Post: # 11767Unread post zendog
Mon Feb 24, 2020 10:56 am

Thanks [mention]Growing Coastal[/mention] ! I took advantage of a warmer day outside to blast any with a water sprayer set to jet and once they were off I ground up some DE I had around with a mortar and pestle and sprinkled that into all the nooks and crannies. They look a little funny with the clumps of DE all over, but well worth it to get rid of those little fluffy intruders. They were primarily on my phals, but also on the paphiopedilums as well. I'll rinse them off in a week or so and see how they look.

For anyone looking to try something a bit different than the more readily available orchids, I highly recommend looking for a dendrobium kingianum. While many dendrobiuims are tough to maintain and get to flower regularly indoors, these ones are very tough and reliable. I keep mine outside with my house plants during the summer and inside in winter. The flowers are usually purple/violet with some white accents, but they are also available as all white or white with purple. They are on the smaller side, but will keep creating new growths and you can have a nice clump in a pot with several spikes of flowers at the same time.

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Re: ORCHIDS Anyone?


Post: # 11843Unread post Growing Coastal
Mon Feb 24, 2020 8:07 pm

That dendrobium sounds interesting. I see online that some are fragrant.
Good luck with the aphids. It will likely require a repeat treatment so keep watch.

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Re: ORCHIDS Anyone?


Post: # 11876Unread post peebee
Mon Feb 24, 2020 11:33 pm

Here's my cattleya:
Why is it sideways? Never had a problem before.
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Re: ORCHIDS Anyone?


Post: # 11900Unread post Growing Coastal
Tue Feb 25, 2020 9:57 am

Even sideways - gorgeous!

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Re: ORCHIDS Anyone?


Post: # 11903Unread post bower
Tue Feb 25, 2020 10:13 am

We have some wild orchids in bogs and old growth forest here, difficult or impossible to grow under cultivation. But the tropical ones have become so popular, they regularly sell them at my supermarket of all places! I bought one for my mom a couple years ago, and was surprised she kept it alive for a full year. And I bought her one again last year, she just told me last week that it's putting on a new shoot and some flower buds.
All of your pics are gorgeous!! Orchids are truly fantastic to see. :)
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Re: ORCHIDS Anyone?


Post: # 11969Unread post SpookyShoe
Tue Feb 25, 2020 7:05 pm

I suppose I do have orchids. But they are outside. Bletilla striata. Dozens of these are blooming around the tiny pond now.
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Re: ORCHIDS Anyone?


Post: # 11983Unread post peebee
Tue Feb 25, 2020 7:57 pm

I finally scored a bletilla from a neighbor who is redoing her yard, yay! She was redoing her yard & I noticed they were all gone. When I expressed my dismay she said she kept some & would give me one. They are so hard to find @ nurseries & $$. I only need 1 as I know they will spread easily. Yours look beautiful Donna!
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Re: ORCHIDS Anyone?


Post: # 11993Unread post MissS
Tue Feb 25, 2020 9:34 pm

Good on you peebee! You have a very nice neighbor lady to share with you.
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Re: ORCHIDS Anyone?


Post: # 12008Unread post worth1
Wed Feb 26, 2020 5:42 am

I can't ever think of orchids without thinking of the movie In The Heat of The Night.
Where Virgil Tibbs slaps that old dude in the orchid house. :lol:
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