Oh Boy! New Seed Saving Toy!

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Oh Boy! New Seed Saving Toy!


Post: # 94967Unread post GoDawgs
Fri Apr 14, 2023 5:57 pm

@rxkeith will recognize this. I got an early Christmas present from my sister Pickles who is a retired pharmacist. A pill counting thingie I can use to count seeds for MMMM packs! Oh boy, that's going to make it a LOT faster and easier. :D :D :D


She used to have one but gave it away a good while ago. She thought I could use this after watching me being so careful counting seeds and carefully scraping them into their little bags so she tacked one on to her Amazon order and it arrived yesterday. What a nice surprise!

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Re: Oh Boy! New Seed Saving Toy!


Post: # 94968Unread post PlainJane
Fri Apr 14, 2023 6:02 pm

Good use of it!
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Re: Oh Boy! New Seed Saving Toy!


Post: # 94976Unread post LindaJean
Fri Apr 14, 2023 9:15 pm

I just emptied the vacuum ; what I should have done was dump the dust in the garden, or better yet just water the living room floor for a crop of tomato plants. I'm going to look online for that fancy MMMM seed saver.

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Re: Oh Boy! New Seed Saving Toy!


Post: # 94990Unread post GoDawgs
Sat Apr 15, 2023 6:26 am

I tried to post the link to this thing on Amazon but it won't show. Just search for "pill counter".

It comes with both a spatula-like tool and a plastic one that looks like a hockey stick. Pickles says some people prefer the hockey stick tool for small things since it lays flat and the larger spatula-like one for larger items. I like the hockey stick. The spatula one also has a retractable hook inside the handle and when I asked what that was for Pickles said it's for pulling cotton out of pill bottles. I'm sure I'll find some other handy dandy use for it some day. :D

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Re: Oh Boy! New Seed Saving Toy!


Post: # 95003Unread post pondgardener
Sat Apr 15, 2023 8:39 am

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Re: Oh Boy! New Seed Saving Toy!


Post: # 95013Unread post GoDawgs
Sat Apr 15, 2023 10:26 am

Thanks, @pondgardener. That's the one, same color too and it came with the two tools.

I don't know what was wrong with the post. I had quoted Linda Jean in that same post and it wouldn't show that either. Go figure. Gremmies.

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Re: Oh Boy! New Seed Saving Toy!


Post: # 95056Unread post rxkeith
Sat Apr 15, 2023 4:22 pm

yes, i am familiar with those things.
the hockey stick is a new one for me. i would maybe use it once just to see how it feels,
and then throw it in a drawer never to be used again. i prefer the longer ones that reach the
far end of the tray, so pills don't go rolling off the end.
a few things i will mention, if pickles didn't already do so.
in pharmacy world we count by fives.
the tray has a lip on the left edge so if you slide small seeds too fast you might launch them.
also there is a gap on the chamber cover when open. small seeds might fall into that gap, and onto the table surface,
so maybe place something underneath the counting tray that the seeds will show up on.
round seeds can be a bugger to count. they roll all over. there is a medication, tessalon perles is the brand name
that would drive you nuts trying to count. little ball bearings is what they were. pour them out of the bottle too
fast, they would roll all over the place. if they fell on the floor, good luck trying to find them. you're busy, and you try
counting them too fast, there they go. start chasing them. ask pickles.
so the point being, use slow deliberate movements when counting round things.

have fun with your new toy. very nice of pickles to get that for you.


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Re: Oh Boy! New Seed Saving Toy!


Post: # 95112Unread post GoDawgs
Sun Apr 16, 2023 7:50 am

@rxkeith , thanks for the tips! I read them to Pickles and she sat there nodding in agreement especially about the tessalon. I do count in fives already. It's just a nice easy number for counting.

I hadn't noticed that gap between the chamber and the cover when the cover is open. For sure I'll put a tray under the tray just to make sure!

Bean seeds (and smooth peas and okra seed) have always been "fun" to count, even the oblong bean shapes. I've been pouring them out on newspaper to count them as it seems to stop the rolling a lot better than my slick desktop. :o Hopefully this counter will help with that. Hmmm, maybe cut a square made of several thicknesses of newspaper to fit the tray for those wily round seeds?

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Re: Oh Boy! New Seed Saving Toy!


Post: # 95431Unread post Tormahto
Wed Apr 19, 2023 8:59 am

GoDawgs wrote: Fri Apr 14, 2023 5:57 pm @rxkeith will recognize this. I got an early Christmas present from my sister Pickles who is a retired pharmacist. A pill counting thingie I can use to count seeds for MMMM packs! Oh boy, that's going to make it a LOT faster and easier. :D :D :D


She used to have one but gave it away a good while ago. She thought I could use this after watching me being so careful counting seeds and carefully scraping them into their little bags so she tacked one on to her Amazon order and it arrived yesterday. What a nice surprise!
Is that an invitation for me to send you all of my bulk packs?

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Re: Oh Boy! New Seed Saving Toy!


Post: # 95435Unread post rxkeith
Wed Apr 19, 2023 9:23 am

for you gary,

i would recommend something more high tech like a kirby counter.
i would investigate how small a seed could be to get an accurate count first.
speeds things up for the busy person.


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Re: Oh Boy! New Seed Saving Toy!


Post: # 95461Unread post GoDawgs
Wed Apr 19, 2023 3:40 pm

Tormato wrote: Wed Apr 19, 2023 8:59 am
GoDawgs wrote: Fri Apr 14, 2023 5:57 pm @rxkeith will recognize this. I got an early Christmas present from my sister Pickles who is a retired pharmacist. A pill counting thingie I can use to count seeds for MMMM packs! Oh boy, that's going to make it a LOT faster and easier. :D :D :D


She used to have one but gave it away a good while ago. She thought I could use this after watching me being so careful counting seeds and carefully scraping them into their little bags so she tacked one on to her Amazon order and it arrived yesterday. What a nice surprise!
Is that an invitation for me to send you all of my bulk packs?
I'm afraid to ask what that entails.....

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Re: Oh Boy! New Seed Saving Toy!


Post: # 95560Unread post Old chef
Thu Apr 20, 2023 11:33 pm

Thanks, I just invested my $9.00. Absolutely is a goat idea!

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Re: Oh Boy! New Seed Saving Toy!


Post: # 95589Unread post Tormahto
Fri Apr 21, 2023 8:44 am

No worries.

When I have 1,000+ seeds of a variety, it's a good pinch for each baggie. That usually falls between 10 and 20 seeds. It's the varieties with low quantities of seeds where I have to count and divide.

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Re: Oh Boy! New Seed Saving Toy!


Post: # 96272Unread post Danny
Thu Apr 27, 2023 5:18 pm

rxkeith wrote: Sat Apr 15, 2023 4:22 pm yes, i am familiar with those things.
the hockey stick is a new one for me. i would maybe use it once just to see how it feels,
and then throw it in a drawer never to be used again. i prefer the longer ones that reach the
far end of the tray, so pills don't go rolling off the end.
a few things i will mention, if pickles didn't already do so.
in pharmacy world we count by fives.
the tray has a lip on the left edge so if you slide small seeds too fast you might launch them.
also there is a gap on the chamber cover when open. small seeds might fall into that gap, and onto the table surface,
so maybe place something underneath the counting tray that the seeds will show up on.
round seeds can be a bugger to count. they roll all over. there is a medication, tessalon perles is the brand name
that would drive you nuts trying to count. little ball bearings is what they were. pour them out of the bottle too
fast, they would roll all over the place. if they fell on the floor, good luck trying to find them. you're busy, and you try
counting them too fast, there they go. start chasing them. ask pickles.
so the point being, use slow deliberate movements when counting round things.

have fun with your new toy. very nice of pickles to get that for you.

Have had pill trays for years and yep, tessalon perles are rollers and then some, but great for some cough relief. Really like the trays for the tomato and pepper sized seeds.
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And it shows them pearly white.
You know when that shark bites with his teeth, babe
Scarlet billows start to spread.

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