Tomato and Herb Based Cocktail Recipes

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Tomato and Herb Based Cocktail Recipes


Post: # 69446Unread post karstopography
Wed May 11, 2022 5:46 am ... ce-2773716
Link to The Tomato Slice. I need to make this soon. Sounds delicious.

How about you, any garden produce based libations you care to share?
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Re: Tomato and Herb Based Cocktail Recipes


Post: # 69467Unread post GoDawgs
Wed May 11, 2022 10:56 am

They lost me at basil-infused vodka. I'm not a real fan of basil. It's OK in small doses where it blends in with other flavors but not when it's real strong.

The only libation I can think of with something from my garden is a mojito or mint julep with my Kentucky Colonel mint. Hmmm, watermelon.... that brings back memories from many moons ago... something about a spiked watermelon. :lol: I know there are watermelon libations out there but I've never remembered to try one. I should do that this year if they make.

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Re: Tomato and Herb Based Cocktail Recipes


Post: # 69469Unread post karstopography
Wed May 11, 2022 11:08 am

I like my mint “julep” fresh from the garden in a Moscow Mule. Five or six crushed leaves really enhanced that drink.

I love fresh basil and especially basil paired with tomato so the drink in the link sounds great to me. Basil is definitely a strong and not so subtle herb. I can see how some might not care for it.
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Re: Tomato and Herb Based Cocktail Recipes


Post: # 69475Unread post worth1
Wed May 11, 2022 2:06 pm

I just heard about a liquor made out of ancho.
25 miles southeast of Waterloo Texas.

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Re: Tomato and Herb Based Cocktail Recipes


Post: # 69484Unread post HL2601
Wed May 11, 2022 5:36 pm

GREAT FIND! I think this sounds delicious ;0

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