Caesar Basil Seed Saving and Have You Grown This ?

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Caesar Basil Seed Saving and Have You Grown This ?


Post: # 64494Unread post greenthumbomaha
Tue Mar 01, 2022 7:44 pm

I have an old seed packet of Caesar Basil , and they germinated beautifully. It is a container variety. This variety seems to be obscure, and was a Harris Seed product. Has anyone grown it and can tell us about it's flavor, production, , disease, etc. Would seeds come true?

Second, does anyone have experience saving basil seeds, and would be willing to grow out for the next mmmm? (Preferably in the US as I rarely visit the post office.) Not many seeds are left in the packet. I'll give it a try, but would like back up to keep the variety going if warranted!

- Lisa

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