AlittleSalt - Moderation Complaint

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AlittleSalt - Moderation Complaint


Post: # 44563Unread post AlittleSalt
Sat Apr 10, 2021 2:45 am

I believe in honesty above all else. I'm tired of getting warnings of being honest by mods that are my friends for years. I'm sorry if I don't write things in the make-believe world you believe in, but that's not me. I write the truth. Ban me for being honest or quit censoring me altogether.
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Re: AlittleSalt


Post: # 44571Unread post brownrexx
Sat Apr 10, 2021 7:04 am

I am not a mod here but I see that your thread was moved to the controversial section. I don't think that it has anything to do with honesty but maybe since it is about personal issues, they decided that it would be better in the controversial section. The main part of the forum is mostly about gardening issues.

I would not feel offended by that if I were you. We can discuss practically anything over there and no one gets censored. It's not a bad thing.

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Re: AlittleSalt - Moderation Complaint


Post: # 44580Unread post bower
Sat Apr 10, 2021 8:34 am

Just FYI, there is a level of moderation that happens here before it gets to warnings or leading to bannings. We've been learning more about these options as time goes on, and I think we generally prefer the lighter approach - that is to edit a comment or move a post or a thread out of the main board, in order to keep the content consistent with our rules and family friendly standards, and the overall purpose of the forum (Gardening!).
We commonly send a PM to the person whose content is affected, as a courtesy to explain the changes or moves that were made. If you receive a "Warning" in a PM, it will for sure contain the word Warning, and it will specify the rule that wasn't followed.
We all discussed, voted and agreed to the rules and general standards here.
We also promised to be open to criticism about how the site is moderated. So feel free to air your concerns here, in the subforum on rules and behaviors.
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Re: AlittleSalt - Moderation Complaint


Post: # 44636Unread post zeuspaul
Sat Apr 10, 2021 4:00 pm

[mention]AlittleSalt[/mention] roll with the punches. I like reading your posts and have never found anything offensive. No site is perfect and moderation isn't easy and something I wouldn't want to do. This is one of my favorite sites and you are part of what makes it great. I also scratched my head when your thread was moved to "controversial" but it is a non issue to me. I log into "controversial" when I first enter the Junction and then click New Posts. Then all new posts that I haven't read show up and I have no idea what sub forum they are in. Keep on Trucking and posting and don't let the little things bother you. It is probably a good thing that you have brought attention to this. Maybe more posters will enter "controversial" knowing it also contains posts that may not actually be controversial but more on the off topic side of things.

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Re: AlittleSalt - Moderation Complaint


Post: # 44642Unread post MissS
Sat Apr 10, 2021 4:54 pm

The reason that the thread was moved was not because it broke any rules, rather it was to protect the confidentiality of some people that it mentioned. Placed in the controversial forum, only members here can see it. Left where it was, the whole world could look at it and draw conclusions about Salt's family members. If friends or family ever looked at this forum that thread could pose some big problems for Salt. If Salt chooses to post about mental health/health issues on a forum, then we need to be respectful and considerate of those discussed and give them as much dignity and privacy as possible.
~ Patti ~
AKA ~ Hooper

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