Where are you finding best prices on canning jars?

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Where are you finding best prices on canning jars?


Post: # 33402Unread post DirtTherapy
Mon Nov 02, 2020 10:50 am

I'm really trying not to count my tomatoes before they're hatched, but we've done more paste tomatoes than last year hoping I'll have enough to can some tomatoes, sauce, and/or paste. A coworker suggested Rural King for canning jars and they do have a good price, $10.49 for a dozen quart jars, either regular or wide mouth. Target is just a buck and change over that, and my supermarket Publix a little higher. The one that floored me was Walmart, which only had listed $49.98 but I do see now that is a third party supplier. Their cost on pint jars is right in line. I guess they sold out on them.

I'm hoping to make some paste in smaller jars, and as we had done in the past also freezing it in silicone ice trays for a little bit at a time.

This'll be my first time canning, and we think we can borrow some equipment from a friend which will help.



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Re: Where are you finding best prices on canning jars?


Post: # 33406Unread post GoDawgs
Mon Nov 02, 2020 12:02 pm

There haven't been any canning jars available around here for more than several months. No lids either. Not at Walmart, Tractor Supply, Ace Hardware, the feed and seed or any grocery stores. BUT...Pickles went to WalMart the other day and included the usual stroll by the canning supplies section just in case a miracle had occurred. And it had! They actually had jars and boxes of lids! $8-something a case for the pint jars. She grabbed a couple and that should top us off here. Since then there have been none on the shelves.

It's a nationwide shortage caused indirectly by the Covid thing. People panicking at the run on grocery stores. More time on their hands to learn how to can. so they did. It's the canners' version of the run on seeds, chicks, etc that gardeners have gone through. In addition, Ball and Kerr both have had worker problems due to the pandemic. Newell Brands, owners of both Ball and Kerr, has said they are trying to source more producers of jars and lids for both Ball and Kerr. It might be spring before all stores who sell those products get fully restocked.

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Re: Where are you finding best prices on canning jars?


Post: # 33407Unread post DirtTherapy
Mon Nov 02, 2020 12:30 pm

Wow. Thanks, I knew there was a shortage, but no idea it was as pervasive as having none in the Walmart online system.

I guess since we in Florida didn't have much to can in the fall, by the time we do get going they may be rather plentiful. I have seen some in Publix, but have been holding off.

It's the time of year I'm usually more likely to be looking for quart bottles (typically we get those cute plastic-corked bottles from IKEA) for the batch of coquito we make for a handful of couples in our circle. Coquito, if you don't know it, is a coconut based Puerto Rican drink similar to eggnog -- except the version we make has no eggs. Just coconut cream, coconut milk, a little sweetened condensed milk and evaporated milk, rum and spices. We make ours rather tame compared to some that are really heavy on the rum. :)

I did see one of the homesteaders YouTube channels was talking about the canning jar shortage and they had some luck going to yard sales, etc.

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Re: Where are you finding best prices on canning jars?


Post: # 33438Unread post worth1
Mon Nov 02, 2020 7:37 pm

I predict there will be some good deals on canners after this is all over.
I personally dont need another pressure canner or a hot water bath canner.
But who can pass up a good deal. :roll:
My passion is restoring and modernizing the older pressure canners and cookers.
Got 5 I think.
At least one is over 100 years old and another very close to it.
No need to buy a hot water bath canner I use huge tri clad bottom stainless kettles to hot water bath can in.
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Re: Where are you finding best prices on canning jars?


Post: # 33589Unread post ponyexpress
Fri Nov 06, 2020 5:05 am

Around here, canning supplies were hard to find at my usual places where they make it easy to find. I found plenty of supplies at the less popular grocery stores. At one, they had the supplies on the top shelf in the soda aisle. No wonder nobody was able to find it. In another store, it was at the end of an aisle in the cold freezer section. It’s very inconsistent where you might find the supplies in a store around here.
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Re: Where are you finding best prices on canning jars?


Post: # 33590Unread post Clkeiper
Fri Nov 06, 2020 6:40 am

if you find some buy them. they are not available here. I will never be caught so flat footed again on supplies. I usually buy about a case of flats at a time. I was just to the point of needing to replace them when this whole thing happened. I did find reg mouth flats through uline. the price was good but the shipping..... good grief! another 17.00 so I paid 70ish dollars for 20 dzn flats. if you can't find jars ask your friends and neighbors if they have some they want to sell or let you borrow or barter for some... can something for them and you get the jars you get to can in. I have seen them on Facebook marketplace and craigslist for STUPID amounts of money. I saw one person had crofton brand (ALDI) so you know they weren't expensive... wanted 260,00 for 5 dzn pint jars. yeah, right! no one in their right mind would spend that kind of money on pint jars. eventually they had them marked to 150.00... once again... no way! I am thankful I have dozens and dozens available from my MIL so I didn't worry about jars but I couldn't find flats anywhere. I actually started reusing flats until I found the ones at uline.

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Re: Where are you finding best prices on canning jars?


Post: # 33594Unread post ponyexpress
Fri Nov 06, 2020 8:16 am

I have plenty of jars but was short on lids when I was hunting for them around my town at the end of August. I did buy 5 packs of wide mouth lids and a day later, I found the ones that I had bought last year! I was needlessly scrambling around for nothing!

Didn't want to buy a bunch because I wanted to leave stuff for others.

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Re: Where are you finding best prices on canning jars?


Post: # 33724Unread post DirtTherapy
Mon Nov 09, 2020 10:59 am

Wow, good info all around. The next time I see quart/pint/half-pint jars I'm going to get them. I have seen a case or two at Publix supermarkets here in Orlando, but when I checked stock at the Rural King in a neighboring county, yes, they were out of stock. Publix is mainly in Florida and the far southeast, so I guess it makes sense they haven't been drained by demand in the more temperate zones.

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Re: Where are you finding best prices on canning jars?


Post: # 34177Unread post DirtTherapy
Wed Nov 18, 2020 11:02 am

I nabbed a case of Ball quart jars yesterday in the supermarket, the one near my office as I had to pop in to pick up stuff for a canned food drive. I figure between the growing shortages of things as they are, and the upcoming holidays (I suppose some might give gifts in canning jars that aren't exactly canned) I'd better get some. Not exactly hoarding, but I don't want to be caught completely short.

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Re: Where are you finding best prices on canning jars?


Post: # 34179Unread post Clkeiper
Wed Nov 18, 2020 11:07 am

I found a case brand new at a goodwill yesterday. they even had their flats and rings with them. so, check thrift stores too.

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Re: Where are you finding best prices on canning jars?


Post: # 34262Unread post DirtTherapy
Thu Nov 19, 2020 3:48 pm

Cool! Nice score!

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Re: Where are you finding best prices on canning jars?


Post: # 34269Unread post Clkeiper
Thu Nov 19, 2020 5:50 pm

yep, now I will make a doz or so of apple pie filling.

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Re: Where are you finding best prices on canning jars?


Post: # 34340Unread post Cole_Robbie
Fri Nov 20, 2020 6:12 pm

I bought jars today at menards. $9 per case. They are $20 on amazon and $48 on walmart dot com. Is that one of those "great values" walmart is always touting?

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Re: Where are you finding best prices on canning jars?


Post: # 34345Unread post GoDawgs
Fri Nov 20, 2020 6:53 pm

Got the last two boxes of regular lids on the shelf yesterday when I happened to be in WalMart. I always check. They must have gotten some jars in. There was one case of regular pints left along with several cases of half pints. We've got enough pints now so I didn't buy them.

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Re: Where are you finding best prices on canning jars?


Post: # 35090Unread post DirtTherapy
Thu Dec 03, 2020 12:19 pm

I have a friend in the Kansas City area who posted on her Facebook about having ordered some quart jars via Walmart which they show they shipped and she never received. One of her friends was able to give her some but she's still working on figuring out what happened to the order. Another fun thing this year - tracking shipments.

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Re: Where are you finding best prices on canning jars?


Post: # 40258Unread post worth1
Sat Feb 06, 2021 9:48 am

Paid 10.78 for 12 Ball wide mouth quart jars with rings and lids the other day at the store.
3.59 for 12 Ball regular mouth rngs with lids.
I look every time I go in and this was the first I have seen them.
Still no flats on their own but desperately needed new rings.
With the new plastic lids for storage it will really help cut down on ring usage.
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Re: Where are you finding best prices on canning jars?


Post: # 40276Unread post wykvlvr
Sat Feb 06, 2021 2:26 pm

First year canning so not sure what is a good amount of jars and lids to have... anyone have suggestions about that?

So far I have 12 wide mouth quart jars, 36 regular quart jars, and 12 half pint jars DH saw and thought we could use... I also have 3 packages of lids for the regular jars.... have not found extra lids for the wide mouth around here. And just realized I have no idea what I need to use those half pint jars....

edited to add: I got a 21 quart Presto Pressure Canner and have a 17 quart water bath canner( great to dye wool later if I don't use it for canning) and tools. So my question is about jars and lids
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Re: Where are you finding best prices on canning jars?


Post: # 40298Unread post pondgardener
Sat Feb 06, 2021 7:34 pm

[mention]wykvlvr[/mention] I believe the half pint jars are useful for canning jams, jellies and small amounts of a special salsa mix or relish.
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Re: Where are you finding best prices on canning jars?


Post: # 40300Unread post pondgardener
Sat Feb 06, 2021 7:55 pm

And you may want to start looking on Amazon and other online retailers to find some widemouth lids, as they are in short supply. I have a pressure canner, and I do waterbath canning as well, but the majority of what I use are regular mouth jars and lids. I ordered a bunch of regular ones in bulk from an online retailer a few years ago and checking their site, bulk orders of the wide mouth lids are out of stock. So you may be limited by lack of lids, to be able to use your wide mouth jars.
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Re: Where are you finding best prices on canning jars?


Post: # 40306Unread post friedgreen51
Sat Feb 06, 2021 9:03 pm

I have found the best prices + availability at the Grocery Stores (here in NC - Food Lion, Publix, Harris Teeter).
Also some hardware stores have the lids. Start looking early. I look every week to see if they are stocking Spring and Summer canning supplies yet.
I have bought some lids + rings sets just to get the wide mouth lids.

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