Stochastic Contemplations.

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Re: Stochastic Contemplations.


Post: # 137041Unread post worth1
Sun Oct 13, 2024 9:45 am

This is flying in style.
And it lands on water.
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Re: Stochastic Contemplations.


Post: # 138109Unread post rxkeith
Fri Nov 01, 2024 9:44 pm

in regards to interactions with medical, and pharmacy people,
don't be hesitant to ask questions. don't assume everyone got things right.
i had a young couple come through the drive thru, picking up a script for
bactrim ds an antibiotic commonly prescribed for urinary tract infections. the young
lady asked if it was ok to take it when breast feeding. i asked how old was
the baby. two weeks old. oh, hang on. i checked facts and comparisons an
online reference source. the drug is contraindicated in nursing babies under
2 months old. serious health issues can occur in the neonate.
i called the prescriber, a physicians assistant, good guy. he had checked the med,
but somehow missed the lactation warning. we went with a more appropriate med.

this is a situation where a medication was prescribed, filled by the pharmacy, and about
to be picked up. i didn't know the woman had just had a baby. if she had not spoken up, she
would have taken the medication, creating a health hazard to her baby.
make sure we know everything we need to know by asking questions.
some times important things get missed


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Re: Stochastic Contemplations.


Post: # 138191Unread post worth1
Sun Nov 03, 2024 1:12 am

I don't think about it every day but I do think about it from time to time.
My father had a heart attack in the middle of the night and we didn't have a phone.
Not because we didn't want one but there were too many people on the party line.
My Mom woke me up in the middle of the night and I ran out the door and started the car and got it warmed up enough to move.
It was around 25 degrees outside and I had to drive about a half mile to the nearest house across the road.
I got there and woke them up and I was standing in nothing but my underwear and no socks or shoes freezing my butt off.
Well we chased the ambulance to the hospital and my dad almost didn't make it heart stopped a couple of times at least.
We lived in the middle of nowhere and around 32 miles to the hospital.
Back then the ambulance was a modified station wagon with a hopped up big block.
Run as fast as you wanted out were we lived.
I think I was 15 years old at the time I don't remember.

Well we camped out at the hospital day and night.
My brothers and sister showed up.
They all really did more harm than good to be honest.
I wondered the halls of the hospital out of boredom it was a small place but big to me because I was a small town country boy.
Only one story.
You could smoke in the waiting room and sleep there as well.
One night a voice calls out young man young man.
Come talk to me.
I was scared but I went into the room and a man in his 80s was in there.
He wanted company someone to talk to.
I learned that this poor man had several children but he had outlived everyone in his family.
He was all alone.
I would go listen to his stories every chance I got and knew he was never going to leave that hospital alive.
Then one night he drew his last breath and they put him to rest.
I was there a stranger with him and no family.
I have momentarily forgotten his last name but it will come to me again maybe one day I think it was a German name.
I thought how horrible it must be to die all alone with no family to be around but somehow I figured even then that it might be the same for me as well.
I had no idea how close I came when I went to the emergency room awhile back.
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Re: Stochastic Contemplations.


Post: # 138563Unread post worth1
Sat Nov 09, 2024 1:44 pm

I just love a good vampire story.
This one is crazy. ... index.html
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Re: Stochastic Contemplations.


Post: # 138578Unread post rxkeith
Sat Nov 09, 2024 7:04 pm

here is one the chiropractor told me about an old neighbor of mine.
milt farmed for a living. he was a horse man. he used to make
hay with his horses. i would see them in the field working. there is
something very nice about watching man and horse working together.
one day, someone was trying to load their horse into a trailer. milt was
present at the time. the horse didn't want to go in, and would not go in
no matter what the owner tried to do. milts standing there watching, not
saying a word, the typical stoic finn. after the guy gives up in frustration,
milt says to him, would you mind if i give it a try? the guy throws his arms
up and says sure go ahead. old milt walks up to the horse, whispers something
in its ear, and then milt walks into the trailer, and walks out, walks into the trailer
and walks out, walks into the trailer, and walks out. then he takes the horse by the
reins, and quietly leads the horse into the trailer, and shuts the door. the guy is amazed
at what he has just seen. he asks milt what did he say to the horse? old milt said, i just
told him it was ok, watch what i do.


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Re: Stochastic Contemplations.


Post: # 138628Unread post worth1
Sun Nov 10, 2024 10:57 am

Bastrop is becoming a little weird with some unsavory people hanging around.
I went to the store last night and there was some creepy freaky acting people at the place hanging out.
I was totally creeped out by their actions and the way they just acted like some kind of drug addicts.
Then they melted into the woods.
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Re: Stochastic Contemplations.


Post: # 144127Unread post worth1
Sun Feb 02, 2025 12:02 am

There's something really gratifying about finding your keys after you've spent an hour in the middle of the night looking for them.
Then remembering saying to yourself you'll never find them there, put them where they belong. :lol:
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Re: Stochastic Contemplations.


Post: # 145609Unread post worth1
Fri Feb 21, 2025 12:56 pm

This is so true.
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Re: Stochastic Contemplations.


Post: # 146955Unread post SpookyShoe
Wed Mar 12, 2025 11:53 am

Random thought:

I want to dance in a conga line.
Donna, zone 9, El Lago, Texas

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Re: Stochastic Contemplations.


Post: # 146956Unread post worth1
Wed Mar 12, 2025 12:10 pm

SpookyShoe wrote: Wed Mar 12, 2025 11:53 am Random thought:

I want to dance in a conga line.
Due to cost cuts conga lines will be reduced by 25 percent.
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Re: Stochastic Contemplations.


Post: # 147093Unread post worth1
Fri Mar 14, 2025 2:20 pm

I just passed an online blood born pathogen test for health care professionals.
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Re: Stochastic Contemplations.


Post: # 147096Unread post rxkeith
Fri Mar 14, 2025 3:32 pm

atta boy
so did my son. he is working for publix down in florida.
most of that is just common sense knowledge. one of
those tests you have to complete for the work place.


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Re: Stochastic Contemplations.


Post: # 147210Unread post worth1
Sun Mar 16, 2025 1:20 pm

Not one to advertise when I help someone I'm going to use this time to complain about Home Depot but not the employees but the company itself.
There was an older dude that was trying to pull two loaded carts out the door and struggling.
I asked if he needed any help and he said yes
He asked where I was parked and I said it didn't matter.
So we took the two carts out to his pickup.
He thanked me I said you're welcome and I went to my vehicle and went on my way.
This poor guy was bent over and not in as good of shape I'm in
Probably in his 70s.
Must I ask why in hell doesn't HD have it's employees ask older folks like this if they need any help.
I'm sure he would have appreciated it.
These people come into our towns and take over the place and then treat customers like money cows without any respect.
At least HEB asks if you need any help with your groceries.
A customer shouldn't have to ask for help.
Especially an older person that's worked their entire life paying taxes and helping America be the great country it is.
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Re: Stochastic Contemplations.


Post: # 147212Unread post Danny
Sun Mar 16, 2025 2:10 pm

worth1 wrote: Wed Mar 12, 2025 12:10 pm
SpookyShoe wrote: Wed Mar 12, 2025 11:53 am Random thought:

I want to dance in a conga line.
Due to cost cuts conga lines will be reduced by 25 percent.
No, the line to conga will be increased by 50% and the conga itself will be reduced by 2/5 due to cost cuts and limited time. The good news is that the conga music itself will remain the same with the same numbers of kicks to each side.

Oh, the shark, babe, has such teeth, dear
And it shows them pearly white.
You know when that shark bites with his teeth, babe
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Re: Stochastic Contemplations.


Post: # 147410Unread post rxkeith
Wed Mar 19, 2025 10:02 pm

amazing sunset here in the keweenaw tonight.
started out with a purple partly cloudy sky. color kept changing to reddish purple
then hints of orange increasing in intensity to a burnt orange color that hung on for
what seemed like a long time. wow.


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Re: Stochastic Contemplations.


Post: # 147418Unread post worth1
Thu Mar 20, 2025 6:20 am

I actually got to drive one of these cars back in the 70s.
A friend of mine bought it.
They weren't worth much back then. ... ar-in-50s/
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Re: Stochastic Contemplations.


Post: # 147437Unread post Paulf
Thu Mar 20, 2025 9:59 am

Hot car,Yes but it fell apart pretty easily. My best friend's father had the family version of this car and it was the fastest thing on the road but my friend and his brother-in-law went through three transmissions in short order. Then the rear end, then the starter, then...well you get the idea. Driven sensibly it may have lasted longer but who could drive that vehicle sensibly? Temptation overruled common sense.

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Re: Stochastic Contemplations.


Post: # 147462Unread post worth1
Thu Mar 20, 2025 12:46 pm

Paulf wrote: Thu Mar 20, 2025 9:59 am Hot car,Yes but it fell apart pretty easily. My best friend's father had the family version of this car and it was the fastest thing on the road but my friend and his brother-in-law went through three transmissions in short order. Then the rear end, then the starter, then...well you get the idea. Driven sensibly it may have lasted longer but who could drive that vehicle sensibly? Temptation overruled common sense.
The Cudas and Challengers were rattle traps too.
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Re: Stochastic Contemplations.


Post: # 147472Unread post Paulf
Thu Mar 20, 2025 2:11 pm

But man could they fly! My wife’s roommate before we got married had a ‘68 Cuda, a plain Jane, and she still has it. Are they worth anything?

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Re: Stochastic Contemplations.


Post: # 147476Unread post worth1
Thu Mar 20, 2025 3:29 pm

Paulf wrote: Thu Mar 20, 2025 2:11 pm But man could they fly! My wife’s roommate before we got married had a ‘68 Cuda, a plain Jane, and she still has it. Are they worth anything?
68 barracudas are worth quite a bit now depending on the engine.
They didn't start calling them Cudas until 1970 with the E body.
The older ones were A bodies like my old Dart.
The 66 idler arms were almost impossible to get at one time.
25 miles southeast of Waterloo Texas.

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