Where are you finding best prices on canning jars?

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Re: Where are you finding best prices on canning jars?


Post: # 70371Unread post worth1
Tue May 24, 2022 5:27 am

Danny wrote: Tue May 24, 2022 3:13 am Several places to buy All American canners are about, just bought one on Amazon for less than the price at the All American site by about 50 bucks.
It'll serve you well.
They are way over built for the purpose at hand but there is nothing wrong with that.
My mom had one plus an old Kook Kuick.
25 miles southeast of Waterloo Texas.

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Re: Where are you finding best prices on canning jars?


Post: # 70397Unread post Danny
Tue May 24, 2022 12:30 pm

Oh, I know all about All American pressure canners, have three already, various sizes. Best one available and most reliable one too. They are great workhorses in the kitchen and are good enough to be passed on through generations. Easiest to use, at least for us.
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Re: Where are you finding best prices on canning jars?


Post: # 71814Unread post Danny
Thu Jun 16, 2022 12:51 pm

Found half pint jars at Walmart for $7.36 a dozen, so ordered 10 dozen to be delivered. We mostly use those and pints, but for "instant" meals like stews, the quart jars come in to play.
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Re: Where are you finding best prices on canning jars?


Post: # 72783Unread post Danny
Thu Jun 30, 2022 2:39 pm

Danny wrote: Thu Jun 16, 2022 12:51 pm Found half pint jars at Walmart for $7.36 a dozen, so ordered 10 dozen to be delivered. We mostly use those and pints, but for "instant" meals like stews, the quart jars come in to play.
Found these at the above price again and ordered 6 dozen more already delivered. Thinking of buying more again at that price as we have been seriously putting up some jams lately.
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Re: Where are you finding best prices on canning jars?


Post: # 73233Unread post JRinPA
Wed Jul 06, 2022 11:00 pm

$10.something for the golden harvest half pint jars at walmart, here.

I just checked and there are some for 7.36 online, and it says you can pick up in store, but the tag on the shelf for those golden harvest was 10 something. And the ball, same size, were $11.47.


Two older people were buying jars, the guy said the price jumped 3 days ago? It wasn't me shopping, this is relayed. I just ordered some for 7.36 for pickup. Will return the ball jars I guess. Just had to buy some jars for gifting rhubarb jam/conserve, and don't expect them returned.

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