This is a yearly group seed swap event hosted by Tormato.

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Re: MMMM Q & A


Post: # 136229Unread post OswaldAcres
Mon Sep 30, 2024 10:14 pm

Approx how many global/forever stamps (is that correct?) Would be needed for postage to canada, when I send my package to you, I want to make sure I am sending more than enough postage to cover everything :)

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Re: MMMM Q & A


Post: # 136307Unread post Tormahto
Tue Oct 01, 2024 10:43 pm

OswaldAcres wrote: Mon Sep 30, 2024 10:14 pm Approx how many global/forever stamps (is that correct?) Would be needed for postage to canada, when I send my package to you, I want to make sure I am sending more than enough postage to cover everything :)
We first have to discuss what you want, or perhaps what it is you are "not expecting", back. (others, fill OA in on what usually happens ;) )

If just small seeds like tomatoes and peppers, I can do a series of thin envelopes, about 40-50 packs in each, the cost is about $1.65 US, each. If larger seeds, like beans, peas, squash, etc... it will likely be in the $15-$20 range for a bubble mailer, unknown if it will get past customs. Thin letters get through about 99+% of the time.

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Re: MMMM Q & A


Post: # 136544Unread post Kymmy99
Sun Oct 06, 2024 4:41 am


I am hoping to participate from the UK and just have a few questions:

1. I have done a few swaps and recieved some US international global stamps so I can put this in the envelope with no issue for return postage. Is there a max size envelope these apply to so I know how many stamps/envelopes to send? (I am sending tomatoes and peppers only)

2. I also have non international forever stamps, would they be of benefit to send?

3. Do you think it's worth splitting my submission Into smaller envelopes and just noting 1 of 4, 2 of 4 etc for example inside?

4. Is there another way to send you $? Can go and get some currency exchanged somewhere if not.

5. Lastly, would you like some retail f1 varieties sent in? Lots are on clearance here now



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Re: MMMM Q & A


Post: # 136570Unread post KinaTo
Sun Oct 06, 2024 12:25 pm

If you have a seeds thats on someones wishlist like enough to send in a couple or so bags with 5-10 seeds. Is it possible to just send in that?

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Re: MMMM Q & A


Post: # 136578Unread post Tormahto
Sun Oct 06, 2024 2:18 pm

Kymmy99 wrote: Sun Oct 06, 2024 4:41 am Hello,

I am hoping to participate from the UK and just have a few questions:

1. I have done a few swaps and recieved some US international global stamps so I can put this in the envelope with no issue for return postage. Is there a max size envelope these apply to so I know how many stamps/envelopes to send? (I am sending tomatoes and peppers only)

2. I also have non international forever stamps, would they be of benefit to send?

3. Do you think it's worth splitting my submission Into smaller envelopes and just noting 1 of 4, 2 of 4 etc for example inside?

4. Is there another way to send you $? Can go and get some currency exchanged somewhere if not.

5. Lastly, would you like some retail f1 varieties sent in? Lots are on clearance here now


Definitely split them up into multiple envelopes. In the first letter sent, include the least "valuable/rare" varieties that you are sending, to see if the mail comes through (99%+ do). Send additional letters just over a week apart. I do not recommend the largest envelopes, which usually signals something other than correspondence is inside. A medium-sized envelope about 3 1/2" X 7", or greeting card size, about 5" X 7" would be best. You want to make it look like almost all of the other mail everyone is sending.

Any US stamps, totaling close to the amount of return postage is fine. One US Global Forever stamp (costing about $1.65) covers each letter sent back. I can fit about 40-50 packs in each envelope.

Ultimately, I do not worry about return postage for letters requiring a single stamp, from non-US participants. We all chip in for postage, if such participants can not exchange for our currency or stamps. We gladly pay a few cents each for those tomatoes/peppers that we have little access to.

If the F1s are not available here, they would be most welcome. Perhaps PMing me a list of them prior to buying them would be best.

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Re: MMMM Q & A


Post: # 136666Unread post KatrinaD
Mon Oct 07, 2024 10:44 pm

I apologize in advance, I have several questions. This is my first year swapping, so I appreciate your patience.

Questions regarding categories.
1. Do the 10 packs of seeds need to be the same variety to enter a category? Or if, for example, I have 10 different varieties but only one pack of each variety would that qualify me to enter that category?
2. Should I send a different bubble mailer per category?

I also have a questions regarding limits of how much I send in.
1. Is there a limit to how much I send? I am currently at about 250 packs just for tomatoes, and haven't started anything else yet. I want to send in as much variety as I can but also want to try to have enough of each variety that I have lots of to go around. I also don't want to overload the system.
2. How many packs per variety would be considered sufficient? Currently, I am packing up 10 packs per variety that I have lots of (but I am debating whether I should do more packs of the varieties that are in abundance), then I have a handful of varieties I can only do 5 packs, then a bunch I can only do one or two packs.

I am probably overthinking it, but also want to make it as easy as possible once I mail everything in. Thank You!

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Re: MMMM Q & A


Post: # 136798Unread post Tormahto
Wed Oct 09, 2024 8:47 pm

KatrinaD wrote: Mon Oct 07, 2024 10:44 pm I apologize in advance, I have several questions. This is my first year swapping, so I appreciate your patience.

Questions regarding categories.
1. Do the 10 packs of seeds need to be the same variety to enter a category? Or if, for example, I have 10 different varieties but only one pack of each variety would that qualify me to enter that category?
2. Should I send a different bubble mailer per category?

I also have a questions regarding limits of how much I send in.
1. Is there a limit to how much I send? I am currently at about 250 packs just for tomatoes, and haven't started anything else yet. I want to send in as much variety as I can but also want to try to have enough of each variety that I have lots of to go around. I also don't want to overload the system.
2. How many packs per variety would be considered sufficient? Currently, I am packing up 10 packs per variety that I have lots of (but I am debating whether I should do more packs of the varieties that are in abundance), then I have a handful of varieties I can only do 5 packs, then a bunch I can only do one or two packs.

I am probably overthinking it, but also want to make it as easy as possible once I mail everything in. Thank You!
1. Don't worry about this one. Having people send in 10 packs of a single variety to get back 10 different packs in the same Category was done to have the swap well balanced, and not running out of varieties in any Category.

In some previous swaps, an example would be someone sending in 100 packs of seeds, 10 packs of 10 different varieties for 10 different Categories, and they're wanting back only 100 different Cherry varieties. Categories would run low to almost out, where near the end of the swap I'd struggle to decide among the last 5 people who would get the last 3 packs of a variety. There were few extra donations back then.

With everyone who requests certain Categories on their wish lists, I try to come up with 10 different varieties for each Category. There are only a few Categories in the swap where it's difficult to do so; Cool Weather, Experimental (maybe not this year), Giant, Hot Weather, Multi-flora, Novelty, Very Early, and Variegated (a new one, which might be a disaster, but hopefully the participant who suggested that Category isn't reading this ;) ). A single variety can qualify for several Categories, although sometimes I will not know all of the Categories (especially cool or hot weather ones). That gives me a lot of flexibility towards balancing things out. Participants should suggest what Category they want each of their sent in varieties to go into, otherwise I choose.

2. ONE bubble mailer (or flat rate box???) for everything. You might be using one size up from the standard #0 (6" X 9"), and/or you might be getting one size up in return.

What works best for me, is a group of packs (5?, 10?,20?) of each variety (using small zip type baggies) put into a larger zip type baggie (usually a sandwich size one). 1 or 2 packs (like others' wish list varieties) of varieties can ALL be put in one larger baggie.

There is no limit on what can be sent in, as it can't be overloaded with seeds. If there are simply too many packs of a single variety (it "may" happen with BLT this year, as two participants are likely sending in 100 packs each), or if I get many bulk packs of seeds, I reserve those for the next year's swap. I try to keep one pack of 5 seeds of almost every variety in the swap in reserve, in case someone very late to entering the swap is looking for that variety. But certain things like some Kozulas, and likely the Jarsons this year, I expect will be depleted

You are not overthinking it. Sending in as much variety as one wants, and as many packs of each variety as they want, makes the swap run as smooth as possible on my end. This year, because of all of the new participants from TLC, 20 packs of each variety would be a big help. While not knowing what is in others' collections, it may be that people from Tomatojunction will like what people from TLC are sending in, and vice versa. For the Mystery part of the swap, I'll likely try to send a lot of one group's varieties to the other group.

You are putting a great effort into this, so now it comes back to what you want back. if you want a one for one trade that's fine. If you want 150 varieties back (what the average participant has received for the past several years, that is fine). If I have the time and the seeds, people might be getting back more than an average of 150. For now, that is unknown. 200 back? 250? or more back, it's entirely up to you.

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Re: MMMM Q & A


Post: # 136872Unread post KatrinaD
Thu Oct 10, 2024 11:38 pm

Tormato wrote: Wed Oct 09, 2024 8:47 pm
KatrinaD wrote: Mon Oct 07, 2024 10:44 pm I apologize in advance, I have several questions. This is my first year swapping, so I appreciate your patience.

Questions regarding categories.
1. Do the 10 packs of seeds need to be the same variety to enter a category? Or if, for example, I have 10 different varieties but only one pack of each variety would that qualify me to enter that category?
2. Should I send a different bubble mailer per category?

I also have a questions regarding limits of how much I send in.
1. Is there a limit to how much I send? I am currently at about 250 packs just for tomatoes, and haven't started anything else yet. I want to send in as much variety as I can but also want to try to have enough of each variety that I have lots of to go around. I also don't want to overload the system.
2. How many packs per variety would be considered sufficient? Currently, I am packing up 10 packs per variety that I have lots of (but I am debating whether I should do more packs of the varieties that are in abundance), then I have a handful of varieties I can only do 5 packs, then a bunch I can only do one or two packs.

I am probably overthinking it, but also want to make it as easy as possible once I mail everything in. Thank You!
1. Don't worry about this one. Having people send in 10 packs of a single variety to get back 10 different packs in the same Category was done to have the swap well balanced, and not running out of varieties in any Category.

In some previous swaps, an example would be someone sending in 100 packs of seeds, 10 packs of 10 different varieties for 10 different Categories, and they're wanting back only 100 different Cherry varieties. Categories would run low to almost out, where near the end of the swap I'd struggle to decide among the last 5 people who would get the last 3 packs of a variety. There were few extra donations back then.

With everyone who requests certain Categories on their wish lists, I try to come up with 10 different varieties for each Category. There are only a few Categories in the swap where it's difficult to do so; Cool Weather, Experimental (maybe not this year), Giant, Hot Weather, Multi-flora, Novelty, Very Early, and Variegated (a new one, which might be a disaster, but hopefully the participant who suggested that Category isn't reading this ;) ). A single variety can qualify for several Categories, although sometimes I will not know all of the Categories (especially cool or hot weather ones). That gives me a lot of flexibility towards balancing things out. Participants should suggest what Category they want each of their sent in varieties to go into, otherwise I choose.

2. ONE bubble mailer (or flat rate box???) for everything. You might be using one size up from the standard #0 (6" X 9"), and/or you might be getting one size up in return.

What works best for me, is a group of packs (5?, 10?,20?) of each variety (using small zip type baggies) put into a larger zip type baggie (usually a sandwich size one). 1 or 2 packs (like others' wish list varieties) of varieties can ALL be put in one larger baggie.

There is no limit on what can be sent in, as it can't be overloaded with seeds. If there are simply too many packs of a single variety (it "may" happen with BLT this year, as two participants are likely sending in 100 packs each), or if I get many bulk packs of seeds, I reserve those for the next year's swap. I try to keep one pack of 5 seeds of almost every variety in the swap in reserve, in case someone very late to entering the swap is looking for that variety. But certain things like some Kozulas, and likely the Jarsons this year, I expect will be depleted

You are not overthinking it. Sending in as much variety as one wants, and as many packs of each variety as they want, makes the swap run as smooth as possible on my end. This year, because of all of the new participants from TLC, 20 packs of each variety would be a big help. While not knowing what is in others' collections, it may be that people from Tomatojunction will like what people from TLC are sending in, and vice versa. For the Mystery part of the swap, I'll likely try to send a lot of one group's varieties to the other group.

You are putting a great effort into this, so now it comes back to what you want back. if you want a one for one trade that's fine. If you want 150 varieties back (what the average participant has received for the past several years, that is fine). If I have the time and the seeds, people might be getting back more than an average of 150. For now, that is unknown. 200 back? 250? or more back, it's entirely up to you.
Thank you! That clears up my questions. I am glad to hear that if I send in extra they can be used for future swaps.
As far as what I want back, honestly, I don't have a huge garden, its only about 20' x30'. I can only grow so much in a year so I am happy with whatever gets sent back to me. I am just happy to participate and share what I am able.

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Re: MMMM Q & A


Post: # 136925Unread post Tormahto
Fri Oct 11, 2024 8:05 pm

KinaTo wrote: Sun Oct 06, 2024 12:25 pm If you have a seeds thats on someones wishlist like enough to send in a couple or so bags with 5-10 seeds. Is it possible to just send in that?
If you have a single seed, that is 10 years old, it's on a wish list, and you don't know if anyone else will fulfill the wish, please send it in. ;)

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Re: MMMM Q & A


Post: # 136927Unread post Tormahto
Fri Oct 11, 2024 8:10 pm

KatrinaD wrote: Thu Oct 10, 2024 11:38 pm
Tormato wrote: Wed Oct 09, 2024 8:47 pm
KatrinaD wrote: Mon Oct 07, 2024 10:44 pm I apologize in advance, I have several questions. This is my first year swapping, so I appreciate your patience.

Questions regarding categories.
1. Do the 10 packs of seeds need to be the same variety to enter a category? Or if, for example, I have 10 different varieties but only one pack of each variety would that qualify me to enter that category?
2. Should I send a different bubble mailer per category?

I also have a questions regarding limits of how much I send in.
1. Is there a limit to how much I send? I am currently at about 250 packs just for tomatoes, and haven't started anything else yet. I want to send in as much variety as I can but also want to try to have enough of each variety that I have lots of to go around. I also don't want to overload the system.
2. How many packs per variety would be considered sufficient? Currently, I am packing up 10 packs per variety that I have lots of (but I am debating whether I should do more packs of the varieties that are in abundance), then I have a handful of varieties I can only do 5 packs, then a bunch I can only do one or two packs.

I am probably overthinking it, but also want to make it as easy as possible once I mail everything in. Thank You!
1. Don't worry about this one. Having people send in 10 packs of a single variety to get back 10 different packs in the same Category was done to have the swap well balanced, and not running out of varieties in any Category.

In some previous swaps, an example would be someone sending in 100 packs of seeds, 10 packs of 10 different varieties for 10 different Categories, and they're wanting back only 100 different Cherry varieties. Categories would run low to almost out, where near the end of the swap I'd struggle to decide among the last 5 people who would get the last 3 packs of a variety. There were few extra donations back then.

With everyone who requests certain Categories on their wish lists, I try to come up with 10 different varieties for each Category. There are only a few Categories in the swap where it's difficult to do so; Cool Weather, Experimental (maybe not this year), Giant, Hot Weather, Multi-flora, Novelty, Very Early, and Variegated (a new one, which might be a disaster, but hopefully the participant who suggested that Category isn't reading this ;) ). A single variety can qualify for several Categories, although sometimes I will not know all of the Categories (especially cool or hot weather ones). That gives me a lot of flexibility towards balancing things out. Participants should suggest what Category they want each of their sent in varieties to go into, otherwise I choose.

2. ONE bubble mailer (or flat rate box???) for everything. You might be using one size up from the standard #0 (6" X 9"), and/or you might be getting one size up in return.

What works best for me, is a group of packs (5?, 10?,20?) of each variety (using small zip type baggies) put into a larger zip type baggie (usually a sandwich size one). 1 or 2 packs (like others' wish list varieties) of varieties can ALL be put in one larger baggie.

There is no limit on what can be sent in, as it can't be overloaded with seeds. If there are simply too many packs of a single variety (it "may" happen with BLT this year, as two participants are likely sending in 100 packs each), or if I get many bulk packs of seeds, I reserve those for the next year's swap. I try to keep one pack of 5 seeds of almost every variety in the swap in reserve, in case someone very late to entering the swap is looking for that variety. But certain things like some Kozulas, and likely the Jarsons this year, I expect will be depleted

You are not overthinking it. Sending in as much variety as one wants, and as many packs of each variety as they want, makes the swap run as smooth as possible on my end. This year, because of all of the new participants from TLC, 20 packs of each variety would be a big help. While not knowing what is in others' collections, it may be that people from Tomatojunction will like what people from TLC are sending in, and vice versa. For the Mystery part of the swap, I'll likely try to send a lot of one group's varieties to the other group.

You are putting a great effort into this, so now it comes back to what you want back. if you want a one for one trade that's fine. If you want 150 varieties back (what the average participant has received for the past several years, that is fine). If I have the time and the seeds, people might be getting back more than an average of 150. For now, that is unknown. 200 back? 250? or more back, it's entirely up to you.
Thank you! That clears up my questions. I am glad to hear that if I send in extra they can be used for future swaps.
As far as what I want back, honestly, I don't have a huge garden, its only about 20' x30'. I can only grow so much in a year so I am happy with whatever gets sent back to me. I am just happy to participate and share what I am able.
You're still going to receive a lot, for 2 reasons.

First, most seeds are generally going to be good for about the next five years.

Second, everyone is welcome to trade, or give away, varieties that they likely will not grow.

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Re: MMMM Q & A


Post: # 137494Unread post DawnShively
Sun Oct 20, 2024 6:42 pm

Is there a separate area to sign up for entering peppers or do we just send them along with the tomato seeds? I hope this made sense :lol:

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Re: MMMM Q & A


Post: # 137500Unread post Tormahto
Sun Oct 20, 2024 9:06 pm

DawnShively wrote: Sun Oct 20, 2024 6:42 pm Is there a separate area to sign up for entering peppers or do we just send them along with the tomato seeds? I hope this made sense :lol:
It's just a one time sign up for the entire swap. Tomatoes, peppers, cukes, beans, squash, greens, melons/watermelons, peas, brassicas, alliums, flowers, herbs, etc...all get put into the returned bubble mailer. It's way too early to know what will be coming in.

At some point, start adding non-tomato things to your wish list. Some participants, but not all, post everything that they are sending in, at the Spoiler Alert thread. When I find time, I will be updating the Master Lists.

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Re: MMMM Q & A


Post: # 137575Unread post MissS
Tue Oct 22, 2024 8:35 am

Tormato wrote: Sun Oct 20, 2024 9:06 pm When I find time, I will be updating the Master Lists.
He's been too busy chumming the sharks.
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~ Patti ~
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Re: MMMM Q & A


Post: # 137580Unread post Tormahto
Tue Oct 22, 2024 10:51 am

MissS wrote: Tue Oct 22, 2024 8:35 am
Tormato wrote: Sun Oct 20, 2024 9:06 pm When I find time, I will be updating the Master Lists.

He's been too busy chumming the sharks.
I, myself, didn't have to do any chumming this year.

Adam D. linked the swap to TLC, and that was that. :roll:

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Re: MMMM Q & A


Post: # 137585Unread post MissS
Tue Oct 22, 2024 12:50 pm

Just a little here and a little there.
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Re: MMMM Q & A


Post: # 138152Unread post SophieOLLIER
Sat Nov 02, 2024 12:12 pm

Hello @Tormato
What is the deadline to enter the MMMM SWAP?
Thank you

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Re: MMMM Q & A


Post: # 138154Unread post Tormahto
Sat Nov 02, 2024 1:30 pm

SophieOLLIER wrote: Sat Nov 02, 2024 12:12 pm Hello @Tormato
What is the deadline to enter the MMMM SWAP?
Thank you
There's no deadline...if you don't mind receiving seeds in February, or March, or...

Otherwise, roughly about November 20th, posting to the who's participating thread, and posting to the wish list thread (ASAP) so that participants who haven't yet sent in their packages might read your wish list, and might fulfill your wishes.

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Re: MMMM Q & A


Post: # 138173Unread post SophieOLLIER
Sat Nov 02, 2024 5:18 pm

Tormato wrote: Sat Nov 02, 2024 1:30 pm
SophieOLLIER wrote: Sat Nov 02, 2024 12:12 pm Hello @Tormato
What is the deadline to enter the MMMM SWAP?
Thank you
There's no deadline...if you don't mind receiving seeds in February, or March, or...

Otherwise, roughly about November 20th, posting to the who's participating thread, and posting to the wish list thread (ASAP) so that participants who haven't yet sent in their packages might read your wish list, and might fulfill your wishes.
Thank you @Tormato
I am going to join.

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Re: MMMM Q & A


Post: # 138174Unread post SophieOLLIER
Sat Nov 02, 2024 5:18 pm

Tormato wrote: Sat Nov 02, 2024 1:30 pm
SophieOLLIER wrote: Sat Nov 02, 2024 12:12 pm Hello @Tormato
What is the deadline to enter the MMMM SWAP?
Thank you
There's no deadline...if you don't mind receiving seeds in February, or March, or...

Otherwise, roughly about November 20th, posting to the who's participating thread, and posting to the wish list thread (ASAP) so that participants who haven't yet sent in their packages might read your wish list, and might fulfill your wishes.
Thank you @Tormato
I am going to join.

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Re: MMMM Q & A


Post: # 138553Unread post kathyhardiman
Sat Nov 09, 2024 9:16 am

Hi Tormato! 🍅 I'm having trouble figuring out how to do a return address label that will cover the previous postage etc on the package.

Could I print or write it out on a piece of like 8.5x 11 paper? But then it'd need to be taped on. Or maybe should I just include a second padded envelope inside all ready to go?

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