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More Maters Almost Ready

Posted: Wed Jul 17, 2024 10:55 am
by GoDawgs
Here's a mishmash of different tomatoes almost ready to put up. In the boxes are some big Bill Beans and Daniel Bursons, some Eva's Purple Ball, Juliet, Bella Rosa, Creole and Homestead. Pickles reports that there are more almost ready to come in to finish ripening.
Those two yellow ones are the first Dwarf Sweet Satsuma. Can't wait to taste those.

24.07.17 Collection of tomatoes.JPG

Re: More Maters Almost Ready

Posted: Wed Jul 17, 2024 12:31 pm
by AKgardener
Nice haul

Re: More Maters Almost Ready

Posted: Thu Jul 18, 2024 10:46 pm
by MissS
Now it's summer for you!

Re: More Maters Almost Ready

Posted: Fri Jul 19, 2024 6:18 am
by PlainJane
Love this time of the season.

Re: More Maters Almost Ready

Posted: Tue Jul 23, 2024 5:13 pm
by GoDawgs
Over the weekend we had a t-storm with high winds come through. A big old limb came down on the shed out back.

24.07.21 Limb on shed roof after storm.JPG

It poked two holes in the roof, the butt punching a 6" hole and a side limb made a 3 incher.

24.07.21 Two holes in shed roof from limb.JPG

Pickles and I got the big adjustable ladder out and she scampered up there with a bucket of temporary fix-its. After shoving the limb off the roof she put overlapping strips of Gorilla tape across each hole, then a piece of that wide Flex Seal tape over each and the sprayed both with Flex Seal spray. It will hold until we can get a piece of corrugated metal roofing to lay over that section. Like I say, ya make it up as you go along. It's always something, ya know?

This morning I pulled some Kuroda carrots and sure enough, the nematodes are getting uppity again. This fall I'm going to try to plant brassicas everywhere in the garden. If beds don't have the planned broccoli, etc, they're gonna get mustard planted.

24.07.23 Kuroda carrot infected with nematodes.JPG

But on the good side, the Glorie de Paris cucumbers I got in the latest MMMM are finally producing. I've never heard of this variety so was anxious to see one. They all seem to have that little curve at the end and I don't know if that's supposed to look like that or if it's due to environmental conditions. I've marked it for seed collection.

24.07.23 Glorie de Paris cucumber.JPG

And finally, this is Maule's Red Hot Cayenne.

24.07.23 Maule's Red Hot Cayenne still green.JPG

There are two plants growing in pots, one with seed from 2015 (original seed from Shumway) and the other with 2020 seed I collected that year. Both lots have been in the freezer since 2019 and 2020 respectively. It looks like they're doing fine, just not red yet. I'm running low on cayenne powder so it was time to grow more. :)

Re: More Maters Almost Ready

Posted: Tue Jul 23, 2024 11:32 pm
by MissS
I'm sorry to hear that you had such a terrible weekend. As if you didn't have enough to do. At least the roof is mendable.

I have never seen carrots with nematodes before. I learn something new here all of the time.