How much do you like the taste of sweet peppers?

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How much do you like the taste of sweet peppers?


Post: # 99131Unread post Shule
Wed Jun 07, 2023 9:31 pm

I like them a lot.
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Re: How much do you like the taste of sweet peppers?


Post: # 99136Unread post pepperhead212
Thu Jun 08, 2023 12:00 am

I like all peppers, hot or sweet. Sweets just don't grow well here.
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Re: How much do you like the taste of sweet peppers?


Post: # 99140Unread post Danny
Thu Jun 08, 2023 1:08 am

We pretty much do not do hot peppers ourselves, just a lot of the sweets. We do grow some jalapenos for PIC's Dad as he likes some heat. All peppers do well enough here. Like a sloppy fried pepper sandwich at times.
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Re: How much do you like the taste of sweet peppers?


Post: # 99141Unread post svalli
Thu Jun 08, 2023 2:03 am

I love the crunchy fresh sweet peppers. I grow mainly hot peppers and buy a lot of the sweet ones, because I have not enough room in the greenhouse to satisfy our sweet pepper consumption.
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Re: How much do you like the taste of sweet peppers?


Post: # 99145Unread post PlainJane
Thu Jun 08, 2023 6:12 am

Starting to get into sweet frying peppers. Sadly neither DH or myself can handle much heat so output from my one hot pepper goes mostly to neighbors.
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Re: How much do you like the taste of sweet peppers?


Post: # 99146Unread post DriftlessRoots
Thu Jun 08, 2023 6:47 am

I love sweet peppers. Raw they're really good and roasted or grilled they are great. I don't have great luck growing them, though.
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Re: How much do you like the taste of sweet peppers?


Post: # 99147Unread post bower
Thu Jun 08, 2023 7:21 am

I adore sweet peppers, raw, roasted, fried... you name it. Don't like bells much. Those supermarket bells are mostly water and we don't have the climate or season to grow them either. I love the heirloom peppers, frying type peppers, thinner walls are fine although the scattered thick and sweet pimento has been lusciously loved.
I also like (or love) mild hot peppers but as others commented, one plant is many many peppers. Whereas there are never enough sweets! The temptation with hots is to grow several kinds because the flavors are so varied and good. But then you have many too many.
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Re: How much do you like the taste of sweet peppers?


Post: # 99153Unread post worth1
Thu Jun 08, 2023 8:59 am

I like all peppers including sweet peppers.
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Re: How much do you like the taste of sweet peppers?


Post: # 99162Unread post Seven Bends
Thu Jun 08, 2023 10:14 am

I love fully mature sweet peppers at their final color -- raw or cooked. Giant Marconi and Dulce Med were wonderful last year. I also love the various sweet snacking peppers that have popped up all over the last few years. This year I'm trying Gatherer's Gold, Petit Marseillais, Yummy Orange, Giant Sweet Devil's Horn, Big Daddy, and Mama Mia Giallo. I also have some plants grown from seeds I took from several different snack peppers this winter. Not sure if I'll find a spot for any of them or not. I grew three such plants last year (one red, one yellow, and one orange) and the fruits were just okay, not memorable. I may plant one of the red ones because I don't have a red snacker in my lineup at this point.

I don't like green bell peppers (or any green peppers) raw, but I like them cooked.

I have two Ancho San Luis plants to put in if I can find a spot. I like ancho/poblano peppers for making Mexican-type stuffed peppers. Two years ago I grew a jalapeno plant, harvested probably 150 peppers from it and used maybe one or two all summer. Grew a cayenne plant and harvested countless peppers from it, used none at all, dried a bunch to make cayenne powder, and haven't used any of it. So that's the end of hot pepper growing for me. I use so few, it makes sense to just buy the peppers, or accept some that other people are trying desperately to give away from their own plants at the garden.

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Re: How much do you like the taste of sweet peppers?


Post: # 99169Unread post karstopography
Thu Jun 08, 2023 12:53 pm

Most of my sweet peppers excluding bell peppers get dried and eventually turned into paprika. I’ll eat a few red ripe Jimmy Nardellos, but the various paprikas made from my various dried sweet peppers is more my thing.

Every hot pepper gets eaten one way or another around here. I don’t want every meal to be spicy, but some of them MUST be.
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Re: How much do you like the taste of sweet peppers?


Post: # 99189Unread post JRinPA
Thu Jun 08, 2023 4:40 pm

I love the romani peppers I stumbled onto reduced at johnny's a number of years back. They start cream and then yellow orange red and taste decent at cream and never have that green pepper taste. They also perform better than any bell peppers do around here. I just made tacos for lunch using half a quart bag of frozen peppers from last year. For that purpose, they are better than fresh - super convenient since the work is done and still taste great.

I have like 90 plants of them in my big raised bed. That's how much we like them.

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Re: How much do you like the taste of sweet peppers?


Post: # 99531Unread post Julianna
Wed Jun 14, 2023 12:15 am

Zero. Maybe -10. But all the boys in the house love them.
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Re: How much do you like the taste of sweet peppers?


Post: # 99536Unread post Tormahto
Wed Jun 14, 2023 2:12 am

A large, thick walled, juicy, extra sweet, fruity, orange bell is my favorite for eating raw. Red ones I use mostly for cooking. Green ones that are relatively mature (not bitter) are fine, too, especially for stuffed peppers. The yellow ones that I've tried (store bought) haven't had much flavor. I haven't tried the purple or "chocolate" ones.

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Re: How much do you like the taste of sweet peppers?


Post: # 99742Unread post Cornelius_Gotchberg
Sat Jun 17, 2023 12:09 pm

DriftlessRoots wrote: Thu Jun 08, 2023 6:47 am I love sweet peppers. Raw they're really good and roasted or grilled they are great. I don't have great luck growing them, though.
Stop by sometime in late August/early September & we'll hook you's up.

The taste? LUV 'em grilled just shy of al dente; ate 2/3 lb/.29 kgs the other night and never looked back .

Faves are Giant Marconi, Mama Mia Giallo, Carmen, Gypsy, Roulette, Sweet Sunset, Jimmy Nardello, and Goliath Sweet.

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Re: How much do you like the taste of sweet peppers?


Post: # 99761Unread post rxkeith
Sat Jun 17, 2023 10:05 pm

i like em too.
getting bell peppers fully ripe here is iffy. i do have good luck with frying peppers like jimmy nardello.
out of those seeds, and forgot to order them this year. my wife forgives me. italian goat horn, and some
of the other conical peppers ripen for me. yolo wonder, staddons select, and jupiter are the bells that are
productive, just can't get them to fully ripe before running out of season.


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Re: How much do you like the taste of sweet peppers?


Post: # 99769Unread post karstopography
Sun Jun 18, 2023 4:02 am

Birds evidently like the taste of sweet peppers. I dry various red ripe sweet and or hot peppers in the sun on my copper clad table and find holes pecked in the sweet ones and portions of the sweet ones nibbled away. The birds hit them early in the day before the sun is really heating the copper so I need to remember to wait until lunchtime to put the peppers in the copper. It is either Carolina Wrens, or Northern Cardinals or maybe tufted titmouse. I’m blaming the wrens until other evidence suggests otherwise.

I’ve got a few green bell peppers out there in the garden, but it’s hard to wait until they ripen to red before finding some use for the green or color breaking ones. Wife puts color breaking bell peppers in her meatloaf and that’s where most of the bell peppers get used.
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Re: How much do you like the taste of sweet peppers?


Post: # 99777Unread post Tormahto
Sun Jun 18, 2023 7:41 am

karstopography wrote: Sun Jun 18, 2023 4:02 am Birds evidently like the taste of sweet peppers. I dry various red ripe sweet and or hot peppers in the sun on my copper clad table and find holes pecked in the sweet ones and portions of the sweet ones nibbled away. The birds hit them early in the day before the sun is really heating the copper so I need to remember to wait until lunchtime to put the peppers in the copper. It is either Carolina Wrens, or Northern Cardinals or maybe tufted titmouse. I’m blaming the wrens until other evidence suggests otherwise.

I’ve got a few green bell peppers out there in the garden, but it’s hard to wait until they ripen to red before finding some use for the green or color breaking ones. Wife puts color breaking bell peppers in her meatloaf and that’s where most of the bell peppers get used.
A bit of chicken wire or hardware cloth will solve the bird problem.

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Re: How much do you like the taste of sweet peppers?


Post: # 99781Unread post worth1
Sun Jun 18, 2023 8:07 am

All the big red ones mentioned are fantastic as a layer in non traditional Italian lasagna.
Heaven forbid we tick the Italians off for messing with their food.
They just need to be deseeded and parcooked first.
Like on a griddle or shallow fried in olive oil.
It adds more depth of flavor.
Even though I like hot peppers many times I don't want hot in every bite.
Another stereotype is Mexicans just eat hot peppers.
Not true.
The Mexican markets are loaded up with all manner of sweet peppers.
Many Mexicans don't even like hot peppers.
They even make a Pico de Gallo with bell peppers for the wee little ones.
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Re: How much do you like the taste of sweet peppers?


Post: # 99792Unread post bower
Sun Jun 18, 2023 9:31 am

These orange peppers are very sweet and tasty, medium thin walls. Had about a dozen so far off these plants, probably the parent was an F1 hybrid but in spite of differences all plants are orange peppered and very good. If they can just hang on for a few more weeks without getting aphids, it should (might?) get warm enough to plant them all into one big tub outdoors and let them shower me with peppers until frost! Just a few big if's between me and a steady stream of free sweet peppers. ;)
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Re: How much do you like the taste of sweet peppers?


Post: # 103377Unread post JRinPA
Tue Aug 01, 2023 10:10 pm

These are looking good....about 90 romani plants in the 30ft bed in three rows and a back row of 20+ jalapenos and some thai dragons and shishito. Best 120 sq ft decision I ever made!
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