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Posted: Tue May 23, 2023 8:52 am
by SpookyShoe
Beautiful orange red, blemish free, and uniform in shape,

Re: Carmello

Posted: Tue May 23, 2023 9:01 am
by karstopography
I didn’t grow Carmello this year. It does well here.

Re: Carmello

Posted: Tue May 23, 2023 4:03 pm
by habitat-gardener
I've been wondering what the differences are between Carmello F1 (the hybrid that's available in lots of places) the dehybridized Carmello (available from TomatoFest).

I helped choose tomatoes for the local master gardener tomato seedling sale this year and noticed that some years, the seeds came from TF, but that the plants were never really marked as hybrids or OP (although the whole sale was often advertised as "heirloom tomatoes" in past years!). You had to know the seed source to know which one you were getting. I didn't end up ordering from TF this year, so we sold the hybrid. I'm growing the hybrid in my garden this year, mostly because it's nematode-resistant.

Re: Carmello

Posted: Wed Mar 06, 2024 12:27 pm
by JosephineRose
How is the flavor?

Does anyone know if Crimson Carmello at Renee's Garden Seeds is the same hybrid?

I have a nagging suspicion she sometimes plays with tomato hybrid names to make them seem exclusive to her. I love her seeds for herbs, greens and brassicas, but her tomato seeds have not been hugely successful for me.

Re: Carmello

Posted: Wed Mar 06, 2024 12:30 pm
by AKgardener
Superbush from her was not the right tomato is was a cherry .. I just got a replacement pack so we will see

Re: Carmello

Posted: Wed Mar 06, 2024 12:46 pm
by karstopography
JosephineRose wrote: Wed Mar 06, 2024 12:27 pm How is the flavor?

Does anyone know if Crimson Carmello at Renee's Garden Seeds is the same hybrid?

I have a nagging suspicion she sometimes plays with tomato hybrid names to make them seem exclusive to her. I love her seeds for herbs, greens and brassicas, but her tomato seeds have not been hugely successful for me.
I like the flavor of the hybrid. I haven’t grown the OP.

The flavor is bright, which some people might describe as tart, tangy or acidic. I would describe it as balanced,with sufficient acidity to enhance the sweetness. Not the sweetest and not the most tart, but not bland or generic either. A bland or generic tomato example would be Moneymaker or Dixie Red, you know you are eating a tomato, but that’s about all you can say about those two, there’s nothing about those two that makes me want to eat any more or ever grow again.

Carmello is unique enough and quality enough and tasty enough to have a shot at getting grown again, but not so wonderful for me that I feel like I have to grow it every year.