No Pest Strips are Toxic to Dogs

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No Pest Strips are Toxic to Dogs


Post: # 97733Unread post Cole_Robbie
Wed May 17, 2023 4:14 pm

Everyone is ok now, but I wanted to share this story, because these strips are very common. “Hot Shot” is the common brand. Dichlorvous, an organophosphate, is the active ingredient. The regulation history of the chemical is sketchy. It was banned, but came back 25 or so years ago in these strips, which carry the warning “do not use in living space.” I have seen them on supply sites for exterminators, who put them in cabinets, which for some reason don’t count as living space. They stink of chemicals and I only use them as a last resort, like a bug bomb. Pop it open, seal the room and run away.

I have used them before around this same dog, always in a separate room with the door closed and a towel at the bottom. Idk if maybe I got a stronger one somehow. One hour later, my dog who has never had health problems and was fine all day, is having uncontrollable muscle spasms and twitching. She could barely stand, couldnt walk straight. She’s 11. My last two shepherds died suddenly in their sleep at 8 and 9, so I just think she’s dying in front of me. This happened at night on a weekend. I live in a rural area without many vet options, and I know my own vet wouldnt do anything.

Car rides are her favorite thing, so I took her for what I thought was going to be one last ride. I had to lift her into the truck. She laid her head in my lap and at one point I saw her eyes roll back in her head. I headed to the grocery store to get some hamburger if she could hang on for a last meal, driving like a drunk even though I’m sober because Im so upset.

And then instead of dying, she slowly got better. We got home and sat outside grilling burgers. And then I finally figured out what had happened. This was a couple days ago and she still doesnt want to come inside.

No pest strips are great for mites and I’m sure a lot of other bugs, but my advice is to keep them away from your dogs, as in not under the same roof.

I did some further research, and found a link to a study about dogs and dichlorvous. Apparently we mammals make an enzyme that neutralizes the poison. Dogs, however, seem to vary widely on the amount of that enzyme they produce. A dose that is lethal to one dog might be asymptomatic to a different dog.

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Re: No Pest Strips are Toxic to Dogs


Post: # 97736Unread post bower
Wed May 17, 2023 4:31 pm

In 2020 a list of uses no longer permitted in Canada, includes the household pest strips.
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Re: No Pest Strips are Toxic to Dogs


Post: # 97737Unread post Cole_Robbie
Wed May 17, 2023 4:39 pm

Bower wrote: Wed May 17, 2023 4:31 pm In 2020 a list of uses no longer permitted in Canada, includes the household pest strips.
Thanks Bower. Here is the link talking about the limited uses still allowed in Canada, looks like unoccupied houses and greenhouse ornamentals still ok: ... orvos.html

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Re: No Pest Strips are Toxic to Dogs


Post: # 97740Unread post Seven Bends
Wed May 17, 2023 5:01 pm

That's a frightening story; I'm glad your dog has recovered. I urge you to report this incident to the pesticide manufacturer and the EPA; here's a link with info about how to do so: ... ic-animals
Bullet points 2 and 6 probably are the relevant ones for you.

Adverse effect reporting is an important way the EPA and other agencies identify pesticides that may need regulatory review -- not necessarily for a ban, but even for something as simple as a label change to better inform users about potential hazards.

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Re: No Pest Strips are Toxic to Dogs


Post: # 97741Unread post Cole_Robbie
Wed May 17, 2023 5:30 pm

Seven Bends wrote: Wed May 17, 2023 5:01 pm That's a frightening story; I'm glad your dog has recovered. I urge you to report this incident to the pesticide manufacturer and the EPA; here's a link with info about how to do so: ... ic-animals
Bullet points 2 and 6 probably are the relevant ones for you.

Adverse effect reporting is an important way the EPA and other agencies identify pesticides that may need regulatory review -- not necessarily for a ban, but even for something as simple as a label change to better inform users about potential hazards.
Thanks for the link. I sent a detailed report just now.

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Re: No Pest Strips are Toxic to Dogs


Post: # 97747Unread post bower
Wed May 17, 2023 7:01 pm

Hugs to your sweet dog!! So glad for you that she recovered.
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Re: No Pest Strips are Toxic to Dogs


Post: # 97759Unread post MissS
Thu May 18, 2023 12:17 am

I'm so glad to hear that your dog is okay and you found the source of her troubles so quickly. Sometimes we do things that we think are harmless yet they have a huge impact on others. It's so hard to know what to do sometimes.
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Re: No Pest Strips are Toxic to Dogs


Post: # 97834Unread post JRinPA
Thu May 18, 2023 9:23 pm

Thanks for the heads up on Hot Shot, best wishes for the dog.

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Re: No Pest Strips are Toxic to Dogs


Post: # 97836Unread post Moth1992
Thu May 18, 2023 9:32 pm

This was rought!

So happy she is ok!

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Re: No Pest Strips are Toxic to Dogs


Post: # 97907Unread post Cole_Robbie
Fri May 19, 2023 3:08 pm

JRinPA wrote: Thu May 18, 2023 9:23 pm Thanks for the heads up on Hot Shot, best wishes for the dog.
I don't see a link to leave you an emoticon response, so let me say thank you with actual words.

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Re: No Pest Strips are Toxic to Dogs


Post: # 97909Unread post worth1
Fri May 19, 2023 3:32 pm

I read up on this stuff, it's pretty toxic.
Glad the pooch is okay.
Years ago when I was a kid my Siamese cat Suki got into something.
Panting and running all over the house and wouldn't stay stil.
She would stop pant pant pant and take off again.
Not like her at all.
Her normal routine was sleeping in top of the refrigerator and sliding off in her sleep only to wake up halfway down to land on her feet.
Acted like she was on meth or something but we didn't have anything like that in the house.
Remember back in those days doctors prescribed this stuff like it was candy.
But we weren't a pill family.
My Mom did have all manner of paint thinners around.
Well anyway we went to town and a few hours later my cat was back to normal.
Never happened again.
25 miles southeast of Waterloo Texas.

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You might as well be arguing with a cat.

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Re: No Pest Strips are Toxic to Dogs


Post: # 97910Unread post LindaJean
Fri May 19, 2023 3:45 pm

What a terrible heart rending scare Cole_Robbie, thank God your dog was strong enough to pull through.
Thanks for alerting everyone to this potentially deadly problem with the stupid poisonous stuff. I bought some spider sticky traps about 7 years ago that claimed it was safe around children and pets. One was underneath the file cabinet my dog happened to chew his toy next to . He had seizures for the first time and more after. I absolutely hate the chemical world, it's diabolical.
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Re: No Pest Strips are Toxic to Dogs


Post: # 98041Unread post Danny
Sun May 21, 2023 1:49 pm

Glad both you and your GS are doing well, scary when something like that happens.
Lindajean, I would just have to give cookies to that face !!
Oh, the shark, babe, has such teeth, dear
And it shows them pearly white.
You know when that shark bites with his teeth, babe
Scarlet billows start to spread.

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