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Post: # 82632Unread post Toomanymatoes
Wed Nov 09, 2022 7:48 am

Anyone ever try growing Pepino before?

I tried this season and the plant grew quite well. Was very slow to start, but eventually produced a couple of fruits. I only managed to harvest 1 and it was before it was ripe since frost was coming. It sat on my counter for a long while. I just tried it yesterday and it tasted somewhat like a melon, but the part that lies just between the sweet melon flesh and the rind. More like the rind, but not bitter and not very sweet. Maybe even a bit like a cucumber.

It is probably too tropical for my zone (Zone 6b).

Just wondering if anyone tried it before.
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Re: Pepino


Post: # 82637Unread post Tormahto
Wed Nov 09, 2022 8:24 am

I tried it many years ago. It was the coldest, rainiest, windiest year of gardening that I ever had. The plant didn't make it. :(

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Re: Pepino


Post: # 82685Unread post Shule
Wed Nov 09, 2022 8:07 pm

I've tried it, once or twice. The first time was my first serious year growing Solanaceae plants from seed (and the hottest year on record, full of spider mites). So, it had a lot of challenges, and didn't fruit or flower.

The tomatoes were much easier in adverse conditions, and more forgiving of my experiments.
Location: SW Idaho, USA
Climate: BSk
USDA hardiness zone: 6
Elevation: 2,260 feet

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