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Collective Farm Woman melon - ripe when?

Posted: Sat Jul 16, 2022 12:15 pm
by zendog
I'm growing Collective Farm Woman melon from some MMMM seeds and it is doing pretty well and I now have about a half a dozen melons growing. Since it isn't exactly a honey dew or other melon I know, how do I know when it is ripe? Here is the largest which is just a big larger than a softball. I know it isn't ripe yet, but it is starting to get a bit of a yellow/golden glow on one end.

Re: Collective Farm Woman melon - ripe when?

Posted: Sat Jul 16, 2022 4:57 pm
by Tormahto
I haven't trialed it, so info is only from what I've read.

It is ripe when it turns golden yellow and slips easily from the vine. (do NOT pick early)

A few people, here at T'junction have grown it, so perhaps they can verify the above.

And, as for melons, I stop watering if I know they are about a week from harvesting.

Re: Collective Farm Woman melon - ripe when?

Posted: Sat Jul 16, 2022 10:57 pm
by JRinPA
Collecting Worm Farm melons when ripe is what I do too...I mean I collect overripe melons for my for my worm farms...wait what the

THat is seriously the way I read it LOL...sometimes I think widescreen monitors are the devil's work. I'm doing that more and more when the words are way to left. I still shoot straight enough so I guess I can live with mild dyslexia from too wide a monitor.

Nice looking melon, good luck with ripeness. edit I keep reading it collective worm farm melon every time.

Re: Collective Farm Woman melon - ripe when?

Posted: Fri Jul 29, 2022 8:51 am
by zendog
I harvested this lovely melon yesterday and shared it with the family for breakfast. Yum.

Pictures over in the Ukrainian grow out thread.


Re: Collective Farm Woman melon - ripe when?

Posted: Mon Aug 01, 2022 3:00 pm
by JRinPA
It looks sort of like a orangish yellowish honeydew? So how did you decide it was ripe? Did it slip off?

I'm seeing the first cantaloupes looking about ready here. But I've never been very good at judging their ripeness either. This rain has been long needed, but now I'm expecting some burst melons.