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long brown sweet pepper?

Posted: Mon Dec 20, 2021 3:20 pm
by habitat-gardener
I bought a pack of long sweet red, orange, and brown peppers in the grocery store, because I'd never seen brown ones and I want to grow a long brown pepper. It's probably a hybrid, though. The package was labeled "Wild Wonders." Very sweet, medium thick, 8-10" long. Maybe a greenhouse variety?? I saved the seeds.

And then I came home and googled to figure out if seed is available and what the name is. The closest I found was a Purple Marconi
The photo suggests that environmental conditions can skew the color toward brown, but the pepper I got didn't have any purple tinge at all, iirc.

So here are my questions:
Has anyone grown out the peppers from a grocery-store Wild Wonders long brown pepper (or something similar) and gotten anything worth growing?
Is a long brown sweet pepper available? (I did grow Sweet Chocolate this year.)

Re: long brown sweet pepper?

Posted: Mon Dec 20, 2021 3:41 pm
by Whwoz
@habitat-gardener we have the same down here. From where I live, about 10 miles will find you at the door of one of Australia's largest greenhouse operations who have a line of long sweet capsicums in Red, Yellow, Orange and Brown. These are sweet and I have saved seed from 2 of each for planting next season to see what comes out of them.

Give growing them out a shot and see what you have.

Re: long brown sweet pepper?

Posted: Mon Dec 20, 2021 7:19 pm
by Growing Coastal
habitat-gardener wrote: Mon Dec 20, 2021 3:20 pm I bought a pack of long sweet red, orange, and brown peppers in the grocery store, because I'd never seen brown ones and I want to grow a long brown pepper. It's probably a hybrid, though. The package was labeled "Wild Wonders." Very sweet, medium thick, 8-10" long. Maybe a greenhouse variety?? I saved the seeds.

And then I came home and googled to figure out if seed is available and what the name is. The closest I found was a Purple Marconi
The photo suggests that environmental conditions can skew the color toward brown, but the pepper I got didn't have any purple tinge at all, iirc.

So here are my questions:
Has anyone grown out the peppers from a grocery-store Wild Wonders long brown pepper (or something similar) and gotten anything worth growing?
Is a long brown sweet pepper available? (I did grow Sweet Chocolate this year.)
Sweet Crescendo from the seeds of a store bought pepper. Love this pepper but could not find seeds anywhere.
Grew it last summer in 4 gal pots. Easy to grow.

A friend and I have wondered about this too and have decided that usually, plants are grown in lots of the same type so cross pollination shouldn't be an issue. She has done it with hot peppers and we both tried it with this variety with great success for both of us.
Delicious, sweet, smoky taste. They are US grown, AZ maybe.

So, do try growing a few to see if they come true. All of ours did.





Re: long brown sweet pepper?

Posted: Tue Dec 21, 2021 3:13 am
by Shule
Huh. Looks a lot like Pasilla Bajio (but that one's not a sweet pepper).

Re: long brown sweet pepper?

Posted: Wed Dec 22, 2021 10:05 pm
by ddsack
Yes, to the original question. I grew out the long brown/chocolate peppers from the multi color pepper bag of Wild Wonders from Aldi store this summer. I also grew the long reds. They were both excellent, very sweet, nice thick walls and the seeds saved from the store peppers produced identical peppers to those purchased. I believe I saved seeds from the orange and yellow versions from the same bag too, but did not end up growing them because I had too many other varieties of similar colors. They are not early peppers, but all plants produced mightily. Here is the original packaging and a sample of the size of the Wild Wonders.

I don't have any new pics handy of the chocolates, but here is what they looked like sliced up for a salad. Beautiful dark red inside. I plan to grow them again.


Re: long brown sweet pepper?

Posted: Fri Dec 24, 2021 6:08 am
by AZGardener
These look similar. ... 48c2&_ss=r
Corno di Toro Chocolate

Re: long brown sweet pepper?

Posted: Fri Dec 24, 2021 6:09 am
by AZGardener
I'll be checking aldi for those wild wonders peppers. Thank you for the information. :-)

Re: long brown sweet pepper?

Posted: Fri Dec 24, 2021 12:05 pm
by habitat-gardener
ddsack wrote: Wed Dec 22, 2021 10:05 pm Yes, to the original question. I grew out the long brown/chocolate peppers from the multi color pepper bag of Wild Wonders from Aldi store this summer. I also grew the long reds. They were both excellent….
How big were the plants?
Most of my pepper plants this year were under 2’ but a few were a lot larger — 5-6’ for the poblanos and Just Sweet, and Biggie Chili 4-5’.

Re: long brown sweet pepper?

Posted: Fri Dec 24, 2021 11:36 pm
by ddsack
I live in a shorter season area, so I am sure they would have kept growing if the weather stayed warmer and gotten taller yet. I use the short cheap tomato cages on my peppers, and I'm guessing they were at least 6-8 inches above the top of the cage. I do have pictures on one of my good camera's but I don't think I ever uploaded those to my computer. Will put it on my list to do. They might have gotten to 30", or a little shorter.

Re: long brown sweet pepper?

Posted: Sat Dec 25, 2021 2:28 am
by Whwoz
@habitat-gardener , these are three of the four colors I mentioned above, the other is an orange of similar size to the ones pictured. Have kept seed from 2 fruits of each colour and will plant a number of each next year.
IMG_0167 (2).JPG