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video uploads

Posted: Sun Sep 19, 2021 1:49 pm
by JRinPA
How are video to be posted up here?
I have a good one off an older digital camera, it is only 90 seconds but weighs over 200 MB. I haven't done much video editing/converting for probably 15 years. What programs do people use now? Or does everyone just upload the raw to youtube?

Re: video uploads

Posted: Sun Sep 19, 2021 10:15 pm
by MissS
I don't know much about older cameras so maybe someone else has a better suggestion. What I do is upload it onto my computer and from there when making your post choose the 'Full Editor & Preview' button. Click on the 'Attachments' tab. Then select 'add files'. Choose the file from your computer, preview it and then submit.

Re: video uploads

Posted: Mon Sep 20, 2021 9:04 am
by Rockoe10
It tends to be better to use an external video hosting site, like YouTube, for larger videos. Usually they will have a converter built in to render the video in lower qualities for easier viewing. It also makes it easier to share the videos across multiple sites and messaging systems. Just share the link.