A few flowers around the garden...
Posted: Fri Jul 30, 2021 3:21 pm
I don't have a lot of flowers planted that aren't part of the vegetables that I have growing, but I do have a few...
I found some cornflower seed that had to be over 10 years old and spread it around the upper pond area... The water hyacinths that I use to help purify the pond water are blooming along with some blanketflower... The main pond's Darwin waterlilies are starting to bloom... And there are a thriving bunch of Gomphrena next to the smaller goldfish enclosure...
I found some cornflower seed that had to be over 10 years old and spread it around the upper pond area... The water hyacinths that I use to help purify the pond water are blooming along with some blanketflower... The main pond's Darwin waterlilies are starting to bloom... And there are a thriving bunch of Gomphrena next to the smaller goldfish enclosure...